[nfbmi-talk] MPAS Michigan Rules and Reguulations

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Mon Aug 9 13:37:33 UTC 2010

Hi Fred,

>From what I heard Brown did reference appropritely the segments of the Rehab 
Act. I'm referring to her comments on duration of service (timelines), and 
needs testing, and loans. In other words she was right, as far as she went.

She also recused herself from that final vote which I found most intersting. 
This is where I might challenge her in that basically staff attempted to ram 
through a policy that she (Brown) knew violated the Rehab Acts duration of 
services provisions, or could.

Actually they can "encourage" anything in a policy, but they cannot fix a 
timeline on any individual or on the class.

Again I've got other issues with MPAS and CAP on that are more substantial 
than the college policy issue right now.

Of course, I'm going only on Brown's comments during the recorded meeting 
and am not privy to what she has done or not done prior to that.

I hope you understand the distinctions I'm drawing here Fred and again I 
applaud all the fine work that you and Elizabeth have done on this issue.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Fred Wurtzel" <f.wurtzel at comcast.net>
To: "'NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List'" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
Cc: "'Jeanette Brown'" <jbrown at mpas.org>
Sent: Sunday, August 08, 2010 10:42 PM
Subject: [nfbmi-talk] MPAS Michigan Rules and Reguulations

> Joe,
> Have you seen Michigan's rules re the following?
> The Secretary shall prescribe regulations applicable to the client
> assistance program which shall include the following requirements:
> (1) No employees of such programs shall, while so employed, serve as staff
> or consultants of any rehabilitation project, program, or facility 
> receiving
> assistance under this Act in the State.
> (2) Each program shall be afforded reasonable access to policymaking and
> administrative personnel in the State and local rehabilitation programs,
> projects, or facilities.
> MPAS's behavior in sitting on the College Policy Committee as an advocate
> for the agency seems to be in violation of this rule.  I may be wrong, but
> it seems that did Jeanette Brown not only represent the agency against 
> blind
> people, but she gave wrong advice re the rehabilitation act and its rules.
> If she were a doctor, this would be malpractice.  Is there any standard of
> ethics for MPAS?  Now consider that email you sent about "assessable"
> documents, when she was clearly giving you wrong and misleading advice and
> failing to take your concerns seriously or attempting to resolve the 
> issues.
> Where is the ethical behavior?  Is there no shame?  Who holds MPAS
> accountable?  Certainly MCB cannot reasonably monitor MPAS since MPAS 
> should
> be monitoring MCB.  Is MPAS subject to state or federal audits?  Are there
> such audits or monitoring reports available?
> Thanks for sending the law.  Sooner or later we will find a sympathetic 
> ear
> and these people will be dealt with, even if we have to go to court to sue
> the advocates who should be suing on our behalf over the wrongful behavior
> of MCB.  Again, thanks.
> Warmest Regards,
> Fred
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