[Nfbmd] Share Your Story with NFBMD

Melissa Lomax melissalomax1 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 16 14:39:56 UTC 2014

Hello All!

We all know that blindness is not the characteristic that defines us
or our future—so, let’s help others to believe this too!  Share your
story on the NFBMD website because your words may be the encouragement
that someone may need.  Often times, we fall into the lie that our
story is not powerful enough, that we didn’t do anything out of the
ordinary.  Nonsense!  We have all encountered road blocks, and our
perception of our situation and our view of blindness may have played
a  significant role in getting us past this obstacle.

Possibly, you  were denied access to a  job, class, hobby, or
location, yet through
your determination you not only gained access but you changed others'
opinions about blindness.  Or, you may have been completely miserable
as a  blind person because you felt restricted and dependent; however,
you received training or had an experience that transformed your
entire outlook.  Lastly, you may  have done something super amazing
not because you are blind but because you always wanted to do this
particular thing, and you were not going to let blindness be the one
element that stopped you.  If you fall into one of these
categories—stop, reflect, and write!

All submissions can be emailed to Melissa Lomax at
MelissaLomax1 at gmail.com.  My phone number is 410-608-6118.  Please
call me if you have any questions about your story or the writing

Melissa Lomax

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