[NFBMD] An afternoon of crime stories

nfbmd nfbmd at earthlink.net
Sun Sep 30 17:33:05 UTC 2018

Hello all,


The At-Large chapter cordially invites you to an afternoon of crime stories.


Date: October 13th, 2018

Time: 1-4:30pm 

Place: Jernigan Institute, 200 E. Welles St.

($10 donation requested)


You will watch two stories with good "who-done-it" plots that have a blind
character in a dominant role. We will discuss how blindness is portrayed in
each story. 


One story is from the NCIS series (episode "Sight Unseen"), the other is the
pilot episode of the Longstreet detective series. 


Lunch will be available at noon for five dollars. If you would like to
purchase a lunch, please contact Marguerite Woods at 443-271-1668. During
the afternoon, moderately priced snacks and beverages will also be
available. Call Marguerite Woods by October 8th. 


Look forward to seeing you for an afternoon of blindness and mystery!


Sharon Maneki, President

National Federation of the Blind of Maryland



The National Federation of the Blind of Maryland knows that blindness is not
the characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the
expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles
between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you want;
blindness is not what holds you back.


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