[nfbmi-talk] Minutes November 11, 2010
trising at sbcglobal.net
Mon Nov 29 23:24:43 UTC 2010
Minutes November 11, 2010
Quorum Larry Posont, Terri Wilcox, Mike Powell, Matt McCubbin, Donna Posont, Dave Robinson and Peter Zaremba.
Secretary's Report. Terri Wilcox. Mike Powell made a motion to approve the Secretary's Report. Matt McCubbin seconded the motion.
The report was approved.
Treasurer's Report, Peter
Zaremba/Mary Wurtzel. Most of the bills are paid for state convention. We are waiting for reimbursement from the state for the
youth. We currently have over $1225. Terri Wilcox moves adoption of the Treasurer's Report and Dave Robinson seconded the motion.
The report was approved.
Participating members were introduced.
State convention Round Up. Most of the bills are paid for state Convention. The Kalamazoo Clarion Hotel has given us quotes for
2011. There were 125 people at the Convention. A survey is suggested about what people liked and did not like at state Convention.
Consumer Involvement Council Policy, Fred Wurtzel. The Commission is proposing a new maintenance policy that they excerpted from the
Rehabilitation Services Administration. People are being required to contribute to their rehabilitation when they receive S.S.I. or
S.S.D.I. There should be a sentence stating that someone on Social Security does not have to contribute to their rehabilitation
program. It is illegal for Social Security recipients to have to pay for maintenance for college with S.S.I. or S.S.D.I. A motion
was made by Mike Powell to accept this statement. Donna Posont seconded the motion. The motion passed.
NFB Committees. Mary Wurtzel is Chair of the Legislative Committee. Dave Robinson is Chairman of the Fund Raising Committee.
Kimberley Mohnke, is Chair of the Membership Committee. Terri Wilcox, Mike Powell and Donna Posont also wish to serve on the
Membership Committee. Fred Wurtzel is Chairman of the Focus Committee. Matt McCubbin and Joe Harcz also wish to serve on the Focus
Committee. Melinda Latham is Chair of the Youth Outreach Committee.
Washington Seminar. J.J. Meddaugh volunteers to help, along with Mary Wurtzel and Elizabeth Mohnke. Youth should attend the student
seminar. Imagination Fund money is coming this week.
Summer 2011 National Convention Transportation. It is necessary to make this happen soon in order to avoid paying high rates. It is
necessary for a person from each chapter to work to make appropriate contacts with transportation companies to insure low rates and
quality service. Contact Sarah Norwood to work with her on this project.
January Quarterly Board Meeting. Larry Posont suggests that the January Board Meeting be held in Lansing. It is suggested that we
finalize summer National Convention transportation during the January board meeting.
2011 State Convention. State Convention is suggested for the first week end in November. The Kalamazoo Clarion offers rooms at
$79.99. They also offer free meeting rooms and a free Amtrak and airport shuttle. The hotel is near Burger King, Arby's and Perkins
restaurants. Dave Robinson makes a motion and Mike Powell seconds to have Convention in Kalamazoo during the first weekend of
Meeting with the Deputy Director of the Department of
Labor. Larry Posont and Mike Powell will attend a
meeting with Pat Cannon and the Deputy
Director concerning the Business Enterprise
Program and other Concerns. There is to be a meeting on the seventeenth between LARRY Posont, Mike Powell and Pat Cannon and the
deputy director. Everything should be recorded. It was suggested that someone who is very familiar with all of the Business
Enterprise concerns should be sent to this meeting as well. Larry Posont will decide whether it is necessary to have someone else
accompany him and Mike Powell to this meeting by Monday, November 15.
Commission Board Meeting, December 10. Get people to the Board meeting. Appointments to the Commission Board. Support people for the
Commission Board. We shall support individuals who understand and reflect Federation philosophy to be appointed to the Commission
Nature's Finest Bounty Report. Multiple orders of coffee give a discount. Publicize Nature's Finest Bounty. Share Nature's Finest
Bounty with the email lists.
Web Page Report. A test page is available. General principles of accessibility were discussed. Content is still wanted for the web
Old Business: We gave our questions to Pat Cannon. If he retires, he will probably not answer our questions. There were no time
limits set for the return of our questions with his answers. Larry Posont is seeking the names of Commission for the Blind retirees.
The Lansing Chapter Party is December 17. The Kalamazoo Chapter party is December 16. The Western Wayne County Chapter Christmas
party is December 4.
The next board meeting, is December 2.
Adjourn at 10-07.
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