[nfbmi-talk] National Federation of the Blind of Michigan board meeting April 7, 2011 Agenda, 8:30 P.M.
Larry Posont
president.nfb.mi at gmail.com
Tue Apr 5 14:50:43 UTC 2011
National Federation of the Blind of Michigan board meeting
April 7, 2011 Agenda, 8:30 P.M.
Call 605-475-4333 902855 Pound
Secretary's Report, Terri Wilcox.
Treasurer's Report, Mary Wurtzel.
Introduction of participating Members
President's Report, Larry Posont.
NFB Consumer Presentation on Commission Board Meeting on June 17.
Legislative Committee, Mary Wurtzel.
State Fund Raising.
Camp Tuhsmeheta.
MCB Temporary Training Center.
Quarterly Board Meeting, NFB. Saturday, May 14, 2011. Ann Arbor. Agenda Items Needed.
August Board Meeting.
State Convention.
Monitoring Report.
Nature's Finest Bounty Report.
New Business:
Old Business:
National Federation of the Blind of Michigan Board Meeting
March 24, 2011 Minutes, 8:30 P.M.
Quorum yes
Terri Wilcox, Larry Posont, Marcus Simmons, Michael Powell, Donna Posont, Melinda Latham, Dave Robinson,
and Mary Wurtzel.
Secretary's Report, Terri Wilcox.
The Minutes were sent out yesterday. Donna Posont
Moved to adopt the Secretary's Report. Michael Powell seconded the motion. The Secretary's Report was approved.
Treasurer's Report, Mary Wurtzel.
We have $4,879.30 which includes about $100 from the youth outreach account.
Expenses were about $325 for the Commission Board Meeting.
Michael Powell moved that we adopt the Treasurer's Report. Marcus Simmons seconded the motion. The Treasurer's Report was approved.
Introduction of participating Members
President's Report, Larry Posont. Discussion since the Commission Meeting. Geri Taeckens resigned from the commission board. Michael
King, the Assistant Attorney General was showing disrespect to blind individuals by standing at the door of the Commission Board
Meeting and passing notes back and forth with Connie Zanger.
Newsline. Marcus Simmons is working on fund raising letters. Several new magazines were added to Newsline. Newsline funding ends on
April 4.
State Fund Raising. Natures Finest Bounty information will go out to the NFB lists. An announcement will go out to the Braille
Monitor. We need someone who can put pictures up on the web page.
Camp Tuhsmeheta Open Meeting and Discussion Update.
Our three camps, Braille, Culinary, and Science, are scheduled. Opportunities Unlimited for the Blind is trying to get the
commission to fund four needed employees for Camp Tuhsmeheta.
We are trying to get the Commission to fund parts of Culinary Camp.
Potential New Board Members for OUB from NFB. Talk to Larry Posont if you are interested in being on the Opportunities Unlimited for
the Blind board. NFB can probably get 2 people on the Opportunities Unlimited for the Blind board.
Commission for the Blind Update/Commission Appointments.
Larry Posont will conduct new Commission staff training at the Detroit office.
Someone else from NFB will be assigned to conduct new staff training at the Kalamazoo and Lansing offices. The NFB National Office
is putting together a literature packet that will be handed out at the staff trainings. We should try to provide the same
information to the old Commission staff. The Commission is trying to appeal Dave Robinson's case. How much power does the Commission
Board have concerning the appeals process/ personnel issues? Joe Harcz states that according to the Rehabilitation Act the
Commission Board has the authority to get involved in personnel issues. Any staff person can have a hearing before the Commission
Board. Joe Harcz will send this information to Larry Posont. Joe Harcz is filing an Office for Civil Rights Complaint about the ADA
violations at the Commission Board meetings. He is also filing a complaint about the censorship of the state email list serve.
The Thom Kent case has been settled.
The Motion that was passed at the February 12 Board Meeting about the Training Center will be written up.
MCB Temporary Training Center. A concern about having Youth supervised at the hotel was expressed.
Quarterly Board Meeting, NFB. The Board Meeting will be Saturday, May 14 in Ann arbor at St. Paul's Lutheran Church. The address is
420 W. Liberty Ann Arbor, MI 48105. The Meeting will take place from 10:00 to 4:00. As a fund raiser for the Ann Arbor Chapter, a
spaghetti lunch will be offered for $6.
Marcus Simmons made a motion to have the Board Meeting in Ann arbor. Michael Powell seconded the Motion. The motion was adopted.
Mary Wurtzel will find out if we can have the August Board Meeting on the 13th.
New Business: No one has expressed interested in the newsletter training at convention. Dave Robinson and Mary Ann Robinson are
interested in this.
The National Office will resubmit our application for a fund raising license.
Old Business: The Detroit Chapter plans to take a bus to National Convention. Michael Powell will bring the Board details.
Mary Wurtzel moved that we adjourn at 9:30. Michael Powell seconded the Motion. The motion was adopted.
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