[nfbmi-talk] sorry prior didn't go through
joe harcz Comcast
joeharcz at comcast.net
Sun Dec 4 05:50:23 UTC 2011
January 1 – December 31, 2011
1. ADAPTABILITY: Maintaining effectiveness when experiencing major changes in personal work tasks or the work environment; adjusting effectively to work within new work structures, processes, requirements, or cultures.
APPRAISEE SELF EVALUATION: 3 – Effectively dealing with the complexities of the new administrations re-organization and MCB’s immersion into the new Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) are examples of the appraisees adaptability.
2. ALIGN PERFORMANCE FOR SUCCESS: Focusing and guiding others in accomplishing work objectives.
APPRAISEE SELF EVALUATION: 3 – Regular meetings of MCB’s Planning and Quality Team (PAQ) proves to be an effective management tool in guiding all staff in pursuing identified items in the MCB Action Plan.
3. BUILDING PARTNERSHIPS: Identifying opportunities and taking action to build strategic relationships between one's area and other areas, teams, departments, units, or organizations to help achieve business goals.
APPRAISEE SELF EVALUATION: 3 – MCB’s highly successful Client Internship Program provided numerous opportunities to establish and strengthen partnerships with administrators and managers in several other state department as well as other private sector entities as well as providing meaningful work experience opportunities for participating clients. As a result of these efforts, several participants obtained permanent jobs and managers and co-workers at placement locations developed a greater understanding of the ability of blind persons in the workplace.
4. BUILDING TRUST: Interacting with others in a way that gives them confidence in one's intentions and those of the organization.
APPRAISEE SELF EVALUATION: 3 – The appraisee continues to sustain trusting relationships with agency managers and staff as well as leaders in various state departments, Federal governmental units, private sector entities, employers and consumer organizations.
5. COMMUNICATION: Clearly conveying and receiving information and ideas through a variety of media to individuals or groups in a manner that engages the audience, helps them understand and retain the message, and permits response and feedback from the listener.
APPRAISEE SELF EVALUATION: 3 – Through numerous communications and outreach initiatives, MCB has spread the word about blindness, the agency and its services to numerous media outlets dozens of times this past year. Additionally, the agency has conducted several targeted outreach efforts to eye care professionals, community partners and others about MCB services. Internally, the MCB Insight publication is one of the ways to keep Commission staff informed about events and issues affecting the Agency and its clients. One of the communications highlights of this year was the MCB Achievement Honor Roll Awards luncheon, which showcased the achievements of MCB clients, employers and community partners – an event which achieved considerable media attention statewide.
6. CUSTOMER FOCUS: Making customers and their needs a primary focus of one's actions; developing and sustaining productive customer relationships.
APPRAISEE SELF EVALUATION: 3 – Staff throughout the Agency are well aware of the Commissions mission to assist blind persons in achieving employment and independence, words which drive our professional staff and agency services. Managers and staff sustain effective working relationships with consumers, employers and community partners, consistent with the agency mission, philosophy and vision.
7. DECISION MAKING: Identifying and understanding issues, problems, and opportunities; comparing data from different sources to draw conclusions; using effective approaches for choosing a course of action or developing appropriate solutions; taking action that is consistent with available facts, constraints, and probable consequences.
APPRAISEE SELF EVALUATION: 2 – The objectives of this competency have been well met.
8. DELEGATING RESPONSIBILITY: Allocating decision-making authority and/or task responsibility to appropriate others to maximize the organization's and individual's effectiveness.
APPRAISEE SELF EVALUATION: 3 – The MCB Executive Management Team (EMT) meets regularly to track issues and challenges facing the agency in its service delivery objectives and the effective leadership of our managers and administrators assist in ensuring high quality and daily operations.
9. DEVELOPING A SUCCESSFUL TEAM: Using appropriate methods and flexible interpersonal style to help develop a cohesive team; facilitating the completion of team goals.
APPRAISEE SELF EVALUATION: 3 – MCB’s Planning and Quality Team (PAQ) is the key vehicle in ensuring a successful team approach in pursuing and achieving numerous items on the MCB Action Plan, which contains several objectives under four primary goals.
10. FACILITATING CHANGE: Encouraging others to seek opportunities for different and innovative approaches to addressing problems and opportunities, facilitating the implementation and acceptance of change within the workplace.
