[nfbmi-talk] Fw: [acb-l] Alert Alert: Quiet Car Bill to Come to House Floor Today, December 15.

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Wed Dec 15 18:54:51 UTC 2010

Office of the Republican WhipA great case of all organizations of and for the blind working in common cause.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Frank Welte 
To: acb-l at acb.org 
Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 2010 12:18 PM
Subject: [acb-l] Alert Alert: Quiet Car Bill to Come to House Floor Today,December 15.

Good evening: 


Tomorrow at some point in the afternoon, the House of Representatives will consider and pass S. 841, The Pedestrian Safety Enhancement Act. It appears as the 9th suspension item on a list of 22 in the list released earlier tonight. 

If you havae the opportunity, I encourage you to watch on C-SPAN or listen on 



It’s truly remarkable that this legislation with all of  its twists and turns along the way will be passed tomorrow! 




From: The Whipping Post [mailto:thewhippingpost at mail.house.gov] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2010 11:08 PM
To: ebridges at acb.org
Subject: The Whipping Post - 12/15/10



            On Wednesday, the House will meet at 10:00 a.m. for legislative business. Last votes: Evening

            One Minutes (15 per side)

            H.R. 2965 - Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Repeal Act of 2010 (Subject to a Rule) (Sponsored by Reps. Patrick Murphy / Hoyer / Armed Services Committee)

            Possible Further Action on H.R. 4853 - Middle Class Tax Relief Act of 2010 (Sponsored by Rep. Levin / Ways and Means Committee) 

            Suspensions (22 Bills):

              1) H.R. 6494 - To amend the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010 to improve the Littoral Combat Ship program of the Navy (Sponsored by Rep. Taylor / Armed Services Committee)

              2) H.Res. 1761 - Congratulating Auburn University quarterback and College Park, Georgia, native Cameron Newton on winning the 2010 Heisman Trophy for being the most outstanding college football player in the United States (Sponsored by Rep. Rogers (AL) / Education and Labor Committee)

              3) S. 4010 - A bill for the relief of Shigeru Yamada (Sponsored by Sen. Feinstein / Judiciary Committee)

              4) S. 1774 - A bill for the relief of Hotaru Nakama Ferschke (Sponsored by Sen. Webb / Judiciary Committee)

              5) S. 3036 - National Alzheimer's Project Act (Sponsored by Sen. Bayh / Energy and Commerce Committee)

              6) H.Res. 1600 - Supporting the critical role of the physician assistant profession and supporting the goals and ideals of National Physician Assistant Week (Sponsored by Rep. McCollum / Energy and Commerce Committee)

              7) S. 3199 - Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Act of 2010 (Sponsored by Sen. Snowe / Energy and Commerce Committee)

              8) S. 30 - Truth in Caller ID Act (Sponsored by Sen. Nelson (FL) / Energy and Commerce Committee)

              9) S. 841 - Pedestrian Safety Enhancement Act (Sponsored by Sen. Kerry / Energy and Commerce)

              10) S. 3386 - Restore Online Shoppers' Confidence Act (Sponsored by Sen. Rockefeller / Energy and Commerce Committee)

              11) H.R. 4337 - Regulated Investment Company Modernization Act (Sponsored by Rep. Rangel / Ways and Means Committee)

              12) H.R. 6517 - Omnibus Trade Act of 2010 (Sponsored by Rep. Levin / Ways and Means Committee)

              13) H.R. __ - Miscellaneous Trade and Technical Corrections Act of 2010 (Sponsored by Rep. Levin / Ways and Means Committee)

              14) S. 3860 - A bill to require reports on the management of Arlington National Cemetery (Sponsored by Sen. McCaskill / Veterans' Affairs Committee)

              15) S. 3447 - Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Improvements Act of 2010 (Sponsored by Sen. Akaka / Veterans' Affairs Committee)

              16) H.Res. __ - Supporting a negotiated solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and condemning unilateral declarations of a Palestinian state (Sponsored by Rep. Berman / Foreign Affairs Committee)

              17) S. 987 - International Protecting Girls by Preventing Child Marriage Act of 2010 (Sponsored by Sen. Durbin / Foreign Affairs Committee)

              18) H.Res. 20 - Calling on the State Department to list the Socialist Republic of Vietnam as a "Country of Particular Concern" with respect to religious freedom. (Sponsored by Rep. Royce / Foreign Affairs Committee)

              19) H.Res. 1757 - Providing for the approval of final regulations issued by the Office of Compliance to implement the Veterans Employment Opportunities Act of 1998 that apply to the House of Representatives and employees of the House of Representatives (Sponsored by Rep. Brady (PA) / House Administration Committee)

              20) S.Con.Res. 77 - A concurrent resolution to provide for the approval of final regulations issued by the Office of Compliance to implement the Veterans Employment Opportunities Act of 1998 that apply to certain legislative branch employing offices and their covered employees (Sponsored by Sen. Schumer / House Administration Committee)

              21) H.R. 5493 - To provide for the furnishing of statues by the District of Columbia for display in Statuary Hall in the United States Capitol (Sponsored by Del. Norton / House Administration Committee)

              22) H.Res. 1377 - Honoring the accomplishments of Norman Yoshio Mineta (Sponsored by Rep. Honda / House Administration Committee)

            Postponed Suspension Votes (5 Bills):

              1) S.Con.Res. 72 - A concurrent resolution recognizing the 45th anniversary of the White House Fellows Program (Sponsored by Sen. Brownback / Oversight and Government Reform)

              2) H.R. 6205 -The "Private Isaac T. Cortes Post Office" Designation Act (Sponsored by Rep. Crowley / Oversight and Government Reform Committee)

              3) H.Res. 1743 - Congratulating Gerda Weissmann Klein on being selected to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom (Sponsored by Rep. Mitchell / Oversight and Government Reform Committee)

              4) H.R. 5446 - The "Harry T. and Harriette Moore Post Office" Designation Act (Sponsored by Rep. Posey / Oversight and Government Reform Committee)

              5) H.Res. 1759 - Supporting “Ed Roberts Day” (Sponsored by Rep. George Miller / Education and Labor Committee)

            Special Orders 

            On Thursday, the House will meet at 10:00 a.m. for legislative business.

            Possible Further Action on H.R. 4853 - Middle Class Tax Relief Act of 2010 (Subject to a Rule) (Sponsored by Rep. Levin / Ways and Means Committee) 

            Vote for wasteful spending you would like the House to cut each week





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