[nfbmi-talk] a newsline story missed

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Sat Nov 6 14:11:12 UTC 2010



Funding cut for NEWSLINE service



Jason Burlen


Times Staff Writer


Published: Monday, October 25, 2010


Updated: Tuesday, October 26, 2010 11:10


Since 1995, local visually impaired and blind citizens were able to listen to their favorite magazine, newspaper and even some books, but that is about

to change.


The National Federation of the Blind (NFB) offered NEWSLINE, which made obtaining news, entertainment and sports more assessable for the visually impaired

not only in Genesee county, but also worldwide.


The numbers of participating papers are steadily growing, with new newspapers and national magazines now providing both paper media along with digital and

audio media versions.


But due to recent financial situations, the Michigan Commission for the Blind has cut funding for NEWSLINE as of Oct. 1 from a database of more than 300

newspapers and magazines to now the options to choose from a pool of four.


Michigan ranks third in the country per the number of daily users who utilized the services of NEWSLINE, leaving a huge impact on thousands of citizens

throughout the state without the access to these media outlets.


Brian Proffer, student affairs program specialist, believes it's a shame that such a service has to end.


"There must be another solution," Proffer said. "To eliminate a vital service to citizens with a disability is an- other gray area in the state of Michigan's

financial decisions. They should pull funding from other sectors in the state budget."


Students with documented disabilities have access modifications, accommodations or auxiliary aids on campus allowing them to fully participate in school

and community lifestyles.


UM-Flint has as a zero tolerance attitude toward discrimination to anyone with disabilities.


Any UM-Flint student needing accessibility services can speak to someone is the Student Development Center located at 264 UCEN or by phone at 810–762-3456.


Zachary Tomlinson, accessibility services coordinator, could not be reached for comment.


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