[nfbmi-talk] FW: What is Next for the College Policy?

Elizabeth lizmohnke at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 23 02:32:06 UTC 2010

Hello List,


As promised in tonight's phone conference, hear is the information I received about the college policy. I will be busy writing term papers and studying for finals the next two weeks, but after my classes are done for the semester I would like to hold a phone conference with anyone who is interested to discuss this issue in more detail. It is my hope that our organization can draft a policy as a whole to submit to the Commission for consideration. 





From: geri.taeckens at isahealthfund.org
To: lizmohnke at hotmail.com
Subject: Re: What is Next for the College Policy?
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 06:41:43 -0400

Elisabeth, I am so glad you wrote!  I just completed putting together the plan and some documents for the college policy work  day to be held June 21. I sent it out to several people, asking that they share it with others. I didn't have your e-mail.  It is not on the list serve yet, because, as I said, I just completed the plan of action.  Many administrators are at a conference in Maryland this week, so it may be next week before it's up on the server.  For now, I will attach the documents and paste in the announcement below in this e-mail.  Thank you so much for all your interest and time in this matter.  It is really appreciated!
Geri Taeckens

To all interested constituents who want to provide input to the MCB college policy.
Please be sure to e-mail your comments to Commissioner Taeckens at the following e-mail address.
accesstherapy at gmail.com
  Be absolutely sure to put colpol in the subject box or I may not open the e-mail.  All comments will be combined into a document which will be put on MCB’s list serve and generated to anyone who submits ideas by June 14, a week before the college policy work meeting on Monday, June 21, at the Victor building, time and room yet to be announced.  If you would prefer to call, my phone number is 906-635-3439. I do not take calls after 9 p. m.  I will return all calls when possible.  Feel free to share this e-mail with anyone who might be interested.
I have attached documents that will help you in your provision of input to the college policy process.  I still need to acquire the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA,), so we have all the documents that relate to this policy. I will forward this on when I receive it. If anyone has a request for other related documents, just ask.  
Below is a summary of the items that need to be addressed.  Welcome aboard this rather unique process and thank you for your partisipation.  
Commissioner Geri Taeckens
Policy Items  to be considered:
I. Mission statement:
Purpose of policy
Policy A.  Prerequisites for college and other post secondary training 
What should the policy say?
1.  Should include   College preparation, when, where, skills to be address?
2.  Address responsibilities of client and councilor for locating educational institution, what documents required
3. The IPE process and what should be included?
Policy B.  Accreditation
Must include clarification of accreditation, 
1.    Exceptions?
Policy C.  Duration of Training
Policy should address time lines, coarse loads. Should this all be listed under the IPE. 
1.    Should include clarification of semesters, 
2.    Address summer school, 
3.    Need to take breaks in educational program.
4.    , changes in majors or in IPE goals. 
5.    address number of associates, bachelors, secondary  degrees, 
6.    Community verses 4 year college.
Policy D.  Financial Aid
Must, by RSA requirement, identify that MCB can only provide financial aid after other resources are exhausted.
1.     Should address Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA,), 
2.     must clarify SSI benefits can’t be utilized for tuition and supplies, 
3.     what scholarships can not be considered by MCB to supplement, 
4.     What MCB can and will pay for related to education.
5.     MCB responsibility to assist with finding other grants and resources available to students to help offset the cost, 
6.     Need to address DELEG/MCB Statement of Financial Need.  
7.     Some statement of support for students whose families might not contribute despite what (FAFSA) says. 
8.     Must also address deadlines for paper work to be submitted.
9.     Discuss the question, how does MCB help students not end up with college debt and stay with in the federal and state guidelines for financial support?
10.                       Address out of state or abroad colleges.  Should, can, MCB pay more than the in-state fees?  What circumstances should be considered?  Is this an IPE issue?
11.                       Discuss the Memorandum of Understanding, (MOU) the role and responsibility of MCB and the client to address issues of conflict between the 3 entities.  This may need to be a separate policy.
Policy E.  Academic Progress
Must address responsibility of clients and MCB  for providing financial support based on educational performance.
1.     Define probation.
2.     How can client access help, when, where if having educational difficulty?
3.     What will happen if student is on probation? 
4.     What are the financial responsibilities for client, MCB if client takes incomplete or fails a class?
Policy F.  Advanced Degrees/Graduate Degrees
Statement of MCB financial provision  for advanced degrees.
Discuss acceptance of client request for advance degree under what, if any circumstances.
Address academic issues and how it related to continued financial support.
Other ideas:
The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with Hotmail.
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