[NFBMD] Tonight: Freezing Foods for Freshness

Ashley Biggs -LBPD- ashley.biggs1 at maryland.gov
Tue Apr 13 18:44:10 UTC 2021

Hi everyone!

*Tonight - *We have a guest host tonight! Please welcome Matt Nixon!

April 13, 2021 @ 6:30 PM
Freezing Foods for Freshness
Freezing is the easiest and quickest method to preserve fresh produce from
your garden or local farmer’s market so you ‘savor their flavors’
year-round. Learn some quick tips with Jeanette Jeffrey to freeze fruits,
vegetables, and proteins without the (freezer) burn! This program is
offered in partnership with the University of Maryland's Extension Office,
Family, and Consumer Sciences department. Registration closes at 6PM.

*And don't forget next week!*

April 21, 2021 @ 6:30 PM
Celebrate Victims’ Rights Week with the Office of the State’s Attorney for
Baltimore City!
Join Terrie Lewis, Victim Advocate for Individuals with Disabilities at the
Office of the State’s Attorney for Baltimore City to learn about Victim’s
Rights. This discussion will cover rights within the Criminal Justice
System, and the services that the State’s Attorneys’ Office Victim Witness
Unit Provides.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me!


Ashley Biggs
Outreach and Marketing Librarian

*Ashley M. Biggs*
*Marketing & Outreach Librarian*
Maryland State Library for the Blind and Print Disabled
Maryland State Library
415 Park Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21201-3603

410-230-2430 (office) | 667-209-1563 (cell) | 410-333-2095 (fax)
ashley.biggs1 at maryland.gov


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