[nfbmi-talk] important historical notes

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Sat Aug 28 12:30:27 UTC 2010


Recently Mr. ADA has stated both in his comments to Dan Fry in the Braille Monitor and in other recent comments that he only became aware of ADA issues recently including signage and accessible format issues. In addition after yesterday's meeting, and in a tirade against me witnessed by Larry he claimed that the Victor Office building was now fully compliant among other things.

Regardless these minutes show my public comments in part on these issues. What they don't reflect were ongoing and detailed information sent by myself and officially by MCBVI on these issues, and that they included all state building and programs and that included MCB's operations themselves. Moreover these issues again were addressed in formal motions in a CIC meeting unanimously supported by all consumer group representatives and I will submit that when I find it.

But, there is another interesting note here in that Larry Best at that time routinely sent to commissioners full budget reports routinely. 

Fast forward to the present in which substantial ADA violations occur daily in that consumers, BEP operators, and members of the public do not get even requested information in accessible formats and in a timely manner even after requests. The examples are too numerous to mention over time, but this has been documented by refusals in whole or part on my numerous requests for accessible information a plenty. Moreover, if people look at the 2008 Consumer Satisfaction Survey of Closed cases on the MCB web site they will see a pattern and practice of these violations in that a substantial portion of respondents in question number two didn't get one item in accessible format from eligibility/application to closure. Not one!

Moreover anyone can site the lack of raised character and Braille signage today throughout the Victor Office building (and I mean top to bottom). This is even after they added some compliant signage on the first floor and in the very conference room a-b that we meeting that was installed sometime after my complaints of March 19, 2010. That sure was a long time for Mr. ADA to partially comply eh?

And even more buildings that McB resides in like Cadillac PLace, the Flint Office building and so on and so forth have substantial compliance issues never adress. Ditto for the one-stops that MCB and MRS are required to make fully accessable under the Workforce Investment Act.

Now another important point here: Larry Best routinelAsper the budget issue, that issue was brought up at yesterday's meeting. Apparently commissioners since the passage of Larry Best have not been privy to financials. They are now requesting information which is good. But, this goes to the corralling of information even to commissioners by cCannon. And it simply speaks legions about the malfesance and lack of open governance in MCB.

Joe Harcz
DLEG - April 2002 Commission Meeting Minutes

April 2002 Commission Meeting Minutes






APRIL 15, 2002










Table with 2 columns and 2 rows


Ms. Peeti Greene, Vice Chairperson


Mr. Donald Bowman


Ms. Jo Ann Pilarski


table end




Ms. Barbara Thomas




Table with 2 columns and 6 rows


Mr. Patrick Cannon


Ms. Connie Kreiner


Mr. Larry Best


Mr. James Buscetta


Ms. Melody Lindsey


Mr. Fred Wurtzel


Mr. Bernie Kramer


Mr. David Robinson


Ms. Corda Moss


Ms. Sherry Gordon


Ms. Lisa Kisiel


Ms. Janet McInnis

table end




Ms. Kim Harding




Table with 2 columns and 13 rows


Mr. Larry Posont


Ms. Donna Posont


Ms. Beth Harvey


Ms. Valerie Barnum-Yarger


Ms. Charis Austin


Mr. Joe Harcz


Mr. Victor Stoddard


Ms. Barbara Walker


Mr. Ray Cramer


Mr. Mike Perry


Ms. Marlene Schwartz


Ms. Sheila Latham


Ms. Mary Wurtzel


Mr. Geer Wilcox


Mr. Casey Dutmer


Ms. Elizabeth Lennon


Ms. Annette Skellenger


Ms. Charlotte Czarnecki


Ms. Mary Steenstra


Mr. Jonathan Steenstra


Mr. David Steenstra


Ms. Jennifer Van Den Brink


Ms. Sharon Lake


Mr. Dennis Frey


Mr. Richard Long


Mr. Carl Pilarski

table end




            Vice-Chairperson Greene called the Committee of the Whole Meeting to order at 9:14 a.m.  The first item for discussion was the format of the

Committee of the Whole.  Before his passing, Chairperson Steenstra had suggested that the Committee of the Whole portion of the meeting take on a dialogue

circle format.  It was suggested that Mr. John Victory be invited to the next Commission meeting to clarify the dialogue circle format.


