[NFBMD] KNFB Reader and Alexa to attend the May TLC chapter meeting

rsager78 at gmail.com rsager78 at gmail.com
Thu May 17 20:54:23 UTC 2018

Hi Scott, 
I will not be able to be at the chapter this evening. I do have a question for you. 
In your April meeting you had Cecilia Warren speak about Emergency Preparedness. 
I am hoping to have someone come to the National Convention and speak on this topic. I have interested parties but no one wants to commit for coming July 3 which is seminar day. 
Did Cecilia Warren express any interest in joining the NFB or come even for a few days to the  National Convention? I have emailed her three times in the past and, she did not reply to me. I didn't want to be a pest,  however, I do want to have a knowledgable speaker, and, if she might become an  active  member, all the better. Did anyone in your chapter build a repore with her or, did she just come speak, and vanish? 
Thanks with any insight or help you might be able to give me in this matter of finding a speaker for the National Convention. 
Best, Ruth

On May 17, 2018 2:12 PM, "White, Scott via NFBMD" <nfbmd at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> The TLC chapter of the NFB of Maryland will be conducting its May meeting on Thursday, May 17, 2018 at 7:00 PM. We meet at the Image Center in Towson on 300 East Joppa Road, Suite 312.
> This month we will have our chapter member, Joel Zimba tell us all about the latest version of the popular, award winning KNFB Reader 3.0 update that was released last week! Also, Scott White will be providing a glimpse of the upcoming NFB-NEWSLINE Amazon Echo skill that will be released later this year.
> Hope to see you there!
> Scott White, President
> TLC Chapter
> Phone: 410-452-757

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