[nfbmi-talk] proposed fy 29012 cuts from google cache
joe harcz Comcast
joeharcz at comcast.net
Mon Dec 13 16:11:32 UTC 2010
FY 2012 Reduction Ideas
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Page 1
FY 2012 Reduction Ideas
{$ in thousands)
Savings Estimate 1 \ { % Reduction
Agency _ Reduction ProposaVCtescriptlon - Gross ¦ GF/GP" frcurrent Saw
Rehabilitation Services for the construction
Pontiac. ($250.0).
ichsgan Rehabilitation Services Sasebail
efd: Remove informal S250.000 GF
id: Remove informal 3250,000 GF
ocation (ReD. Conriveau) to Michigan
a baseball field xorthe disabled, in
There is no specific part 1 or boi erpiate I
earmark, but the funding is priorirjzed for the ;
stated purpose.
1 Arthur Hill and Mumford high school
Colon Disease project at Henry Ford
olescent health clinics [£600.0}
Included in Family and Maternal Child Health
Special Projects Eineitem
! Aging Community Services for Tribal Eiders
I Included In Office .of Services to the Aging
Community services iine item
Beaver, Drummond and Mackinac Island
Included in Primary Cars Services line item
i SaginawSpeciai Needs Vision Clinic
Included in Family and Maternal ChiSd Health
Special Projects line item
; Bay City Helen M Nickiess Volunteer Clinic
included in Primary Care Services line item
troit / Saginaw Traumatic Brain Injury pilot!1
programs |L [S200-0}
Irtcludec in Injury Centre! Prevention Project
line item
sntal Health for Special Populations
Funding allocations to the following
groups/agencies: ACCESS, Arab Chaldean
Council, Chaldean Chamber Foundation,
Chinese^^an,_bfispanic, Jewish Federation.
tmer Multicultural Services)
<$6:873.S} ($6,873.8) (100%)
Native American, and Vietnam Veterans.
..Enacted FY 11 included a S50.OTO increase
[for Chaidean Chamber Foundation. Funding
I to several of the same organizations for
multicultural services also appropriated, in
oyse Substance Abuse Allocations j ($4:200.0> ($1,100.0)1 (100%)
Salvation Army Harbor Lights and Odyssey
Allocation outside of regular substance
jabuse distribution formula. The substance
abuse line received a reduction that will
impact this amount.
Updated: 11/12/2010
Printed: 11/15^2010 2:44 PM
Page 2
FY 2012 Reduction Ideas
(S in thousands)
Sayings Estimate
..% Reduction
Agency Reduction Praposat/Desaiption Gross -<3F/GP t fr current tew Commenis/Discussrbn
Eliminate IDG to legislative corrections
JThis should not be funded from the
Executive branch.
Eliminate IDG to judiciary for drug courts
:Th!S should not be funded from the
Executive branch.
I Saginaw Chippewa Tribal College
' North American Indian Tuition Waiver
funding flowing though Central Michigan
j Hi Ed
Hi Ed
Hi Eel
Bay Mills Community College
I Michigan Future Farmers of America Assoc.
North American Indian Tuition Waiver
ijfunding flowing though Lake Superior State
(100%) funding
from Michigan State University
Eliminate funding for client service and
joutreach programs through multicultural
,| organizations
GF savings includes TANF funding.
Additional funding contained in the DCH
i Eliminate funding for Michigan 2-1-1
j information hotline
Eliminate funding for Conductive Learning
Center at_ Aquinas College
Funding increased by $50,000 in FY11.
Eliminate funding for coordination of law
enforcement information network with
New fun ding added in FY11.
New funding added in FY11.
Eliminate funding for contract with University
! Services include legal assistance for
individuals applying for federal disability
jBiminafc.fpnfflio for Yputhvffle Center in"
of Detroit-Mercy for legal services
Detroit, serving at-risfcyouth
{1100%) New funding added in FY11,
jl Eliminate funding for food assistance
Funding used to support food assistance
hotiine and other food bank outreach
I Jonn R. Justice program
Created as a work project with a completion
(100%) date of 9/30/12.
