[nfbmi-talk] state convention agenda

Larry Posont president.nfb.mi at gmail.com
Wed Oct 27 15:04:30 UTC 2010

National Federation of the Blind

of Michigan

State Convention

October 29 : 31, 2010

Doubletree Hotel, Dearborn Michigan

"No minority emerges from subjugation To Whom It May Concern: equality in a single moment. The move from oppression to freedom, from 
isolation to full participation, from segregation to integration is agonizingly slow, marked by long periods of hopelessness until 
the crushing weight of injustice becomes unbearable, forcing a shift, shattering the familiar, the accepted social order, the status 

Dr. Fred Schroeder from the 2010 National Convention of the National Federation of the Blind. Dr. Schroeder will be our national 
representative and will be addressing our convention on various occasions this weekend. We are priviledged to have Dr. Schroeder at 
our convention to address education of blind children and various issues related to his experience as the former Commissioner of 
Rehabilitation under the Clinton Administration. You are encouraged to meet and get to know Dr. Schroeder. You will find it 
energizing and a pleasant way to make a new friend.

Please visit our Web Page www.nfbmi.org.  To buy our renowned coffee, including Michigan Cherry, visit www.naturesfinestbounty.com 
where we will feature products made by blind entrepreneurs.

Contact our president, Larry Posont via email at president.nfb.mi at gmail.com or phone 517-482-1800.Much of the convention, including 
Resolutions Committee meeting, highlights from Division meetings and the harvest party, along with the general session on Saturday, 
the banquet and Sunday's business meeting and elections will be live streamed.  The stream link is:


Child Care is located in the Fairlane Room. Child Care is open during all general sessions.

Hospitality is located in the Greenfield Room.

Exhibits are located in the Dearborn Room.

Friday October 29

3:00 -- Resolutions Eerie Room

4:00 - 7:00 -- Registration and Newsline Information are Located to the left of the Michigan and Superior Rooms

5:00 -- Student Division Matt McCubbin, President --  Southfield Room

5:00 - 7:00 -- Hospitality - Greenfield Room

7:00 -- Parents Division Donna Posont Allen Park Room

7:00 - 9:30 -- Youth Scavenger Hunt Melinda Latham

8:00 - 10:00 Harvest Party

Activities for Kids and adults Donna Posont Michigan and Superior Rooms

Tickets sold for baskets as a fund raiser to benefit local chapters

Saturday, October 30


7:00 : Resolutions Committee (if needed to complete business from Friday). Contact Dave Robinson, Resolutions Committee Chair (cell 
phone - 517-775-7943) If needed will meet In Restaurant (food on your own)

7:00 - 8:15 -- Hospitality

7:30 : 8:20 : Registration Located to the left of Superior and Michigan Rooms

Sale table -- located directly in front of meeting rooms.

Coffee, sweat shirts and other NFB items

Literature Tables are located at the back of the Michigan and

Superior rooms. One table is for the literature of presenters, and the other is for NFB literature.

All general session meetings, plus the banquet and auction are located in the Michigan and Superior rooms.

8:30 : Call To Order, Star Spangled Banner : Terri Wilcox, Pledge of Allegiance, Announcements.

9:00 : National Report, Dr. Fred Schroeder, First Vice President, national Federation of the Blind

9:45 : President's Report, Larry Posont, President, National Federation of the Blind of Michigan

10:00 Newsline, Georgia Kitchen, NFB Michigan Newsline Cordinator Testimonials from Newsline Subscribers.

10:45 - Nature's Finest Bounty Coffee and more, PAC Plan, Announcements and Door Prizes  www.naturesfinestbounty.com for coffee and 
products made by blind people.

11:00 No Limits Youth Outreach -- Melinda Latham Fred Wurtzel

Youth Outreach NFB of Michigan Events 2010/Camp Tuhsmeheta Braille Camp Science Camp Culinary Camp

Bridge Walk

Future Events


12:00 - 2:00 Lunch On Your Own

12:00 - 1:45 -- Hospitality - Greenfield Room

12:00 to 12:30 and 1:30 to 2:00 DVD of Science Camp will be shown.  Feel free to leave late for lunch or come back early to view the 
science camp video featuring activities and philosophy from this year's program.

2:00 Announcements and Door Prizes.

2:15 Bits and Bytes To Freedom in Baltimore Jennifer Bopp Computer Instructor, Blind Industries and Services of Maryland

2:35 Mitres and Mahogany in the Movement in Minnesota -- -- George Wurtzel Industrial Arts Instructor Blind INC,

2:55 Books and Bytes in Our State Capital -- Scott Norris, Adaptive technology Coordinator, Michigan Commission for the Blind, 
Braille and Talking Book Library (BTBL)

3:15 -- IDEA In Michigan, Collette Bauman Low Incidence Outreach Michigan Department of Education

3:45 -- IDEA and Blind Kids In School, Dr. Fred Schroeder

4:15 -- Pat Cannon, Director Michigan Commission for the Blind, He will answer Questions from the National Federation of the Blind 
of Michigan membership. Mike Powell will be the moderator.

4:45 to 5:00 Door Prizes Coffee Sales, Announcements and Adjourn (IMPORTANT: Please clear room immediately so servers can set up for 

Saturday Evening

7:00 Banquet Fred Schroeder, Keynote Speaker Representing the National Federation of the Blind National Office


Auction immediately following Banquet.  Bring lots of money for great buys.  You may peruse Auction items throughout the week end 
which will benefit the NFB of Michigan No Limits Youth Outreach.


October 31

7:00 - 8:45 - Hospitality - Greenfield Room

8:15Devotions - Michigan and Superior Rooms

9 Call to Order, Quarterly Membership Board Meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of Michigan - Michigan and Superior 
Rooms Members are able to vote.

I. Call to Order Board Roll Call and Introductions of Others Larry Posont

II. Fred Schroeder

III. Secretary's Report, Terri Wilcox

IV. Treasurer's Report, Peter Zaremba

V. Elections for A. President

B. First Vice President

C. Second Vice President

D. Secretary

E. Treasurer

F. CIC Representative

G. Convention Delegate and Alternate to National Convention.

H. Board member's terms come up for reelection next year.

Board members are: Melinda Latham, Marcus Simmons, Dave Robinson, and Matt McCubbin

VI. CIC Report September 15

VII. Resolutions

VIII. Law Suit

IX. Support for Commission Board Appointments

X. Chapter and Division Reports

XI. New Business:

State Convention 2011

XII. Old Business:

XIII. Adjourn

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