            Both Commissioner Pilarski and Commissioner Bowman reported on the Business Enterprise Program (BEP) Annual Workshop.  Ms. Pilarski said that

it was a very good meeting where she learned a lot about retirements, promotional agents, and policies within the BEP.  Mr. Bowman said that he had detected

a much more positive morale among BEP vendors than he had in the past.  Also, he reported that the food show was very informative and he saw lots of new

technology for BEP vendors.  He commended Larry Best for his honesty in speaking with the vendors and said that Mr. Best had earned their trust.


            Ms. Greene said that she was unable to attend the Marketing Committee and Diversity Committee meetings due to surgery.  She asked Director Cannon

to provide an update on these two committees.  Mr. Cannon reported that the Diversity Committee had met in Lansing and that Director Howard was considering

a request for the purchase of fans for use in African-American churches which will provide information about the Michigan Commission for the Blind.  Permission

was received to produce some public service announcements about Commission services.  Ms. Greene said that she had been in touch with the regional director

of the mid-east Michigan area of Comcast Cablevision and he had agreed to play the public service announcements on all of the cable facilities in the area.

 She said that she had also had the opportunity to speak at Cobo Hall to 1,400 people and had informed the audience of the Commission and its services.


            Mr. Bowman said that he had also attended the Consumer Involvement Council meeting and one issue that was discussed extensively was the new

Business Enterprise Program operator assessment which will require operators to have certain basic skills before they enter the program and have their

own vending location.


            Finally, Ms. Pilarski said that she had had a very positive experience with the listserve.  She had inquired on the listserve as to where an

acquaintance who did not meet the legal requirements to be served but who did have visual problems could obtain a magnifier.  She complimented MCB staff

and said that she had received many helpful responses.  Also, she said that Mr. Joe Harcz had donated and brought to the meeting a magnifier for the person’s







            The regular meeting was called to order at 10:11 a.m.  Roll call was taken and a quorum was present.




            Vice-Chairperson Greene said that Chairperson Steenstra had been an excellent leader and had been very encouraging to each Commissioner.  She

asked for a moment of silence in remembrance.


            Ms. Kim Harding, Governor’s Office liaison, presented a tribute from the Governor to Mr. Steenstra’s family.  A plaque which was made at the

Training Center was also presented to the family.  Ms. Pilarski and Mr. Bowman also expressed their high regard for Mr. Steenstra and spoke of his integrity.


            Finally, Director Cannon told the Steenstra family that Earl would be missed and that he was considered a friend and a colleague.  Mr. Bernie

Kramer read the tribute to Earl’s legacy and Mr. Cannon presented it to the family.









            Ms. Elizabeth Lennon, one of the original MCB Commission Board members, was present and welcomed the Commission to Kalamazoo.


            Mr. Joe Harcz said that he was happy to be back at the Training Center and noted how pleased he was with the training he had received there.

 Further, Mr. Harcz said that he was concerned that state and local agencies are not accessible to people who are blind.  He said that he would like to

see the Commission and the two consumer groups take an active role to ensure that equal access of information is made available from state and local agencies.

 He also urged all blind people to remain vigilant for their own rights.


            Mr. Dave Steenstra, oldest son of Earl Steenstra, took the opportunity to thank the Commission for the tribute paid to his father.  He also

presented the Commission with the money that had been received in his father’s name to the special fund established in honor of Earl.


            Mr. Geer Wilcox said that he realized that the discussion on P.A. 260 at the previous Commission meeting had been rather heated, but said that

there are very real feelings about the Act not being fulfilled and that the focus needs to be on the issue.  People should not take what is being said

personally.  Regarding the format of the meetings, Mr. Wilcox expressed his idea that it might not be necessary to have a report from each unit within

the agency at each meeting.


