[nfbmi-talk] mcb action plan just recd for tomorrow's meeting

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Wed Dec 8 21:20:53 UTC 2010








Objective 1


1.1    Develop a survey instrument to measure customer satisfaction with the instructional programs and housing accommodations at MCBTC. Identify a means whereby the survey may be administered to all consumers shortly after completion of an MCBTC program, while preserving the anonymity of survey participants and guaranteeing universal accessibility. 


Status:  The survey has been completed and the first list of former students has been surveyed by a staff person from MCDC. The results of that survey will be reviewed and analyzed soon.


Responsibility: Sherri Heibeck, Bruce Schultz, and Bob Robertson


Objective 2


1.2           Work collaboratively with MI Commission on Disability Concerns (MCDC) to develop assessment and tracking tools to measure client satisfaction with MCB services and determine the extent to which clients whose cases are closed successfully remain employed and independent at 18 months or 24 months following case closure. These tools are to include an optional online survey for clients and telephone survey conducted by MCDC. The survey instrument has been completed. It is now just a need to conduct the survey. 


Status: A telephone survey of cases closed successfully has been completed by MCDC and the results are ready to be compiled and analyzed.


Responsibility:  Leamon Jones, Sherri Heibeck, and Bob Robertson

Objective 3


1.3    BEP and the Consumer Services Division will work together to promote greater participation of MCB clients to gain work experience at BEP facilities. A presentation was made at the BEP Annual Workshop in April, 2009 to outline the program objectives.  Recommendations for expansion and improvement in 2010 will be made. 


Status: Again, BEP operators indicated a willingness to mentor blind students in the Summer Work Opportunity Program. A total of 5 VR clients were hosted in the summer of 2010 for this work experience opportunity.


Responsibility:  Sherri Heibeck, Leamon Jones, and Connie Zanger



Objective 4


1.4    Enhance the current BEP system to include an operator point report. This report would provide on demand information for operators’ at their request. In addition, the BEP manager would provide the detailed information regarding all operator points at the annual BEP Workshop in April. Report progress to Director quarterly.


Status:  The BEP System 7 has had a spreadsheet summarizing Operator Selection System points. In response to the EOC’s request, a Word document showing individual operator points has been created. This report has been sent to operators on a quarterly basis. In addition to sending the point summaries, operators will also receive a report summarizing operator standing compared to all operators on an annual basis. 


Responsibility: Sherri Heibeck and Connie Zanger





Objective 5


1.5    Work with MRS and the Dept of Corrections to develop and implement the Michigan Prisoner Re-Entry Initiative and the Veteran’s MOU for MCB. Report progress to the Director quarterly.


Status:  The MOU with the VA is done and the training with VA and MRS counselors was conducted. Currently, the MPRI program continues. Leamon will continue to work with the coordinator for further implementation.  


Responsibility:  Leamon Jones



Objective 6


1.6           Complete three case reviews in 2010 and report progress to Director at the end of May, August, and November.


Status:  A review has been completed in Grand Rapids and Flint. A review of the Detroit office will be done before the end of the calendar year.     


Responsibility:  Bob Robertson


Objective 7


1.7    Continue to work with the Futuristic Committee to develop short term and long range strategies on how to address the changing needs/demands for services as the number of blind persons increases. Report progress to agency director by May, 2010. 


Status:  Two training programs were held in the summer of 2010 to assist counselors and teachers in providing more effective services to consumers. A placement specialist has been hired on a limited term basis for each region for a total of three.


Responsibility: Leamon Jones


Objective 8


1.8    Work with Civil Service classifications staff and the DELEG Office of Human Resources to amend, update, and create more appropriate job classifications to improve our ability to fill vacancies with individuals possessing the necessary qualifications.


Status: We will continue to work with Civil Service to improve possibilities for staff. Civil Service has denied some of our requests but we will keep working with them to provide other opportunities for career advancement. 


Responsibility:  Bob Robertson, Beth White and Leamon Jones



Objective 9


1.9    With support from the Office of the State Employer’s (OSE) Safety Office, develop an agency-wide safety program to minimize workplace risks so that all employees can be safer while doing their jobs.


Status: The MCB Safety Team continues to meet and make recommendations for the agency. A driver safety program is being created and other changes have been made to improve safety in the workplace for staff, consumers, and visitors.


Responsibility:  Bob Robertson and Beth White



Objective 10


1.10  To make the pay scale of rehabilitation counselors at MCB more equitable with the rehabilitation teachers as well as other state employees with comparable education and skills.