Updated: 11/12/2010
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Page 3
FY 2012 Reduction Idea
(S in thousands)
Agency Reduction Proposal/Description Gross
Com. Cot. : Eliminate At-Risk Student Success ($3,322.7)
Education Eliminate State Aid to Libraries (S9,441.0)|_
Fire Protection Grants: Eliminate grants that
suppojjJoca! units of governments thai
provide fire protection services for state-
owned buildings. Elimination saves $2.4
million in liquor purchase revolving funds
which lapses to GF, and S8.5 million in
driver responsibility fees, which could be
G redirected to GF throuah leaislative ch
trected to GF through legislative change.; ($10,910.5)
Liquor Law Enforcement Grants: Eliminate
S6.6 million in liquor license fee grants that
support local police enforcement of state
liquor laws; redirect liquor license fees to
support Liquor Control Commission
operations and free-up like amount of liquor
purchase revolving funds, which lapse to
(Vocational Rehabilitation / Centers for
Independent Living: Eliminate grants
(administered by Michigan Rehabilitation
Services) that support locaiiy-operated
vocational rehabilitation centers and 12
DELEG Centers for Independent Living
Subregional Libraries State Aid: Eliminate
grants that support 12 subregional libraries
for services provided to the blind and
DELEG physically disabled
:% Reduction
>fr current law ;•: . Comments/Disrcusst
Funds programs to assist academically a
(100%) risk students
Elimination of state aid to libraries would
jresult in the loss of S5.6 million in federal
funds, which are used to support the
Michigan eLibrary and Michigan eLibrary
(100%) Cataiog.
Statutory change necessary to Motor Vehicle
[Code, which reserves up to $8.5 million in
[driver responsibility fee revenue for fire
[protection grants. {This reduction is treated
(100%) [as GF/GP for purposes of this analysis)
Statutory change necessary to Michigan
iMfi&L-^JMmJ^ - ~
Impacts disabled community and local
community vocational rehabilitation centers
and Centers for Independent Living. Gross
reduction includes loss of federal funds from
{100%) elimination of state match.
(100%) ' impacts 21.3% match for federal Title I
Updated: 11/12/2010
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Page 4
Reduction Proposal/Description
ing-Chavez-Parks competitive grants
FY 2012 Reduction ideas
(S in thousands)
Savings Estimate ;
Gross :T . .. " <3RGP
% Reduction
fr current law Comments/Discussion
Programs purpose is to increase minority
^participation in higher education
iiminate funding for before and after schooi
GF savings includes TANF funding.
iimmate mnding for state food banks and
od distribution
GF savings includes TANF funding.
Eliminate Veterans Service Organization
S1 million reduction in FY 2010
! Eliminate MSP's portion of auto theft
revenfion grants
{$386.5} (100%)
The restricted funding would be reallocated
to other entities that receive grants from trie
Auto Theft Prevention Authority.
Eliminate Secondary Road Patrol grants
SO.O i
A statute change would be required.
Funding could be designated toward any
other MSP program. The fund is part of the
Justice System Fund.
.Arts & Cultural Program
Amounts reflect complete elimination.
evenue Sharing - Cities, Villages,
Constitutional payments would remain. This
reduction is treated as GF/GP for purposes
of this anaiysis.
Revenue Sharing - Counties
Savings grow in subsequent years. This
reduction is treated as GF/GP for purposes
xemption Program _
of this analysis.
Legislation change would be required.
Program makes payment in December with
Current appropriation is $14.5 million.
Updated: 11/12/2010
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Page 5
FY 2012 Reduction Ideas
{$ in thousands)
Savings Estimate % Reduction
Agency Reduction ProposMDescripfion Gross -- \GRGP fr current law Comments/Dis
Depredation Program. Transfer function
(negotiation of compensation with livestock
owner) to the Michigan Department of
Natural Resources and Environment
EEirninate general fund suppon for Livestock
(S4C.0) (100%)
Livestock producer services (investigation,
verification, and compensation) provided at
large by MDNRE.
Transfer several Pesticide and Plant Pest
Management programs to Michigan
Department of Natural Resources and
Environment and consolidate within various
MDNRE divisions. Exploring moving to fee
based programs to offset general fund.
($2,850.3) (0%)
Duplicative or very similar to those provided
Transfer leadership of Michigan Agriculture
Environmental Assurance Program for
farmers to the Michigan State University
Agricultural Experiment Station. Personnel
adjustment of (5.0) PTEs.
($262.0) (100%)
Included in the Executive Recommendation
'but the FY11 budget partially restores
Contract with outside firms to do functions
within state psychiatric hospitals
Analysis yet to be completed. Total general
fund spending in state psychiatric and
forensic facilities is nearly $190 million.