APPRAISEE SELF EVALUATION: 3 – Budgetary threats, a new administration and a new department are just three examples of numerous opportunities MCB has had in accepting and adjusting to change. Amidst these challenges, the agency remains effective in its service delivery priorities.
11. INNOVATION: Generating innovative solutions; trying different and novel ways to deal with work problems and opportunities.
APPRAISEE SELF EVALUATION: 3 – High unemployment nationally and in the state commanded an innovative approach to addressing issues impeding the success of Commission clients. The establishment and implementation of the Commissions Client Internship Program is an example of a creative success which led to work experience opportunities for 37 clients and permanent jobs for approximately 1/3 of those individuals, with more successes on the horizon.
12. LEADING THROUGH VISION/VALUES: Keeping the organization's vision and values at the forefront of associate decision-making and action.
APPRAISEE SELF EVALUATION: 3 – The key premise of this competency has been very well met through numerous approaches internally, particularly the MCB PAQ Team.
13. PLANNING AND ORGANIZING WORK: Establishing courses of action for self and staff to ensure that work is completed efficiently.
APPRAISEE SELF EVALUATION: 2 – The principles of this competency have been well addressed.
14. STRATEGIC PLANNING: Obtaining information and identifying key issues and relationships relevant to achieving a long-range goal or vision; committing to a course of action to accomplish a long-range goal or vision after developing alternatives based on logical assumptions, facts, available resources, constraints, and organizational values.
APPRAISEE SELF EVALUATION: 3 – MCB’s Planning and Quality Team, which is comprised of MCB managers, agency staff as well as consumer and stakeholder representatives, is the key vehicle in carrying out the Commissions ongoing strategic planning and visioning efforts. The MCB Action Plan is the vital management tool which assists the Agency in tracking its success and challenges.
15. TECHNICAL/PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE/SKILL: Possessing, acquiring, and maintaining the technical/professional expertise required to do the job effectively and to create customer solutions. Technical/professional expertise is demonstrated through problem solving, applying technical knowledge, and product and service management for the functional area in which one operates.
APPRAISEE SELF EVALUATION: 2 – With the ongoing support of the EMT and the PAQ Team, this competency has been effectively demonstrated.
16. VALUING DIVERSITY & INCLUSION: Actively appreciating and including the diverse capabilities, insights, and ideas of others and working effectively and respectfully with individuals and groups of diverse backgrounds, styles, abilities, and motivations.
APPRAISEE SELF EVALUATION: 3 – This competency has been particularly well demonstrated through the Agencies attempts to include consumer participation in several ongoing opportunities such as the Planning and Quality Team, the Service Delivery Team, Technology Team, Diversity Team and the Image and Identity Team. The agencies commitment to diversity is evident through the diverse makeup of the agency staff as a whole and its management team.
Objective 1: The Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) conducted its monitoring review of the Commission in 2009 and submitted its final report to MCB November 5, 2010. The final RSA report included eight findings which require corrective actions by the agency and MCB staff will be working with RSA’s designated liaison on a regular basis to provide technical assistance in the development of these actions and monitor progress. The agency director will provide monthly updates to commissioners on interactions with RSA and resulting compliance, beginning January 29, 2011 and post final corrective action plans on the website.
APPRAISEE SELF EVALUATION: 2 - The objective has been met, with regular interactions with RSA officials and monthly updates to Commissioners. MCB’s Corrective Action Plan (CAP) has been shared with Commissioners, although not yet posted on the website as the document is still in draft form, awaiting final, formal RSA approval.
Objective 2: Develop a comprehensive board orientation packet and program that insures that a new board member understands their role clearly.
§ Solicit information from the board, consumers, staff, and administrators as to what elements should be included in a comprehensive board orientation packet-program by March, 2011.
§ Propose a comprehensive board orientation packet-program to the board for approval by the June 2011 meeting.
§ Implement the board orientation packet-program when ever a new board member is appointed to the board prior to their first board meeting.
Work with DELEG and DTMB to ensure that each new board member receives a state e-mail address for board correspondence only within 10 days of a commissioner being sworn in.
APPRAISEE SELF EVALUATION: 2 – The objective has been well met, with orientation for two new commissioners being conducted and process evaluation solicited and received. Further suggestions are currently being sought in order to improve the orientation process for the new appointees. Commissioners have also been issued State of Michigan email addresses for conducting commission business.