Ms. Mary Wurtzel said that the item on the agenda entitled “Consumer Vision for the Training Center” is one of the most important items to be discussed

for blind people.  She said that young people coming out of the public school system do not have the kind of skills they will need to be competitive in

the world and she sees a lot of senior citizens who are newly blind and who do not have the skills of blindness.  But, even more than skills, she said

that people need a positive attitude.


Mr. Casey Dutmer said that he would like to echo Mr. Harcz’s comments about accessibility in state government.  Also, regarding the discussion at the previous

meeting on P.A. 260, Mr. Dutmer said that the Commissioners had been provided with a pretty comprehensive list of issues and needs relative to the Act.

 He also felt that changing the formats of the meetings was a good idea and suggested concentrating on one area and dialoguing about process.




            There was no Board correspondence.




            Ms. Kim Harding, liaison to the Governor’s Office, thanked the Commission Board for their recent support for the Governor’s High-Speed Internet

plan.  The plan will be implemented in November.


            Ms. Harding informed the Board that the Governor had submitted a plan that will expand health care coverage to Social Security Income 1619B

population.  The plan also allows for the purchase of technology, transportation and personal assistance.  It is hoped that the plan will be accepted so

that implementation can begin on October 1.




            Director Cannon called attention to the written MCB report for more detail.  Mr. Cannon said several events were being held in Ann Arbor during

the coming week.  First, the Mini-Adjustment Program was being held there.  Also, Mr. Cannon said he would be speaking at the Ann Arbor District Library

on “Changing Lives, Changing Attitudes.”  Another event, sponsored by the Commission and the Washtenaw County Library for the Blind, is “Visions 2002 –

What’s New in Technology and Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired.”


            Mr. Cannon further reported that one of Gwen McNeal’s clients, Mr. Terrance Mitchell, is the first blind person to be certified as a “Microsoft

Certified Systems Engineer” by the Microsoft Corporation.  He is now employed by the Internal Revenue Service.


            Mr. Cannon said that staff and Commissioners would be participating in another round of Discovery Learning Training in the coming months.  Last

year twenty-four individuals received training and this year an additional twenty-four people will receive the training.


            Finally, Director Cannon updated the Commissioners on the early retirement legislation which had passed.  Mr. Cannon said that about one-third

of Commission staff are eligible for the early retirement program and about ten individuals are expected to take advantage of the incentive, an additional

twelve individuals are still considering the option and another twelve are eligible but not interested in taking the option.  Staff have until the end

of April to submit their application and until May 15 to withdraw it.






            Ms. Melody Lindsey reported that she is holding meetings with the rehabilitation teachers to look at ways that braille proficiency can be improved

at the Center and also to explore ways that the braille book collection at the Center can be expanded.


            She also reported that meetings continue with the Michigan Career and Technical Institute (MCTI) to seek ways that MCTI can provide career training

for blind people.  John Boes, a counselor at the Center, will be enlisted to assist in this endeavor.


            With regard to the exercise room that is being assembled at the Training Center, Ms. Lindsey said that the community had been very responsive

in donating exercise equipment.  She commended Jim Baird for putting so much effort and enthusiasm into the project.


            Ms. Lindsey reported that planning was continuing on the national conference on residential training centers which the Rehabilitation Services

Administration is coordinating.  Ms. Lindsey indicated that she would be attending a planning meeting in the coming week.


            She said that the National Federation of the Blind and the American Council of the Blind hold informational meetings once a month for the students

at the Center and said that the meeting schedule had been set for the coming year.








            Ms. Charis Austin, representing the Michigan Council of the Blind and Visually Impaired, and Ms. Barbara Walker, representing the National Federation

of the Blind, were present to discuss a consumer vision for the Training Center.  Ms. Austin began by expressing her appreciation to Melody Lindsey for

the effort she has made to include the consumer organizations.  Ms. Austin said the following items are relevant to the vision for the Training Center.

 First, the Training Center has to have versatile programming so that needs of all consumers can be met.  There also needs to be a core curriculum.  There

needs to be a technology resource center, inclusive of high-tech and low-tech devices.  Families need to be included in the training and educated about

blindness.  Finally, mentoring should be available once the person goes home.