Potential annual budget savings could be SO
Billing systems, workers, cleaning, food
preparation. Potential annua! budget
savings could be $0 to $5 million. However,
long term cost avoidance may be achieved.
Reinstate Good Time Credits and
Community Residential Programs
($129,470.3): (8%)
See detailed write-up. Savings level shown
is the same as the amount used in the FY11
Executive Recommendation. Would save
roughly 8% of all facility operations costs.
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Page 6
i-Y 201 z Reduction Ideas
(S in thousands)
Medium Security Prison j_ ($4,300.0) ($4,300.0)1
: Privatize an 1,600-1,900 bed Minimum or
Reduction Proposal/Description
Savings Estimate % Reduction
Gross GF/GP frcu
Com ments/Discuss ion
ired to outsource.
increase use of Outstationed Eligibility
workers (Donated funds positions) for
i Hospital, Mental Health and Nursing Home
SO - $5.0 M
Change eligibility determination system to
privatize components and/or shift
responsibilityto !oca! units of government
SO - $5.0 M
1. Privatize Medicaid only
2. Privatize ALL Eligibility functions
3. Shift Child Support Specialists functions
to FOCs
4. Shift Aduit Community Placements to
Area Agencies on Aging
from private child placing agencies to the
i In -source foster care and adoption services
S5.0 - $20.0 M
High level analyses indicate a savings from
reversing the 2011 budgeted transfer of
it js unclear how large the savings would be
from reversing private agency management
of adoption cases.
Hi Ed
Consolidate all state student financial aid
into a single program
1% = $883.2
j dmva* doc
Resident care aides privatization {$15,300.0)
See 10/13/2010_memo to Jacques
Updated: 11/12/2010
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See detailed write-up. Savings level based"
on rough estimate at 10% savings of a single
facility. A threshold of 5% minimum savings
2,600 foster care cases to private agencies;
Page 7
FY 2012 Reduction Ideas
(S in thousands)
Reduction Proposal/Description
- aavuigs estimate v« Keguction
.//Gross;-.. GF/GP •> fr currerrt taw Commenfe/Discussion
State Mandate transactions to Web and Mai!
- -Savings Estimate % Reduction
Web transactions cost $2.28 and mail
transactions cost $1.55 to process. Branch
transactions cost $5.47 to complete, if
certain transactions were mandated to the
Web or mail, substantia! savings couid be
achieved. The drawback is most savings
would be achieved in restricted funds not
i general fund. The department would likely 'i
' spread the savings throughout other
($600.0) : (50%) i: programs, but the amount can be achieved.
Locals provide road patrol in iieu of MSP
Gross amount is based on FY10 analysis,
which is high due to more troopers being on
the payroll in FY10. Also assumes 85% of
I gross savings are GF/GP since FY10
janalysis was not fund sourced.
Approximately S93.1 million GF/GP and '
S 139.2 million in gross funding support At-
Post Troopers. There is the option to
i eliminate the program and provide locals
jfunding through revenue sharing to provide
for local police officers. There are 100
troopers required by statute. (Item is also
iisted as "Reduce At-Post Troopers" under
($30,000.0) ($25.5000) (22%)
"Other Program Reductions"
Updated: 11/12/2010
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Page 8
FY 2012 Reduction Idea
(S in thousands)
% Reduction
auction Proposal/Description Gross GF/GP fr current law
eduction proposal/Uescrip
Comments/Discussio n
EEiminate $100 placeholder for Loca!
Agriculture Conservation Districts
($0.1 )j, (S0.1
Elimination of Prosecuting Attorneys
Coordinating Council
Optional - Medicaid persona! care services | {514,000.0)1 (S4J4Q.4)
like an appropriate function of AG.
Payment of approx S200/month is paid
directly to providers of Adult Foster Care
Home or Home for the Aged services and is
intended to fund assistance with oersonal
activities of daily living. Higher costs above
[the savings identified couid be incurred in
the fee-for-service program if this service
was eliminated since eiigibles may utilize
more expensive benefits, such as physician
iand nursing facility services.
in-home assistance with activities of daily
Optional - Medicaid adu!t home heip ($293,121.3)j
living. Paid at an hourly rate. Higher costs
above the savings identified could be
service was eliminated since etigibies may
utilize more expensive benefits, such as
¦ physician and nursing facility services.
Optional - Medicaid home and community
based services
for nursing home services. Higher costs
could be incurred in the fee-for-service
such as physician and nursing facility
Placeholder included by legislature in FY11.
