[NFBMD] Midday Pick Me Up - Update

Ashley Biggs -LBPH- ashley.biggs1 at maryland.gov
Thu Apr 23 17:49:42 UTC 2020

Hi everyone,

We apologize for the unforeseen technical difficulties Tuesday for starting
the Midday Pick Me Up series and for the delayed communication. We are
working to resolve the problem and will be postponing the series until next
week. Beverly Jackey and Erin Jewell will still co-host the same eight
segments over the next four weeks on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:30-2:15
pm. The new dates will be *April 28th, 30th, May 5th, 7th, 12th, 14th,
19th, and 21st.* The sequence of sessions will be the same, starting with
"The New Reality of Grocery Shopping."

To make things more convenient, we are switching platforms and offering
this series via another system called Webex. We will provide you with a
call-in number and access code early next week. In an effort to save time,
we will no longer call roll or record these sessions. All you need to do is
call in, listen, and enjoy!

To register for a session, please click here: https://bit.ly/UMELBPHTalkshow

For full information about the program, click here:

We appreciate your patience, and we look forward to you joining us next




*Ashley M. Biggs*
*Marketing & Outreach Librarian*
Maryland State Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
Maryland State Library
415 Park Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21201-3603

410-230-2430 (office) | 667-209-1563 (cell) | 410-333-2095 (fax)
ashley.biggs1 at maryland.gov


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