[NFBMD] Spring Raffle

Melissa Ann Riccobono melissa at riccobono.us
Wed Jan 10 21:43:05 UTC 2018

Hello everyone,

It's that time of year again-time for the NFB of Maryland spring raffle!
Here's how it works. For $5, you receive 1 ticket with a three digit number.
This number is good throughout the month of May. If your number is drawn on
a Sunday through Friday, you instantly win $50. If it is drawn on a
Saturday, you win $100. Yes, it's really that simple! But, to win, you have
to play! So, if you would like to reserve a specific three digit number,
please contact me as soon as possible, but no later than February 10. If the
number is available, and if we can make arrangements for you to pay for the
number or numbers, I will be happy to reserve a number or numbers for you.
After February 10, tickets will be distributed to various sellers around the
state, so I cannot promise to be able to fill specific number requests.

If you would like to sell tickets, please let me know. We definitely need
plenty of ticket sellers to make this raffle a success. We always want to
sell all 1000 tickets. If you sell 50 tickets, you will receive $25 at the
National convention if you attend, or in the mail near the time of the
convention if you cannot attend. Please let me know how many tickets you
would like to sell, and I will be happy to get them to you after February

Questions? Please contact me. 443-708-3663, or

melissa at riccobono.us

Happy raffle!


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