Status: This issue remains “on hold” while the state deals with the current budget situation. Nothing new has happened since the meeting with OHR and Civil Service in early 2009. The recent RSA report makes mention of the pay disparity between counselors and teachers so that information will be used to support MCB’s position when the time is right to pursue this matter further. 


Responsibility: Lisa Kisiel, Beth White, Leamon Jones, Pat Cannon, and Bob Robertson 



Objective 11


1.11  Assess the effectiveness and satisfaction of MCB’s efforts to engage consumers and to promote consumer involvement in the Commission’s Vision 2020 initiative, the Planning and Quality (PAQ) Team, the Consumer Involvement Council (CIC), the Service Delivery Design Team, the Technology Team, and other opportunities.


Status: MCB continues to audiostream the Commission Board meetings and has expanded its outreach efforts to include the availability to listen to Commission meetings over the telephone. MCB was well represented at the two consumer conventions in the fall of 2010, where information was gathered on issues of interests to consumers. Consumer organization reports were featured at the March 19, 2010 Commission meeting and representatives of these groups were invited to the MCB all-staff meeting in June, 2010.   


Responsibility: Pat Cannon, Leamon Jones, Constance Zanger, Jo Ann Pilarski, Sue Luzenski, and Casey Dutmer



Objective 12


1.12     In order to meet the unique reading needs of SBPH patrons in the digital age, the Library of Michigan Foundation purchased the equipment, software, and services related to converting the SBPH recording studio from analog to digital. Software is currently being installed and configured. On-site installation and training will be scheduled when the hard drives have been configured. Digital recording procedures will be established within 6 weeks of training. Processes for current narrators who record from home will be established and recruitment of volunteer narrators and monitors for the in-studio program will follow. Target for completion is September 2010.


Status:  Training with Mike Ellis on editing has been postponed and will be rescheduled. The hardware and software are being shipped to Arrington Group for problem analysis and repair.


Responsibility:  Sue Chinault, Scott Norris, and Terence Rose



Objective 13


1.13     In order to standardize service to Dept. of Corrections (DOC) inmates throughout the state, SBPH took over service at all DOC sites with the exception of those in Wayne County as of April 2009. Discussion with DOC officials continues in an effort to establish more effective guidelines for serving inmates. Needed are: procedures for responding to inmate requests for an Application for Service; a mechanism within DOC to allow SBPH equipment and books to move with inmates who transfer or are paroled; and approval by DOC of the new NLS digital machine for use by inmates. Target for completion is March 2010.


Status:  Deployment of digital machines to inmates continues.


Responsibility:  Sue Chinault


Objective 14


1.14     MCB will update the current Client Tracking System to include a tracking mechanism which will identify, track, and measure the progress and outcomes for Transition students.


Status:  A plan for the system will be completed by January, 2011 and will be reported to the Director at that time.


Responsibility:  Sherri Heibeck



Objective 15


1.15     Develop and implement a program to place MCB clients who are completing their rehabilitation program and are “job ready” in paid internships with state government. With support from the Civil Service Commission and the Office of the State Employer,  work with DELEG’s Office of Human Resources, to place eligible clients in Student Assistant positions with their wages being paid for with ARRA funds. 


Upon approval from CSC and OSE, distribute guidelines to MCB staff, departments, and HR offices throughout state government by September 2009. Leamon Jones with assistance from VR staff and Bob Robertson, will try to create new positions, screen resumes, and match clients to jobs. This will commence in October 2009. After implementation in state govt, the program will be promoted to local govt units and the private sector by July 2010.


Status:  The program has been implemented and some clients have started working. Others are in process and staff continue to market the program to state managers, HR offices, and departments. We have interns in place with several state departments.  Currently, there are 21 individuals in positions.  Some activities are taking place to expand intern opportunities for consumers outside of state government.  MCB will continue to contact local governments to obtain internship possibilities.


Responsibility:  Leamon Jones, Pat Cannon, and Bob Robertson





Objective 16


1.16     It has been 10 years since MCB began its Vision 2020 journey. Since then a number of new employees, commissioners, and community partners have joined in who were not part of the initial 2020 process. The objective is to re-introduce the Vision 2020 principles to everyone with special emphasis on those persons not around when the agency’s Vision 2020 venture began.


Status: An all-staff meeting introducing some of the 2020 principles took place in June 2010. The results of the evaluation from that meeting have been collected and compiled and will be shared with the PAQ Team at the December, 2010 meeting. 


