[nfbmi-talk] when will we have ada compliance here?
joe harcz Comcast
joeharcz at comcast.net
Wed Aug 31 14:15:41 UTC 2011
August 31, 2011
Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.
(aka Joe Harcz)
1365 E. Mt. Morris Rd.
Mt. Morris, MI 48458
“E-mail: joeharcz at comcast.net
Patrick D. cannon
Michigan commission for the Blind Director
(And Former Michigan ADA Coordinator and former United States Access Board Chair)
Via: e-mail
Joel Hoffman
Michigan department of Technology Management and Budget, (ADA Coordinator)
(Via e-mail)
Dear Pat and Joel,
I’m writing today to request in accessible format being legally blind as you know and pursuant to both requirements of the Americans with disabilities Act of 1990, title II and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of1973 the following information:
-any ADA/504 complaints lodged by me against any entity of the state government of Michigan with either of yourselves, but most especially former State of Michigan ADA Coordinator Patrick D. Cannon (and that should also include any request for information in accessible format and timely manner made of Mr. Cannon over years along with his responses or lack thereof)…) And that should include resolution and documentation of this of same in those findings…
-any responses or resolutions of said complaints pursuant to obligations under title II and 504
-any purchase orders or other documentation of facility changes such as these related complaints documented over years regarding accessible signage at the Victor office Building (circa March-June 2010), especially those related to my complaints made which everyone except perhaps Cannon will admit to knowing about)
--all request for facility surveys of any buildings under your control, authority, etc. made during the past 18 months (in fully accessible format again pursuant to similar requests, with dates of submission and formats of same)
(The aforementioned request does indeed go to the only partially accessible documents received relative to the DTMB facility surveys of 2008 in which check marks were, and still are, image based and thus inaccessible to me, by the contractor “Integrated Architects” and thus in violation in and of itself as a contractual violation of the ADA/504 occurred
-all documents related to the removal of any identified barriers with the times of barrier removal nonetheless that inhibited required “program access” identified in the belated survey…In other words do program access barriers identified in the belated ADA access survey aforementioned and that were to have been removed by no later than January 26, 1995 under the program access requirements of the ADA, Title II, exist to this very day?
Finally I request any documents including notes or recordings related to your recent meeting with Michigan commission for the Blind commissioner Larry Posent in these regards including a complete scheduling again in accessible format of all barrier removal of past and future meeting sites of the Michigan commission for the Blind and most especially those data, information, and contracts, etc. (work orders would be nice) related to the signage issue at Constitution Hall a building constructed after the effective date of the ADA/Title II and used in violation of the ADA at its last meeting in violation of ADAAG Sections 3.40.1, 4, 5, 6 to name a few.; and let us not forget all the other buildings under joint control that violate these provisions of the ADAAG and program access to this day in these regards, especially those denoted in the aforementioned DTMB surveys…All denotes malicious and knowing discrimination especially by such a highly placed and knowledgeable official with the vast experience, position and knowledge as one Patrick D. Cannon (again denote his role as Chair of the United States Access board in these regards…what more needs to be said?”? As the ADA is now more than 21 years old I wish once and for all for this State and indeed the Michigan Commission for the Blind to complete its ADA homework.
Most Sincerely,
Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.
Cc: MCB Commissioners
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