Has been mentioned before, though it seems
incurred in the fee-for service program if this
program if this service was eliminated since
eligibles may utilize more expensive benefits
Updated: 11/12/2010
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Page 9
FY 2012 Reduction Ideas
{S in thousands)
Savings. Estimate
Reduction Proposal/Description Gross GF/GP
% Reduction
fr current law Comments/Discuss ion
!|Provides managed care medical services to
:elderly eiigibies at capitated rates. This
program is also financed with capitated rates;
from Medicare, further controlling state j
Medicaid costs. Higher costs above the
savings identified could be incurred in the
fee-for-service program if this service was
eliminated since eligibies may utilize more
i expensive benefits, such as physician and
Optional - Medicaid Program of All-inclusive
Care for the Elderly (PACE) ($23,600.0) ($7,991.0) (100%) 1 nursing facility services.
I I Health services to terminally iii Medicaid
eligible individuals. Higher costs above the
savings identified could be incurred in the
.fee-for-service program if this service was s
¦eliminated since eiigibies may utilize more
i I expensive benefits, such as physician and
DCH ijOptional - Medicaid hospice services ($115,000.0) (538,939.0); (100%) nursing facility services.
i: l
j! Pharmaceutical medications are currently
! ¦ \
provided to Medicaid eligible individuals.
Higher costs above the savings identified
could be incurred in the fee-for service and
managea care programs if this service was
eliminated since eiigibies may utilize
expensive benefits, such as hospital
services. Furthermore, ail states provide a
I IBeaicaiirpfia^
Optiona[- Medicaid pharmaceutical services::. ($401,414.6) {$116.-695.8) (100%)
ivffcsuicaia pnBimaceiracai Denem. Amount
!|identified does not include health plan
jpharmaceutical costs yet to be determined.
^Though mental'heatth / substance abuse is
an optional category of services, such a cost-
shift, would eliminate ability to leverage
federal dollars to provide services. Impact of'
federal mental health parity requirements on \
ijOptional - Medicaid mental health and
;substance abuse services
the state if program eliminated yet to be
{$2,060,690.4), ($543,023.6) (100%) determined.
Updated: 11/12/2010
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Page 10
DCH Optional - Medicaid adult denta!_benefit
Reduction Proposal/Descriptkm
Sayings Estimate -
FY 2012 Reduction Ideas
(S in thousands)
{$19,600.0): {$6,636.5}
SEr Redaction
Gross; i GF/GP - frcurrent law _ Comments/Discussion
] Eliminated in FY09, restored in FY11.
I!could be incurred in the fee-for-service and
ji Higher costs above the savings identified
imanaged care programs if this service was
eliminated since eligibles may utilize more
DCH I, Optional - Medicaid adult podtatric benefit
{$1,200.0) ($406.3)
[expensive benefits, such as hospital service
Eliminated in FY09, restored in FY11.
Higher costs above the savings identified
could be incurred in the fee-for-service and
managed care programs if this service was
eliminated since eligibies may utilize more
expensive benefits, such as hospital j
Optional - Medicaid partial adult optical
services restoration
($2,000.0)1. ($677.2)
Eliminated in FY09, partially restored in
FY11. Higher costs above the savings
identified could be incurred in thefee-for-
servtce and managed care programs if this
service was eliminated since eligibles may
utilize more expensive benefits, such as
hospital services.
Tit!e V-oniy non-emergency transportation
for Children's Special Health Care Services
($1,200.0); ($1,200,0)
(100%) ; Eliminated in FY10, restored in FY11.
for Children's Special Health Care Services
($2,000.0} ($2,000.0)
{100%) primarily to treat pituitary conditions.
Title V-oniy coverage for adults (over
with hemophilia or cystic fibrosis in
DCH Children's Special Health Care Services
($16,400.0} ($16,400.0)
Eliminate health care coverage for approx.
.238 hemophiliacs and 167 adults with cystic i:
(100%) fibrosis.
Updated: 11/1272010
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Page 11
FY 2012 Reduction Ideas
{S in thousands)
Savings Estimate % Redu ction
Eliminate Bronson Hospital Primary Care
Disproportionate Share Hospifa! payment ($2,025.0};
Agency Reduction Proposal/Description Gross GF/GP ft-current law Comments/biscussion
'' This soecia! DisDronortionatfi Shsrp Hncni
provided by ACCESS, Arab Ameri
This special Disproportionate Share Hospital
(DSH) payment to Branson Methodist
Hospital supports primary care services
Chaldean, the Center for Family Health,
iCherry Street Health Services, Community
Health and Social Services (CHSS),
Hamilton Family Health Center and North
(100%) ' Oakland Medical Center.