Responsibility:  Bob Robertson, Sherri Heibeck, Pat Cannon, and others



Objective 17


1.17     Plan and conduct up to three in-service workshops for Commissioners on issues identified and selected by the Commissioners such as budget development, transition services, agency involvement with seniors, veterans, etc. Presentations will be conducted by MCB staff with help from external partners on occasion. The workshops may be scheduled adjacent to the Commission Board Meetings in March, June, and September to reduce costs.


Status:  Commissioners have expressed interest in learning more about the workings of BEP and the Elected Operators Committee (EOC), the Open Meetings Act, parliamentary procedures, and Public Act 260. Rather than an “in-service workshop” format, commissioners met informally, in a retreat format, with the EOC on March 20 to enhance their understanding of BEP/EOC interactions and begin their work in strengthening respective relationships. Information on the Open Meetings Act and parliamentary procedures were presented in June as well as more information about PA 260. In August, Commissioners met with DELEG Finance staff and MCB Administrative Services staff to hear a presentation on state budget and the MCB budget, providing an overview of how budgets are developed, implemented, and audited. 


Responsibility: Pat Cannon, Sue Luzenski, and Jo Ann Pilarski



Objective 18


1.18     Conduct study on MCB college services to consumers, gathering statistics which could be helpful to improving overall post-secondary services and improving student outcomes. Information to be obtained may include such things as how many students are supported each year, how many drop out each year because of not being able to secure accommodations from the institution, and how many graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree or graduate degree each year.


Status:  Form an ad hoc group has been established and is currently gathering input from consumers and others as to what kind of data should be collected. Some changes have occurred already in the VR system and further steps will be taken to gather additional data.


Responsibility:  Leamon Jones, Bob Robertson, Sherri Heibeck






Objective 1


2.1    In FY 2008 the Training Center received a grant of private funds in the amount of $500,000 to be used in the construction of a technology center. MCB has requested capital outlay funds to add to this sum and it is permissible to spend some of the ARRA stimulus funds on renovation as well. Work with DMB to develop and obtain a comprehensive assessment of the Training Center to include HVAC systems, electrical and infrastructure capacity, and the overall condition and potential of the 43,000 square foot facility in Kalamazoo. Following the assessment, develop a plan and timeline for the construction of a technology center by September 2009. 


Status: Construction and designs for Training Center renovations and technology center development have been approved and are in process. The Training Center students left the facility on November 19 so work could begin at the Center in early December and throughout much of 2011. Students will continue to receive Training Center services at an off-campus location during 2011. The Tech Center as well as all Training Center renovations are expected to be completed by the end of 2011.


Responsibility:  Constance Zanger and Sherri Heibeck 


Objective 2


2.2    Partner with other agencies or groups to do technology training and encourage the community partners to do grant writing and help financially with training. Update Director by January, 2010. 


Status: This is an ongoing objective. Some activities are being funded by ARRA money and once those funds are gone, the sites will continue to provide services. The library in the Soo provides training for AAA. We are continuing to work with them. This objective continues to be expanded throughout the state.



Responsibility:  Gwen McNeal and Leamon Jones


Objective 3


2.3           The SBPH deployment of NLS digital books and machines began in late September of 2009. Patrons on a waiting list will be introduced to a digital machine and a growing collection of digital books at the rate of 380 machines per month. SBPH will continue to ship to patrons throughout the state (except for Wayne County) until the waiting list is depleted. At that time, the sub-regional library will be issued an allotment for new patrons in their service area. Staff at each site will then contact patrons who are not on the list to determine their interest and encourage involvement. Quarterly progress reports will be made to the Director.


Status:  BTBL has issued more than 2500 digital machines which is 60% of patrons residing within our area.


Responsibility:  Kim Szczepaniak, SBPH reader advisors, and sub-regional library staff.



Objective 4


2.4           Move the SBPH library circulation and catalog software from a DIT hosted server to a server that will be hosted and managed by ASRD, the company that created the CUL software. This objective will allow ASRD the access needed to effectively maintain, troubleshoot, and upgrade the software. It will also make future collaboration with other CUL members possible. This objective will be completed by July 2010.


Status:  Sue Chinault and Constance Zanger are working on the RFP and PRF.


Responsibility:  Sue Chinault, Sherri Heibeck, and Andrew Wilson



Objective 5


2.5           Use social networking systems (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) to communicate service practices and train patrons in use of service related technologies.


Status:  OPAL is being used for computer and book clubs. We had network meetings over OPAL in October, 2010 and again in November, 2010. There were some technical difficulties but overall, the group was pleased with the method. Next OPAL network meeting is scheduled for January 11, 2011.


