[nfbmi-talk] Minutes, December 2, 2010

trising trising at sbcglobal.net
Tue Dec 14 00:53:40 UTC 2010

Minutes, December 2, 2010 8:30 P.M.

Quorum yes

Larry Posont, Mike Powell, Terri Wilcox, Dave Robinson, Matt McCUBBIN Mary Wurtzel, Melinda Latham.

Secretary's Report, Terri Wilcox. Marcus Simmons moved and Mike Powell seconded the motion to approve the Secretary's report.

Treasurer's Report, Mary Wurtzel. The Imagination fund grant in the amount of $1,050 has arrived! It is customary to share the 
$1,000 bequest with the National Office. $3,000 is in the main account. Youth outreach has $1,700. Dave Robinson has 225 from fund 

 Donna Posont made a motion to give half of the bequest to the National Office. Mike Powell seconded the motion, which was then 

Introduction of participating Members

President's Report, Larry Posont. A print copy was received of the Newsline agreement between the Commission for the Blind and the 
National Federation of the Blind of Michigan. The National office is perusing it.

Meeting with ACB, Larry Posont, Fred Wurtzel, Christine Boone. We were able to agree verbally at this meeting. The meeting covered 
director's objectives and staff training. The agency should comply with corrected actions listed on the monitoring report. We urge 
them to put the corrections on the website and take all corrective actions by August 30. Consumers are not participating because 
they feel their ideas are ignored. Ideas come from the agency rather than consumers. If the agency does not take the consensus of 
consumers, they have 15 days to list the reasons why the consumer consensus was not used on the website. Improvements which were 
agreed upon include: Increasing employment outcomes by 10 percent and reducing unsuccessful closures by 10 percent. The Commission 
spends as much on unsuccessful closures as successful ones. ACB agreed with us on maintenance and they would talk with their people 
so that everyone will be on the same page concerning this important issue. National Federation of the Blind has to write a draft of 
our agreements to give to Acb. They will give it to Jo Ann Pilarski. The training committee will consist of 1 staff person, 1 Nfb 
person, 1 Acb person, and 1 person from the Board. By June 1, the Committee will turn in ideas about training new and existing 

We intend to protest if the committee gets larger than the 4 people.

Washington Seminar. Monday through Wednesday nights reservations need to be in by December 22. Hotel rooms are $160 per night. Mike 
Powell made a motion which was seconded by Donna Posont to sponsor 2 rooms. Email J.J. if you want to go. We have a grant to take 
youth to Washington Seminar. Donna Posont makes a motion, which is  seconded by Terri Wilcox for the kids to pay 100 for Washington 

Summer 2011 National Convention Transportation. John Scott and Sarah Norwood are working on the bus.

Quarterly Board Meeting Update. The Board meeting will be scheduled after Washington Seminar.

2011 State Convention. The hotel was visited in Kalamazoo and it made a favorable impression. State Convention will probably be the 
first week end in November. There are places to eat within walking distance.

Commission Board Meeting, December 10. The meeting on Thursday December 9 is on Pat Cannon's performance. The commission meeting is 
on the tenth, including awards.

Appointments to the Commission Board. Fred Wurtzel checked a senator's office last week end. It is recommended that Granholm not 
send reappointments. The new governor can rescind appointments and can appoint the board chair.

Nature's Finest Bounty Report. Products to be sold on our website through Nature's Finest Bounty include: pepper and coffee 
grinders. Wood products are another possibility. Blind vendors are being approached.

The Web Page is taking more time than expected.

Monitoring Report. The monitoring report will be put up on our web page.

Old Business: The monitoring report states The Commission for the Blind must change their policy to reflect that people with S.S.I. 
or S.S.D.I. do not have to use it for their college maintenance or tuition.

A long discussion ensued concerning MCB violations in the monitoring report.

Adjourn at 10-04. The next meeting is December 16.

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