DCH Eliminate Background Check progran
Program mandated by state law for certain
(100%) longterm care facilities.
|Mentai Health Protection and Advocacy
; Services Support
(100%) function mandated by stale taw.
¦Famiiy Support Subsidy (TANF) ($19,470.5)
TANF funded program - This need-based
program helps maintain children with severe
cognitive impairments in their homes. A
monthly payment of S222.11 is provided for
just under 7,000 cases. Program
participation is limited to famines with annua!
incomes at or below $60,000.
Mental Heaitn Housing and Support
GF/GP matches federal funds. Tnese grants
provide housing assistance services to low-
persons who are disabled, but do not qualify
(100%) ! income, persons with mental illness.
for Social Security and who are residing in a !
residential facility. Most of the funds a re
(100%) idistributed to iocal units of government.
DCH _ Mental Health State Disability Assistance ($2,243.1)
Elimination of these new activities would
allow the state to avoid significant Headlee
Education jlRepeal education reform legislation ($8,977.8) ($3,914.1) (100%) (mandates that have yet to be funded.
Education J Eliminate fundingjor the Library of Michigan ($3,879.2), .{$3,879.2)!- (100%) inaccessible to the public.
Eliminate all staff and make collections
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Page 12
,i Reduction Proposal/Description
commission that promotes the employment
of persons with disabilities.
FY 2012 Reduction ideas
(S in thousands)
GF/GP . fr currenfclaw : Comments/Discussion
¦; ¦-¦**?l5»*- ¦¦ -?¦¦ : Results in the layoff of 7.0 FTE positions
Program elimination impacts disabled
($1,190.5): ($412.2); (100%) community
uction Proposal/Description
Disability Concerns Commission: Eliminate
i| Hispanic / Latino Commission: Eliminate
commission that advocates for policies that
assist Spanish-speaking citizens with
education, employment, civil rights, health
jiand housing.
Michigan RehabiEitation Services: Elimina
acnieve employment and self-sufficiency.
program that helps disabfed individuals
(573,641.4) ($7,379.7)
Commission for the Blind: Eliminate
j: university's operations funding
program that helps blind individuals achieve
jiKing-Chavez-Parks funding included in each
($2,494.8), ($2,494.8)
Tuition Incentive Program (TIP) phase II
jfunding for junior and senior college years
i Eliminate state disability assistance
;i program.
{$1,247.0} ($1,247.0)
(534,765.0): ($22,486.7)
ems/lwscussson .-;
($267.3}' ($267.3). (100%)
Results in layoff of 2.0 FTE positions
Program elimination impacts Hispanic /
Latino community.
Results in layoff of 513.5 FTE positions
Michigan would be the only state without a
state rehabilitation office. Program
elimination impacts disabled community and
would result in closure of Michigan Career
and Technical Institute, in Plainwell. Gross
reduction amount includes loss of federal
funds from elimination of state match
General Fund elimination includes $250,000
allocation for baseball field for the disabled
(100%) I (listed separately above).
Results in layoff Of 107.0 FTE positions.
Program elimination impacts biind I disabled
community and results in closure of
Kalamazoo training center and eight regional
offices. Gross reduction amount includes
loss of federal funds from elimination of state
Programs purpose is to increase minority
participation in higher education
Provides up to $500 per semester
Would impact over 10,700 individuals with
qualifying disabilities; average monthly grant
Updated: 11/12/2010
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Page 13
hY 2012 Keductron ideas
(S in thousands)
Reduction Proposa!/Descrtption
Elirninate annual clothing allowance for
children on FiP (Family Independence
Savings Estimate
Gross '¦ ' GF/GP
(312,751.5)' ($12,751.5)
% Reduction
fr current law Comments/Discussion
Current cfothing allowance is about $84 per
. chiid; the benefit is paid out in August each
' year, in past years, it has been as low as
$45 per child.
Eliminate funding for state contracts with
homeless shelters
{S11.646.7)! {36,988.0}
Would eliminate state support for homeless
shelters statewide
Eliminate payments for indigent burial
($4,209.2) ($3,778.4}
Requires change to Social Welfare Act
Close Jacobetti Veterans Home
(§8,400.0) ($2,500.0)
i Unlikely to gain support. Some of the
displaced veterans could be accommodated
i at Grand Rapids.
