Melissa Ann Riccobono melissa at riccobono.us
Sun Sep 23 19:56:35 UTC 2018

Yes, we definitely need to make this a priority! I will reach out to Gina to gather a little more info. You are correct; we need accessibility! Thanks for bringing this to our attention.



From: Teresa Graham [mailto:teresagraham3 at gmail.com] 
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2018 12:06 PM
To: Gabe Cazares; Nfbmd at nfbnet.org; Sharon Maneki; Melissa Ann Riccobono


Hello my fellow Federationists,


Our children Naudia, Derrick, Meredith, Alexis and Sujan (all NFB members) are participating in first Lego League. They are planning on using Quorum an accessible programming language in place of the inaccessible LEGO EV3 mindstorms. We need help to reach out to first Lego League Maryland for permission to use this software as the LEGO software is inaccessible and currently the only authorized software in the challenge handbook. I asked Maryland School for the Blind if I can involve the NFB to help advocate for us and they agreed. Last year's event they blind teams needed a sighted adult to use the LEGO software. We want independence! Our kids do not need a sighted adult if they allow a accessible program. How can we make this happen? 

Maryland school for the blind has not been able to get approval. If it does not get approved they would do all this work and unable to compete. They already have a 20 second delay using Quorum. The lead of the team is Gina Fugate contact information: ginaf at mdschblind.com cell 859-582-9070. 

You can show your support and view how much our blind kids are using Quorum by typing #Quorum4first #QuorumFLL #Legoforall #LegoForTheBlind.


Teresa Graham 

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