Objective 3: Plan and conduct up to three in-service workshops for commissioners on subjects chosen by commissioners, such as the Randolph-Sheppard Act, the range of transition services provided to consumers and/or agency interactions and collaborations with senior organizations and agencies, Veterans organizations, etc. Presentations would be conducted by MCB staff and, in some instances, as appropriate, external partners may be utilized as warranted. The workshops could be scheduled adjacent to commission meetings in March, June, September or December to help minimize costs.
APPRAISEE SELF EVALUATION: 3 – This objective has been very well met as we’ve responded to commissioner requests for in-service training. Topics covered include the state budgetary process, the MCB list serve, the MCB website, State of Michigan email system and Commissioner Email addresses.
Objective 4: Work with DELEG to secure a facilitator to continue the work of the BEP/EOC Ad HOC Committee and facilitate the MCB Planning and Quality (PAQ) Team through September, 2011. The facilitator will help plan and conduct six meetings of the Ad Hoc Committee and four PAQ Team Meetings, beginning in January, 2011. Progress reports on the efforts of these two committees will be provided to commissioners quarterly.
APPRAISEE SELF EVALUATION: 3 – The department was most helpful to the Commission, providing the services of Holly Grandy Miller to facilitate the continuing work of the Ad Hoc Committee through the summer, when the facilitator role was assumed by an Operator, Rob Essenberg. Bob Robertson continues his facilitator role with the PAQ Team as it was determined that an external facilitator was not necessary.
Objective 5: Continue the work of the agency’s committee to review and improve staff training, particularly training of new agency staff. The committee also includes representation from the MCB Consumer Involvement Council (CIC), the Michigan Council of the Blind and Visually Impaired (MCBVI) and the National Federation of the Blind (NFB) of Michigan. The committee’s works includes a focus on enhancing the understanding of blindness and issues facing blind persons, which is intended to assist staff in serving clients most effectively. The progress on the committee’s recommendations will be reported to Commissioners quarterly, with its final report to Commissioners in December, 2011.
APPRAISEE SELF EVALUATION: 3 – This committee has worked effectively to strengthen the agency’s orientation procedures and is currently in the process of surveying all individuals who began their work with the Commission in the past 18 months to ascertain their satisfaction with orientation procedures and soliciting feedback on the orientation effectiveness. Further, as a result of this committees work enhancements have been made in the training and orientation process for new staff, including a new low-vision component, self defense and driver safety training.
Objective 6: Demonstrate strong commitment to performance appraisal and feedback through the development of goals and objectives and performance expectations; provide fair and objective performance evaluations; ensure timely submission of evaluations for subordinate staff and/or self evaluations.
APPRAISEE SELF EVALUATION: 3 –MCB managers continue to do an excellent job of developing performance objectives for all employees and conducting subsequent performance appraisals. Earlier this year, however, the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) issued a directive to scale back the performance appraisal system to include only supervisors, managers and administrators. Consequently only those individuals considered to be Group 3 and 4 Civil Service employees remain in the system. Managers may continue to evaluate all employees on established objectives, but the evaluation results will not be a formal part of the appraisal system.
Objective 7: Provide positive direction in the implementation of EEO programs, such as EEO, Diversity, Discriminatory Harassment, and ADA, through training and monitoring, in order to ensure compliance with all federal and state civil rights statutes. Also ensure that equitable practices are adhered to in the areas of selection, hiring, assignments, discipline, and training. Demonstrate commitment to workplace safety through the establishment of safety policies, procedures, and safe working conditions. Respond timely to reporting requirements for information on these practices.
APPRAISEE SELF EVALUATION: 3 – All EEO requirements of the Civil Service Selection Process are consistently adhered to as the Commission hires, trains and/or promotes individuals. Because of its aggressive recruitment and outreach procedures, MCB has been successful in achieving a high rate of diversity of agency staff and is among the leading blind rehabilitation agencies in the Nation in terms of hiring and promoting blind persons. MCB’s internal Safety Committee has also undertaken several steps to enhance the safety of agency personnel, including safety training, establishing safety monitors in every office, training those safety monitors, and procedures for safely dealing with blood borne pathogens. Finally, excellent diversity training was provided for all participating staff by Dr. John Lee from Michigan State University.
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