[NFBMD] Info for Getting Married in Las Vegas

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Fri Jun 14 21:25:06 UTC 2019

The other thing you may need to consider is that the Minister has to 
be licensed to perform marriages in that state, namely 
Nevada.  Licensed may be the wrong word, and it may be the city or 
county that provides certification.

I got married in Minneapolis -- and used an out-of-state minister of 
my choice.  We went to the county building, the day before the 
wedding and filled out a form, and paid a small fee, and it was 
done.  I think he had to show proof of being a minister too.  So 
something else to check out.


At 06:52 AM 6/14/2019, you wrote:
>Tom Anderson in Kansas I believe can do it. He used to be the 
>braille instructor at the Colorado center until he retired a few years ago.
>On Jun 13, 2019, at 4:19 PM, Michelle Clark via NFBMD 
><<mailto:nfbmd at nfbnet.org>nfbmd at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>One of my Chapter Members is considering getting married while in 
>>Vegas. Her intended will be along on the trip with her! While there 
>>are plenty Wedding Chapters there, we are wondering if perhaps 
>>there is an NFB Member who is  a minister and can perform the ceremony?
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