Special Maintenance - State
{$651.2} {$651.2)
Eliminated in FY11 Executive
, Recommendation; Restored by the
Turn back the NPDES (National Pollutant
Discharge Elimination System) and Storm
Water program to the EPA
($11,686.5) ($2,248.5)
DNRE has authority to implement the federal
programs which are mandated by the Clean !
Water Act. This program addresses
¦ industrial, construction, and municipal
: sources of discharges that adversely affect i
the quality of surface water.
Jobs for Michigan program - 21st century
ijobs fund
Reduce ail or part of grants and loans for
business development for fund shift to
^general fund. (This reduction is treated as
GF/GP for purposes of this analysis).
of duty
Eliminate the Public Safety Officers Benefit
[police officers or firefighters killed in the line i
Statutory program that if eliminated would
require a statute change.
Eliminate Capito! Security Guards {7.0
(£642.9) ($642.9)
{$149.6)i ($149,6)
Eliminate the Aviation program ;, ($1,495~0)! {$1,443.2
iunderwater recovery, etc.)
[Eliminate muiti-jurisdictional task
Eliminate Operational Support (canine unit.
($6,912.2) ($6,537.1)
($8,756.4): "__ ($2,212.5)
MSP ! Eliminate fire investigations
($1,679.7): ($1,579.
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Page 14
DTMB j Elimination of Children's Ombudsman
Savings Estimate % Redaction
Agency Reduction Proposal/Description . s " '
FY 2012 Reduction Ideas
{$ in thousands)
Gtos&. . GF/GP fr current law Comments/Discussion
:> . Mentioned before, DHS has indicated in the
I | ipast they could survive without it. Will be
($1,430.0} ($1,430.0)1! (100%) politically controversial.
Swamp and Tax Revetted Lands and
Treasury Commercial Forest Reserve
iAmounts reflect complete elimination. There
are obvious fiscal, political and statutory
considerations associated with ending the
distribution of these funds, which affect
Upper Peninsula counties and Wayne,
(S8.570.41 (S8.570.41 (100%) Oakland and Macomb.
Updated: 11/12/2010
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Page 15
FY 2012 Reduction Ideas
(S in thousands)
Reduction Proposal/Description
Savings Estimate -::-
% Reduction '
GR'GP fr current faw CommentsADrscussiort
Implement a more stringent level of care
determination to limit provision of adult
home help (AHH} services {example: limit
AHH to only those who are nursing home
Policy change. Currently over 40,000 Adult
Home Heaiih workers provide home help
services to approximately 53,700 Medicaid
aged, blind, and disabled persons in
Michigan. Potential savings could be SO to
ii Implement managed care for !ong term care
Medicare / Medicaid dual enrollment in
TBD: TBD jS5 million.
Policy change. Arizona, Texas, New York.
jWisconsin, and Minnesota are some of the
states with a managed care mode! In place
; for iong term care. Potential savings could
i be more than $20 million.
Policy change. Could expand PACE
(Program for All-inclusive Care for the
Elderly). Arizona, Wisconsin, and Texas all
i have duals included in their long term care-
imanaged care arrangements. Potential
I savings could be more than $20 million.
implement early adopter of federal health
care reform Medicaid expansion and target
GF savings amount
This proposal would be a policy change prior
to 2014 to end Aduit Benefit Waiver and
expand Medicaid coverage to childless
;adults at 35% of the Federal Poverty Level,
S500 million gross program, financed with
' additional hospital provider tax, non-
: Medicaid Community Mental Health funding
and county health program contributions to
match federal funds. Target a GF savings
amount in financing-structure. Potential
savings could be between S5 and $20
Updated: 11/12/201C
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Page 16
FY 2012 Reduction Ideas
($ in thousands)
Gross ;. GF/GP . fr current Jaw CorhntentsJPiscussiort
Reduction Proposaf/Descri ptloh
Aflow behavtoraf health drugs on preferred
drug list
Statutory change. While this was passed as
part of an FY10 Executive Order, the statute
change was never proposed.
Repeal drug manufacturer immunity
Statutory change.
