[nfbmi-talk] Imagination Fund Grant

melinda latham youthslammi at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 19 11:03:52 UTC 2010

I agree with Dave we don't need to pick just one project.  It's not like its the Youth outreach or the student divison.   I think that they are both equally important programs and both need the support of the affiliate to survive.  I beleive strongly that both should be working hand and hand.
Elizabeth, i must correct something you said. THe youth outreach has received imagination fund money but I have no idea about a cane travel program.  We recieved a grant for operations costs and programs.  Yes, we have recieved auction funds from state convention but if my memory serves me correctly so have the students.    Yes, i am seeking state support as i should.  However, lets be realistic about what programs the youth outreach have ran, they are not cheap.  To think that the youth program can be ran on 1,500 a year is crazy.  I have gotten outside grants in the excess of 11,000 dollars this year, not including camp T money.  It is an expensive program.
Bottom line is we don't have to summit just one application as long as the board approves.  The ulitmate discuss is up to the imagination fund committee.  I really do want to work with the student division.  I'd love to see us both get money these are both very worth wild programs.  
To be clear, in my earlier email i wasn't trying to say Camp T doesn't deserve funding or it cost the affiliate money my point was just that that wasn't the purpose of applying for imagination funds.  I think our programs and camp t in general is a very benefitical program.

Youth Outreach Coordinator, NFB of MI 

--- On Thu, 8/19/10, David Robinson <drob1946 at gmail.com> wrote:

From: David Robinson <drob1946 at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] Imagination Fund Grant
To: "'NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List'" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
Date: Thursday, August 19, 2010, 6:29 AM

Dear Elizabeth,

   I agree with the observations you made,and I am not sure why the student
division has gone for some time without attention.  Perhaps it is because
other issues have dominated our attention or perhaps it is because the
student division has not been aggressive enough.  It is my understanding
that more then one application can be submitted, so perhaps the student
division needs to get together and complete an application for funding.
This application then should go to the state board on August 28.  Not so
much for approval, but just so we as the state board know of those
applications being submitted.  It would be my postion tht if such
applications are not presented to the board that they do not receive the
affiliates support.   Just be sure that the funds applied for will in some
manner benefits and strengthen the affiliate. 


-----Original Message-----
From: nfbmi-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nfbmi-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org]
On Behalf Of Elizabeth
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 12:21 AM
To: nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org
Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] Imagination Fund Grant

Hello All,

Thank you all for the comments you have posted so far. It looks as though
there is a good discussion about the Imagination Fund grant. Based on the
application materials, it is not clear on how many grants we can apply for
in the application process.

While I believe the camps at Camp T this year sound like a great success, I
am not quite sure how funding these camps help us grow as an affiliate
especially when we cannot receive the names and contact information for the
youth who attend these camps.

As to date, the youth program has already reaped the benefits of receiving
an Imagination Fund grant for a cane travel seminar at state convention, and
now it is going to be receiving the funds from our state auction for the
second time. While on the other hand, the student division has received
little, if any financial support from the state affiliate. In fact, if I
recall correctly, the students who attended Washington Seminar this year had
to pay for their own room in order to attend the student seminar.

If the student division cannot receive any support from the state affiliate,
then how exactly is it suppose to exist? I would love to be able to follow
up with those who applied for a national scholarship this year, but I do not
have the ability to do this because I cannot receive the contact information
for these students. s going to show up to the seminar?

I think we have done an excellent job at building our youth program, but I
am concerned that we will lose the youth we bring into our state affiliate
as they out grow the youth program. What I would like to see happen in our
affiliate is for us to provide a place for young adults to find their niche
as they transition from the youth program into adulthood. I understand that
simply providing a scholarship program for college students may not
automatically guarantee a thriving student division filled with young
capable leaders, but at least it is a place to start.


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