[NFBMD] TLC Chapter Drawing for AirPods and AirTags -Please Support Our Chapter Fundraiser

Ellen Ringlein germlish77 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 20 01:11:59 UTC 2024

Dear NFB Friends,


Our TLC chapter is raffling off Apple Airpods and a set of AirTags. Who
doesn't need more iPhone-related gadgets? You could be a lucky winner and
support a good cause at the same time.


For each $5.00 donation your name will be entered once into the drawing.
Only 300 slots are available, so your odds of winning are high. To make a
donation, please contact TLC chapter president  Millie Rivera or me. We
accept donations via Zelle. Zelle donations may be made using the email
address tlcchapter at nfb.org <mailto:tlcchapter at nfb.org> . Please put "TLC
Raffle in the Zelle memo. You can also contact the chapter by email
(tlcchapter at nfbmd.org <mailto:tlcchapter at nfbmd.org> ) with any questions.
The raffle closes on May 1 and we plan to draw the winner during our May



Please help spread the word about this TLC chapter fundraiser. And I hope
that some of you will help us out by donating to enter the drawing.




Ellen Ringlein, Secretary

NFB of Maryland TLC Chapter

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