[NFBMD] Important Issue Re Transportation

Sherry grayce2001 at md.metrocast.net
Mon Aug 8 23:00:55 UTC 2016


I have checked on line but didn’t find any answers. My son and I are legally blind. My husband has normal vision, so drives us where we need to go, as well as helps us cross traffic, etc. Well, now my husband is having major health problems. He’s going to need a very risky surgery that will require a weeks’ stay in Baltimore, which is a 2-1/2 hour drive from us. Before he can have surgery, my husband needs to spend a day in Baltimore, at University of Maryland Hospital, and have a bunch of testing done. He will be sedated, so will need a driver. Since he has a traumatic brain injury, is hard of hearing, as well as the issue of him being groggy from sedation, I have to go with him to listen to what the test results are, as he would forget a lot of it. I have asked everybody I know that drives but haven’t found anybody willing to help. Taking a cab is out of the question, as we are poor and could never afford it. Are there any transportation options for getting that far? 

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