[nfbmi-talk] recent blog interview w pat cannon
joe harcz Comcast
joeharcz at comcast.net
Tue Aug 10 16:12:26 UTC 2010
DETNEWS | Weblogs | Disabilities Blog
Public policy
Posted by
McKinzie Brantley
on Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 8:29 AM
Transportation, jobs key for people with disabilities
Recently, I interviewed
Patrick Cannon,
state director for the Michigan Commission for the Blind, Michigan's ADA coordinator and disability policy advisor to Gov. Granholm. In this second part
of our conversation, he spoke about the need to increase transportation options and reduce unemployment among Michigan's residents with disabilities.
Q: Is there anything Michigan can do to lower the unemployment rate of individuals with disabilities?
A: There are several things that we have done and continue to do, including our efforts to help the employer community understand the importance of focusing
on the abilities of people with disabilities rather than the disabilities. People with disabilities do not want a gift or handout. They don't want to be
given a job for which they are not qualified. They simply want an opportunity to compete for jobs on the basis of their abilities and what they can do.
Further, our increased activities to promote entrepreneurism, job training and re-training definitely include people with disabilities. We're also using
federal grants to help provide work experience and employment opportunities for people with disabilities.
Q: Transportation is an ongoing issue for Michigan residents with disabilities. Please share your thoughts on our current infrastructure and how we can
improve it and its accessibility.
A: We have clearly made progress in terms of improving the accessibility of public transportation in Michigan over the past 20 years. Where public transportation
does exist today, it is generally regarded as being very accessible. The greatest challenge remaining for many people with disabilities is the fact that
they live in an area where there is simply no public transportation. Our challenge is to help address this unmet demand.
The Michigan Developmental Disabilities Council,
in cooperation with the Michigan Department of Transportation, has formed a Transportation Work Group which collaborates with several public and private
entities to promote greater access to public transportation for people with disabilities. The Michigan Public Transit Association and numerous local advocacy
coalitions have been formed throughout the state, such as Public Transportation Advocates of Kent County, to help address the cause.
Transportation Access Advocacy 101"
and "Let's Get Moving" are examples of projects initiated as a result of these efforts. One of the strategies most often promoted by advocates is the appointment
of persons with disabilities to serve on local public transit boards as well as on local advisory committees.
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