Health homes for Medicaid beneficiaries
with chronic illnesses per the Patient
Protection & Affordable Care Act (PPACA)
States would receive a 90/10 match for the
first 2 years to create these organizations to
help manage care. The state could then
recognize a savings from managing these
Medicaid eligibies due to anticipated
decrease in utilization. Potential savings
Fee for service payment reforms per the
Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act
[could be between S5 and S20 million.
Includes bundled payments to hospitals,
value based purchasing for all of fee-for-
service, and accountable care organizations.
Potential savings is $5 million to S20 million.
Continue poSicy of transitioning Medicaid
eligible individuals from nursing facilities to
lower cost community settings
instead of receiving services in high-cost
nursing facilities, some individuals can
receive iower-cost home and community
based services in the community. Potential
savings could be between $0 and S5 million.
Continue efforts to move patients from
psychiatric hospitals / centers into
DC H 3 comm unity settings
Explore potential to close additional
psychiatric hospitals / centers, if policy to
allow money to follow the person to the
annual long term general rund savings
related to avoiding future economic costs
may be recognized.
Continue efforts to maximize use of federal
runding to support mental health and
substance abuse
Explore increasing the Hospital Rate
Adjustment (HRA), review waiver options,
etc. Potential savings could be between S5
million to 520 million.
Family Independence Program - t ime limits
(Lifetime limit of 60 months or 5 years).
One time savings of more than $20.0 M;
going savings of S5.0 - $20.0 M
Updated: 11/12/2010
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Page 17
FY 2012 Reduction Ideas
(S in thousands)
Count 33.3% of federal Social Security
benefits for-F-amily-independence Program
eligibility; reduce Family Independence
Program benefits.
Agency Reduction Proposal/Description Gross GF/GP
fr current law Comments/Discussion
approximately 10% (grant for family of
% Reduction
Families receiving Family Independence
Program benefits currently do not have to
count the Social Security benefits in
determining eligibility and benefits; this policy1
change would reduce Family Independence
Program benefits for a family of 3 by
(10%} S492; Social Security per person is $674).
Renegotiate Children's Rights Settlement
DHS ; Agreement
($36,143.5} ($22,915.5)
:$0 -$5.0 M; Settlement renegotiation will
likely require returning to court, as the
settlement monitors and plaintiffs are very
committed to existing settlement.
Updated: 1"/12,2010
Printed: 11/15/2010 2:44 PM
Page 18
FY 2012 Reduction Ideas
(S in thousands)
Agency Reduction Proposal/Desenpt
Gross- . "<JF/GP fr current Jaw CoTnmtents/Kscussion
Set adult home help wage at minimum wage
and eliminate FY10 Adult Home Health
wage worker increase
(520,000.0) ($6,772.0)i (7%) J variable wages are paid by county/region.
Michigan's minimum wage is $7.40/hr. In
FYOS, wgge was increased from S7.15to
¦ $7.40 to recognize minimum wage. In FYGS,
it was also given a discretionary increase
from $7.40 to $7.50. In FY10, AHH workers
received a discretionary increase cf SO.SG.'hr,
above trie minimum wage. Currently, |
Eliminate pharmacy dispensing fee increase
($440.2), (0%) Increase was appropriated in FY09.
Reduce Medicaid Provider rates
($635,294.2)1 ($188,276.7) (10%)
and a S27 M use tax cost.
8% rate reduction was implemented in FY 10."
This reduction represents a $434 M cross
reduction to medical services, a S202 M
gross reduction to mental heatth services,
Reduce payments for residential foster care
by $7 per day
Reduction wnnSr! rpHitnp rates vi 9D1
Reduction would reduce rates to 2010 levels.
jA 10% cut would-be $12.0 M Gross, SS.O M
. Eliminate funding to private agencies for
: licensing foster care relative caregivers
($2,500.0) ($1,200,0) (100%)_ : agreement Funding can be discontinued.
DHS continues to resolve backlog of
licensing required under settlement
• -E-liraiaate»speGiaii.ze(iJn^e!3eR€!eRt4iv1f!g
services - establish a single rate for Drivate
($2,560.6) (3%) GF/GP.
($351.0) (100%) program
Would establish a single independent living
been created in the regular foster care
Reduce payments for independent living
services - foster care private agency
($81.01: (40%) Reduction would reduce rates to 2009 levels.
