[nfbmi-talk] 2011-2012 Imagination Fund grant application

Larry Posont president.nfb.mi at gmail.com
Thu Aug 4 13:43:39 UTC 2011

Dear Fellow Federationists:
Some of us applied for Imagination Grants last year. Some of you may
want to think of applying for them again. We can talk about this at
the Board Meeting on Saturday. Please read below:

Larry Posont, President, National Federation of the Blind of Michigan

----- Original Message -----
From: Diggs, Parnell
Dear colleagues:

Attached is the 2011-2012 Imagination Fund grant application and
memorandum with information about this year's grant program.  Please
read the memorandum carefully and complete the application paying
attention to the materials and information requested.

Additionally, please keep in mind that we want to fund programs which
are likely to build the Federation.  Grant applications are due on
September 1, 2011.  The Imagination Fund Committee will award grants
around November 15.

In the meantime, please make sure that your affiliate is compliant
with all financial reporting requirements and that your filings are
up-to-date through November 30, 2011, by December 20, 2011.

Good luck with your grant requests in 2011, and I look forward to
reading about your ideas for carrying out Federation programs in the
coming year.


Parnell Diggs, Chairman
National Federation of the Blind Imagination Fund
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