Responsibility:  Scott Norris






Objective 1


3.1    Write and produce a DeafBlind brochure and an MCB Training Center brochure, both in print and online, by December 2008. Report progress to Director quarterly. 


Status: The DeafBlind brochure is in layout and will be distributed in February, 2011. The MCB Training Center brochure is planned for layout in December, 2010 and will also be discussed at the PAQ meeting in December to explore the feasibility of deferring finalization of the brochure until after the renovations are completed at the Center. 


Responsibility:  Susan Turney



Objective 2


3.2    Produce a 2010 MCB Annual Report, including information on how the agency plans to address the changing needs of blind consumers in Michigan. Provide the report in printed and online format and report progress to Director. 


Status: This is in the works to be completed and distributed by January, 2011.


Responsibility: Susan Turney



Objective 3


3.3    Continue collaboration with professional organizations of eye doctors through special events and distribution of MCB materials. Also, a new referral form and doctor section will be done. Report progress to Director quarterly. 


Status: We continue to participate in several special events. We send materials to the Michigan Society of Eye Physicians and Surgeons and the Michigan Optometric Association as well as to their members directly. The new referral form and doctor section on the website have been completed.


Responsibility: Susan Turney



Objective 4


3.4    MCB will work with the DELEG Office of Human Resources and the Department of Civil Service to create and establish better ways to recruit new staff (i.e., a recruitment link on the MCB website) and identify and develop training opportunities for current staff to better prepare them to become leaders and managers.


Status:  When available, staff are notified of available Civil Service training programs that may assist them in their efforts to become leaders and managers. Other similar training information will be shared as it becomes available. The website link titled “Careers in Blind Rehabilitation (Information on University Programs)” is online in the Resources section of the MCB website.


Responsibility:   Bob Robertson, Beth White, Leamon Jones and Susan Turney



Objective 5


3.5           Change the name of SBPH to reflect the change in administrative oversight from Library of Michigan to Michigan Commission for the Blind and to incorporate terminology which better aligns with the service, materials, and technology provided by SBPH. Progress reports will be made quarterly.


Status:  The name was officially changed on October 1, 2010 to MCB Braille and Talking Book Library (BTBL). A press release conveyed this to the general public. NLS and Michigan network libraries have been informed. The next newsletter will highlight the change. Publications will be updated as the need for printing arises.


Responsibility:  Pat Cannon, Sue Chinault, SBPH CIC and MCB CIC



Objective 6


3.6           Update the content on SBPH website and CUL intranet to reflect name change, historical events since 2005, digital talking book service, and any other informational aspects that are not current.


Status:  Name change and historical events have been updated on the BTBL site. We will need to reassign web responsibility as of January 1, 2011.


Responsibility:  Wendy Flournoy and Andrew Wilson








Objective 1


4.1    Explore further collaboration with the Office of Aging and area agencies on aging to help leverage human and fiscal resources to more effectively serve older individuals with sight loss. Progress on this long range initiative will continue to be reported on quarterly to the Commissioners. 


Status: This is an on-going project. The most recent update appeared in the Consumer Services section of the last MCB Report. 


Responsibility: Leamon Jones and Gwen McNeal



Objective 2


4.2    The team will create a system to streamline the purchasing process and to define, develop, and implement financial responsibility procedures and to explore ideas to determine efficiencies in client service procurement. 


Status: This objective is still in progress. Information has been gathered and compiled and now the committee is reviewing and finalizing the findings. 


Responsibility: Sherri Heibeck and other members of the FROG



Objective 3


4.3    MCB will implement “batch processing” of all client service payments within the current client tracking system. This process will eliminate duplication of effort by support staff and expedite payments to clients and vendors.


Status: In 2009, this program was tested in Lansing. The Flint office began using it in 2010 and it will be rolled out to the other offices across the state in 2011.  


Responsibility: Sherri Heibeck 



Objective 4


4.4           Support the maintenance of sub-regional State Aide and change the boilerplate language to include SBPH by July 1, 2010.


Status:  The final payments to subregional libraries were made in June 2010. Libraries are currently completing and submitting applications for 2011 state aid. The line item budgeted is $451,800 which will be split by ten sites. First half should be paid in February and final in June 2011.


No progress on changing boiler plate in include BTBL.


Responsibility:  Pat Cannon, Sue Chinault, and Sherri Heibeck



Objective 5


4.5           Study potential changes in the Michigan sub-regional model for improvements in service and efficiency. Report quarterly with target date of March, 2011.


Status:  Conversation about the Michigan subregional model continues with the network meetings.


Responsibility:  Sue Chinault, sub-regional librarians, and directors of sponsoring organizations




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