[NFBMD] {Disarmed} FW: Maryland ABLE Program Survey

nfbmd nfbmd at earthlink.net
Wed Nov 23 14:23:36 UTC 2016

Hello all,
Read below and take the time to complete the survey.  It is very short.  Make your voice heard.  Here is your opportunity to influence and obtain a better process when the ABLE Act system is established.  Thank you.
Sharon Maneki, President
National Federation of the Blind of Maryland
From: Maryland Department of Disabilities [mailto:marylanddepartmentofdisabilities at marylanddepartmentofdisabilities.ccsend.com] On Behalf Of Maryland Department of Disabilities
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2016 6:28 PM
To: nfbmd at earthlink.net
Subject: Maryland ABLE Program Survey







The State of Maryland continues to implement steps toward a functional ABLE Program by October of 2017.  In accordance with Governor Hogan's customer service initiative, it is imperative that Maryland's program be responsive to constituent needs. 
Please take a moment to complete this customer survey to assess your needs as it relates to construction of the ABLE program in Maryland. The survey will be available through December 30th. 
  <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001bnT86zXxpYDRROUP-uQTSUgHpEIOCMuycbKVLxPfBeQOQIQsE5E9Sjhss7r-vAGiZis0TFM1IhI5fYEhdVfjbAhz7q5oC9ITGMNjc-jFMz9auZRufClwTgCR8RjvdkLpdcdGoyb60F27JcTe4K59_E2JOgiqdDBAoWJcBcWxNblvAXsTMAgTJw5kbFLYtM8t&c=0vSlivt_96_zfuGwvDM9IkFYh2-srdeU7osZlnm2Oxg1AfatxF6l_w==&ch=4WW01cf5aebHxZZVGCm_qTMQznRt26XbH9XuPyit4EiNiqC7yE9Mow==> ABLE Survey



Sign up for the ABLE Program Alerts at this link:



Maryland Department of Disabilities, 217 E. Redwood Street, Baltimore, MD 21202

 <https://visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=un&m=001QRqUk8hPS3sMtDr2i2ttDQ%3D%3D&ch=f42490a0-4f6f-11e6-aaf9-d4ae529a8639&ca=4a25b166-43b1-4e06-b745-8e93397c08bf> SafeUnsubscribe™ nfbmd at earthlink.net

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Sent by  <mailto:carrie.mcgraw at maryland.gov> carrie.mcgraw at maryland.gov in collaboration with


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