            Ms. Donna Posont introduced Ms. Barbara Walker, currently the chairperson of the Commission for the Blind in Nebraska and an NFB member, to

present the NFB’s vision for a training center.  One very important component is a partnership between consumers and service providers.  She also stressed

that a core curriculum is essential.  She talked about mentoring and said that an orientation center should be friendly, but also encourage students to

stretch beyond what is comfortable.  She said that the length of stay at a center needs to be long enough.  An orientation center should have high expectations

of its students.  She talked about the use of sleep shades and said that the students in the training center in Nebraska have chosen to use them every

time and said that the sleep shades are an important learning tool.




            Ms. Annette Skellenger was present to provide an overview of the rehabilitation program at Western Michigan University.  There are five programs

within the Department of Rehabilitation that offer seven degrees.  There are eight full-time faculty and a ninth will be added.  Student enrollment for

the fall is expected to be full.  She said they appreciate the assistance they receive from the Commission and the Training Center for supervision of practicum

and internships.  In response to a question by Mr. Cannon, she stated that the closing of the visually impaired teaching program at Michigan State University

would affect Western’s program and she hoped that they would be able to meet the demands this would put on their program, but she stated that she wasn’t

sure it would be feasible.




            Mr. Buscetta said that the Commission Board had been provided with the Small Business Policy and he was seeking approval of the policy.




            Mr. Buscetta introduced Ms. Sherry Gordon, Assistant Supervisor of the Northwest Region.  Ms. Gordon introduced Ms. Sharon Lake, an instructor

with MCTI.  Ms. Lake said that she has worked with three blind students in her time at MCTI and finds that their motivation in the program is most integral

to their success.


            Ms. Gordon introduced another community partner, Goodwill Industries of Southeast Michigan, represented by Mr. Dennis Frye and Ms. Marlene Scwhartz.

 Mr. Frye presented an overview of Goodwill Industries and the services they provide.  He told also of the broad and diverse community relationships that

have been developed over the years.  Ms. Schwartz said that she provides computer skills training at the Training Center through Goodwill Industries and

invited everyone to visit the room at the Training Center where she provides the training.


            Ms. Gordon reported that the College Preparatory program will occur again in the summer at Western Michigan University and referrals to the

program are being received


            The meeting was recessed for lunch at 12:25 p.m.




            The meeting was called back to order at 1:16 p.m.  Because Ms. Pilarski had to leave the meeting, a quorum was not present for the afternoon





            Dr. Richard Long, Professor in the Blind Rehabilitation Department at WMU, said that the Department had received a grant from the National Institutes

of Health to do a study of “Access of Pedestrians with Blindness to Complex Intersections.”  The access problems that roundabouts pose have been identified

and they are now beginning to look at possible solutions to those problems.  Dr. Long also told of another grant that the Department had received as a

subcontractor to work on research involving wayfinding technologies.  He said that technology is about to revolutionize orientation and mobility.




            Mr. Best said that MCB was halfway through the budget year and 45.3% of the budget has been spent.  He also said that he had mailed a revised

budget to the Commissioners which includes all the revenue received for the year to date and said that it was not as austere as he had anticipated.  Cash-match

circumstances remain tight and Mr. Best said that repairs to the Training Center will need to be completed in the current fiscal year to assist with the



            Mr. Best said that because the new Department of Information Technology had been formed, Julia Burdgick’s and Sherry Heibeck’s positions had

been transferred to the department but they are assigned to the Commission.  Because of this and other changes, the net effect is that the budget for the

next fiscal year is up by $258,600.




            Mr. Fred Wurtzel said he was happy to report that Mr. Casey Dutmer had been re-elected as Chairperson of the Elected Operators Committee and

that this would allow the opportunity to continue building on the work that has begun.


            Mr. Wurtzel said that space has been identified for vending in the

Cadillac Place building in Detroit which once again identifies  problems with the appropriations process.  Monies for rental of space is appropriated two

or three years in advance, thus no funds are available in the Commission budget for rental of this space in the current year.  Mr. Wurtzel hoped that the

business plan which is being written will help to address this issue.


