[NFBMD] Blind adult grade 2 Braille readers needed for research study on tactile labels in knit and woven fabric

Blake, Lou Ann LBlake at nfb.org
Thu May 20 14:20:41 UTC 2021

The below research participant solicitation is being provided for informational purposes only. The National Federation of the Blind has no involvement in this research.

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Mingxia Xue and I am a Masters of Textiles student at North Carolina State University. I am conducting research on the legibility of braille in woven and knit fabric.  The purpose of this study is to explore whether the development of a tactile braille structure can be woven or knitted into fabrics for the blind. My aim is to embed fabric information and care instructions into clothing through braille structures to help the blind label and care for the clothing. The information that you provide will give me valuable insights into the legibility of braille structures on fabric that could ultimately be used in clothing for the blind. Your participation in this study is voluntary.

To conduct this research, I am seeking participants who are the blind, above the age of 18, and can read grade 2 braille. To participate, you will be sent fabric samples in the mail that have braille woven and knit into the material. Once you receive the samples, please do not open the package until we have an interview, which will take place over Zoom or on the phone. You will be asked a series of questions related to your experience when reading the braille on the fabric samples and your purchase preferences. This interview will be audio-recorded and it will take 30-45 minutes to complete. You will not be asked to send the samples back.

If you would like to participate, please reply to this email address (mxue4 at ncsu.edu<mailto:mxue4 at ncsu.edu>) with your phone number. I will contact you to obtain your verbal consent. This information will only be accessible to the research team on a password-protected file that will be deleted once the samples are sent. Audio recordings will also be password protected and used for research purposes only.

This research is minimal risk and there is no benefit to participants, though I hope that the information that is shared with me will help in the development of a braille system that can be used in clothing for the blind.

If you have questions at any time about the study itself or the procedures implemented in this study, you may contact me Mingxia Xue (mxue4 at ncsu.edu<mailto:mxue4 at ncsu.edu>, 9193278848) or my faculty advisor, Professor Kate Nartker (kenartke at ncsu.edu<mailto:kenartke at ncsu.edu>, 4158162393).

Thanks again for your time and effort.

Mingxia Xue,

Graduate Student, Wilson College of Textiles
North Carolina State University

Lou Ann Blake, J.D.
Director of Research Programs, Blindness Initiatives
200 East Wells Street, Baltimore, MD 21230
(410) 659-9314, extension 2221 | lblake at nfb.org<mailto:lblake at nfb.org>

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