[nfbmi-talk] related to mcb tc capital project
joe harcz Comcast
joeharcz at comcast.net
Sat Nov 6 13:36:04 UTC 2010
[Please see the PDF version of this analysis, if available, to view this image.]
Table with 2 columns and 21 rows
Changes from FY 2009-10 Year-to-Date:
Items Included by the House and Senate
1. No Worker Left Behind. Governor, House, & Senate eliminated GF/GP funding for this program.
2. Jobs, Education, and Training (JET). Governor, House, & Senate eliminated the DELEG Michigan Rehabilitation Services portion of this program which includes
(57.0) FTEs.
3. Economic Adjustments. Governor, House, & Senate funded standard economic increases.
4. Other Changes. Federal and restricted fund source adjustments, DIT economics.
Conference Agreement on Items of Difference
5. Michigan Nursing Corps. Governor replaced the current funding of $300,000 GF/GP with $5.0 million of Federal funds. House did not fund the program. Senate
included $1.0 million Federal funds. Conference included $500,000 Federal.
6. Workforce Training Program Subgrantees. Governor reduced by $5.0 million WIA funding to support Nursing Corps. House restored. Senate reduced $1.0 million.
Conference reduced by $500,000.
7. Welfare-to-Work. Governor reduced funding by ($2,609,800) GF/GP and ($7.6 million) in TANF funding. House reduced by additional ($210,000) General Fund.
Senate concurred with Governor. Conference reduced by ($200,000) GF/GP more than the Governor.
8. Insurance Advocate. Senate eliminated funding Insurance Advocate ($124,500). Conference funded Insurance Advocate for six months, a reduction of ($62,300).
9. Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA) and Land Bank. Senate removed funding due to E.O. 2010-2 which transferred the programs to Treasury.
Conference concurred.
10. Bureau of Fire Services. Governor recommended fees for fire safety inspections to reduce reliance on GF/GP by ($2.6 million). House included Fireworks
Safety Act fee funding. Senate included $2.6 million GF/GP. Conference concurred with Senate.
11. Worker's Compensation Administration and Board of Magistrates. House reduced by ($1.2 million). Senate restored $1.0 million. Conference reduced by
12. 3.0% Reduction. Senate reduced line items by 3.0% salary adjustments for State employees. Conference included the Gov's revision to reduce by the 3.0%
savings in the salaries of nonrepresented employees (NEREs).
13. Liquor Control Commission-Enforcement. Conference included $1.0 million and 6.0 FTEs for increased anti-bootlegging enforcement.
14. Federal Grant Projects. Conference included $7.0 million in spending authority for Federal grants including $5.0 million in the Bureau of Energy Systems
and $2.0 million and 6.0 FTEs in the Office of Financial and Insurance Regulation.
15. Low Income Energy Efficiency Fund. Conference increased to reflect a Public Service Commission order for participation from the Michigan Consolidated
Gas Company.
Total Changes
FY 2010-11 Conference Report Gross Appropriation
$1,278,178,200 Amount Over/(Under) GF/GP Target: $ 0
table end
Changes from FY 2009-10 Year to Date:
Items Included by the House and Senate
1. FTE Transparency and Expenditure Report. House added a report on the number of State employees by civil service class and required internet posting of
expenditures including ARRA spending and limited cost of this project to $10,000. Senate concurred. (Sec. 231 and 290)
2. Community College Reports. Governor/House/Senate added reports formerly in the Community College budget but completed by DELEG staff. (Sec. 733, 734,
& 735)
3. Capital Outlay Project. Governor/House/Senate included language on use and three-year carry-forward of $870,000 in private funds for renovations at the
Michigan Commission for the Blind Training Center in Kalamazoo. (Sec. 801 & 802)
Conference Agreement on Items of Difference
4. Deleted Sections. Governor/House deleted & Senate retained the following: Hiring freeze (Sec. 205), policy changes report (Sec. 215), limits for out-of-state
conferences (Sec. 217 & 224), timeline for unemployment agency rewrite (Sec. 332), report on Internet filings for unemployment insurance (Sec. 333), ergonomics
(Sec. 341), credit scoring (Sec. 406), vocational rehabilitation local match (Sec. 603), after school partnership (Sec. 709), and gang diversion in urban
areas (Sec. 817). Conference deleted the policy change report, credit scoring, and hiring freeze and retained ergonomics, internet reports, limits for
out-of-state conferences, vocational rehabilitation limit on local match, and after school partnership. Conference modified gang diversion to add Mt. Morris
Charter Township as an eligible recipient.
5. Deleted Earmarks. Governor deleted the following earmarks: MIOSHA $40,000 for aggregate industry (Sec. 342), $200,000 for West Michigan Team (Sec. 813),
Focus: HOPE allocation of $5,860,200 in Federal WIA funds (Sec. 816), $150,000 West Michigan Center for Arts & Technology (Sec. 818). House retained the
Federal funds for Focus:HOPE (Sec. 716). Senate retained all sections. Conference retained all sections and modified Sec. 813 to provide for two awards
of $100,000 each.
6. Payment by Credit Card. Conference authorized the Department to accept credit card payments unless prohibited by law. (Sec. 228)
7. Budgetary Savings. House specified that budgetary savings shall be implemented by legislative transfer. Senate/Conference did not include. (Sec. 230)
8. Fire Service Fees. Governor proposed use of the State Fire Services Fund proposed in H.B. 4026 to support the Bureau of Fire Services. House changed
to the proposed fireworks safety fees. Senate/Conference did not include. (Sec. 302a)
9. Liquor Enforcement. Conference directed the Liquor Control Commission to coordinate enforcement efforts with the State Police and report on investigation
and enforcement activities. (Sec. 371)
10. Automobile and Home Insurance Advocate. Senate added language prohibiting expenditures in Part 1 to be used to support this position. Conference did
not include. (Sec. 408)
11. Centers for Independent Living. Senate reinserts grant clarification language. Conference removed references to the statewide council. (Sec. 604)
12. WIA Youth. House added new language allowing grants to nonprofits offering programs for eligible youth focusing on entrepreneurship & job readiness
skills. Senate modified from may to shall. Conference concurred with the House. (Sec. 710a)
13. Customized Career Center. House added permissive language to allocate funding to enhance the current Talent Bank serviced by a Michigan-based customer
service center. Senate/Conference capped allocation at $100,000. (Sec. 719)
14. Michigan Nursing Corps. Governor permitted use of funds for grants to healthcare research or training agencies for development of virtual education
methods and required use of Nursing Corps funds in accordance with the WIA. House did not include funds for Nursing Corps. Senate reduced to $1.0 million
and concurred with Governor. Conference reduced to $500,000 and adopted the Gov's language. (Sec. 721)
Date Completed: 9-15-10 Fiscal Analyst: Elizabeth Pratt Bill Analysis @ http://www.senate.michigan.gov/sfa This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate
staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations. 11deleghilite_cr
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