            Mr. Wurtzel also reported that the Business Enterprise Program had acquired new space to move the warehouse and credited Mr. Best and the EOC

with this accomplishment.


            Mr. Casey Dutmer said that he too wanted to reiterate others’ comments on how well the workshop had gone.  He said that Carol Osmer had been

elected as the vice chairperson.


            Mr. Dutmer said that he had written a fifteen-page position paper to the Governor that outlines the history of the BEP, how it was designed

to give jobs to blind people and many other issues.  He asked that Mr. Cannon make the paper available to the Commissioners.


            Discussion ensued regarding Public Act 260.  Commissioner Bowman suggested that the Attorney General be invited to attend a future Commission

meeting to address key issues of the Act that are not being addressed.  He specifically mentioned a motion at the October 2000 Commission meeting where

a motion was made to request the Attorney General’s clarification on catering and said that staff had instead held an informal meeting with staff from

the Attorney General’s office.  Director Cannon suggested having P.A. 260 on the agenda again as a discussion item with the idea of identifying some specific

issues which need answers and clarification.  He suggested requesting the presence of the Governor’s liaison to join in the discussion.  He also noted

that the work that Mr. Dutmer, Mr. Wurtzel, Mr. Best and others are doing with respect to these issues is beginning to catch the attention of key individuals.

 He also pointed out that progress is being made with the Department of Management in making them aware of BEP issues.  Further, on the subject of education,

Mr. Tom Watkins, the Superintendent of Public Instruction, and Ms. Jacquelyn Thompson, Director of Special Education and Early Intervention Services, are

scheduled to be on the agenda of the May 20 Commission meeting.


            Mr. Cannon said that he would review the minutes of October 2000, and if the minutes so indicated, he would ask Director Howard to proceed with

the Attorney General opinion.  Ms. Greene requested a copy of the motion for herself and other Commissioners also.




            Mr. Larry Posont commented on the impact that training at a proper training center makes in the lives and attitudes of blind people and accordingly,

those people impact on the rest of society and change society’s view of blindness.  He also commented that the morning discussion on training centers was

good.  Further, he said that the afternoon’s discussion with Mr. Dutmer and Mr. Wurtzel deals with very difficult issues because there are subtle attacks

on the Commission structure.


            Mr. Wurtzel informed the Commissioners of the closing of teacher programs for blind and visually impaired children at Michigan State University.

 He said that was interesting in light of the report from Western Michigan University earlier in the day which had indicated that WMU’s program was at

capacity.  He also said that the report on electronic travel devices earlier in the day should call attention to the fact that the agency should be part

of the process and have influence on the outcomes.  He noted that some could be very helpful while others could be very harmful to blind people.  He also

thanked the Board for their support of the MSU program.


            Ms. Charis Austin said that she was speaking on behalf of the Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC) and said that she wanted to state

the eagerness of the SILC to assist in the P.A. 260 process.  She indicated her concern that something is done, but that caution is taken in what is done.

 She said that SILC would be willing to host a meeting, contact the Governor’s office, or proceed with any other positive step that would be beneficial.


            Ms. Wurtzel said that a lot of change would be occurring within the Commission and that she hoped that decisions were made with courage and

also caution.


            Ms. Barbara Walker thanked the Commission for allowing her to be at the meeting to observe and extended an invitation to Nebraska to interact

and share ideas.


            Mr. Joe Harcz said that his comments were more in the vein of questions.  He noted the increasing need for all services from the Commission

and the strain that is being put on the dwindling resources.




            The meeting was adjourned at 2:55 p.m.  The next meeting will be on Monday, May 20, 2002 at the Victor Office Center.  The Committee of the

Whole meeting will begin at 9:00 a.m. and the regular meeting will start at 10:00 a.m.




Peeti Greene, Vice-Chairperson






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Table with 2 columns and 22 rows


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Appreciative Inquiry


Tilting Strategies and Values


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Vision 2020 and Planning & Quality Team Overview

table end


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