($664,964.6) ($199,681.5):
Updated: 1VI2/2010
18 Printed: 11/15/2010 2:44 PM
Page 19
Savings Estimate
Agency Reduction ProposatfDescrtption
FY 2012 Reduction Ideas
($ in thousands)
% Reduction
Gross . ; GF/GP fr current law
Comments/Discussion ¦¦,
Reduce support for Plant Health and Export
Certification: Dealer sites, field, and
greenhouse grown plant inspections. (4.0)
Agriculture FTEs.
($250.0)1 ($250.0)
Included in the Executive Recommendation
but FY11 budget partially restores funding, j
Savings in Right to Farm Program -
technical assistance to farmers for land
application of biosolids and resolving
complaints. Personnel adjustment of {1.0)
} {$150.0}
but fully res
he Executive Recommendation
red in FY11 budget
Reduce support for grain inspection
Agriculture program.
program in
included in t
u!ly resto
Legislature increased support for the
recommendation would remove the increase.
11 budget. This
Com Col. Operations runding reduction
{$300.0}: ($300.0]
Each 1% = 32,925,500
Maximize GF savings from Disproportionate
Share Payments
benefit hosps
!$20 million.
There is a fixed allotment for these
payments. Some benefit the state but most
! health plan partners. This proposal would
!limit or reduce the payments benefitting
providers to increase general fund savings to
the state. Potential savings is $5 million to
tals, including those with county
Reduce Support ror Aging Community,
DCH Nutrition and Volunteer services
($2,560.6) ($2,560.6)
. L
S2.2 million -
congregate /
other service
equate to $2.
11 is $25.6 million. A 10% cut in FY12 would
affects in-home care,
home delivered meais and
s. Total GF appropriation in FY
6 mil ion.
Reduce support for local health department
($3,393.3), {§3,393.3)
General fund
$1.0 million -
S33.9 million,
equate to S3.
reduced in FY 11 by 3% or
total FY 11 GF appropriation is ]
A 10% cut inFY12wouid
4 million. i
Updated: 11/12/2010
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Page 20
FY 2012 Reduction ideas
(S in thousands)
y. ;¦ Agency.:. Reduction Proposai/DescrIptioh
Savings Estimate
Reduce Community Mental Health non- ji
Medicaid ($28,227.5)! ($28,227.5):
Gross GF/GP
fr current law
General fund support reduced in FY11 by
inearly 2% or $5.4 million - total FY11 GF ]
appropriation is5282.3 million.
Reduce General Fund Supported '!
Community Substance Abuse Spending ($1,429,3)! ($1,429.3)
General fund support reduced in FY 11 by
nearly 12% or $1.6 million - total FY11 GF
appropriation is S14.3 million (gross is $83.5
million). Reduction reffects 10% of general
fund support.
Welfare-to-Work - Option #1: Eliminate all
; GF used to support weifare-to-work, but
continue program at reduced level with
remaining SSI .7 million in federal funds i
; (mostly TANF). ($15,224.8), (515,224.8)
GF reduction impacts TANF maintenance-of-
effort i
support for welfare-to-work activities;
repnontize remaining federal funding for
other purposes. (595,923.8), {515,224.8}!
Weifare-toWork - Option #2: Eliminate all
GF reduction impacts TANF maintenance-of-
ieffort. Note that approximately S54.7 M of
the gross reduction on this item would be in
Hi Ed
1% = S14(8S2.6
Hi Ed
596,923.8), _ {S15,224.8_
Operatrons funding reduction TBD TBD;
Reduce Tuition Incentive Program (TIP)
tuition funding for state university TIP
student to the average community college
{$6,400.0)1, {$6,400.0
Reimbursement would be provided at the
lower community college tuition level which is:
about 30% of public university tuition_ \\
Count 33.3% of federal Sociai Security
benefits for Family Independence Program
J(FiP) eligibility; reduce FiP benefits (S16,143.5)i ($16,143.5}
Families receiving FiP currently do not have
to count the Social Security benefits in
.determining FIP eligibility and benefits; this
a family of 3 by approx. 10% {FIP grant for
family of 3 is $492.00; Social Security per
person is $574). ;!
Reduce employment and training support
seivicesby 10% ($1,120.0) ($1,120.0)
Total program is $11.2 million; reduces
funding for support services like
transportation, clothing, and tools. GF
savings includes iANF funding.
Reduce funding for family preservation I
programs by 10% _ _ (55,200.0) ($5,200.0)
(10%) .
Services are not required by Children's
Rights settlement; GF savings induces
TANF funding.
Updated; 11/12/2010
Printed: 11/15/2010 2:44 PM
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