[nfbmi-talk] Join the growing network of Sellers in the eBay/NFB Jobs Creation Program!

Larry Posont president.nfb.mi at gmail.com
Thu Jul 21 02:20:35 UTC 2011

National Federation of the Blind of Michigan
20812 Ann Arbor Trail
Dearborn Heights, MI 48127

July 20, 2011

Susan Turney
Communications & Outreach Coordinator
Victor Office Center
201 N. Washington Square, Second Floor
Lansing, MI  48913

Dear Susan Turney:

	Will you please send this out to job seekers, Commission Staff, and
any appropriate email lists?
Thank you.


Larry Posont, President
National Federation of the Blind of Michigan
Email: president.nfb.mi at gmail.com
Web page

----- Original Message -----
From: Klink, Jonas
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2011 7:02 PM
Subject: Join the growing network of Sellers in the eBay/NFB Jobs
Creation Program!

Dear Future eBay Seller,

You are receiving this email as a follow-up to having expressed
interest in the eBay/NFB Jobs Creation Program. Below, please find the
information and resources you need to get started, as well as a
description of the criteria that need to be met before you can start
taking full advantage of the support offered by the Jobs Creation
Program. Also feel free to forward this email to anyone you may know
who would be interested in Selling on eBay.

Selling on eBay offers a unique opportunity to access a marketplace
which is 95 million users strong (and growing), and which generates
global sales of more than $60 billion annually - that's more than
$2000 every second!

We're working with the NFB to tackle the issue of high unemployment
within the blind community by helping blind and visually-impaired
sellers leverage the eBay Marketplace. Our hope is that this program
can help people enhance their independence and feed their
entrepreneurial spirit. Best of all: it's easy and FUN!

Step 1: Getting Started

To get started with accessible selling on eBay, please follow the
steps outlined at ebayinc.com/accessibility, specifically the
step-by-step guidelines to accessible selling on eBay. These
guidelines outline the simple steps from registering on eBay to
creating and publishing your first listing.

We also ask that once registered with eBay, you send us your eBay
username and your email address so we can track your progress and
provide you with additional resources and support. You can send us
this information using the form in the step-by-step guidelines to
accessible selling on eBay page, or by simply replying to this email
with your eBay username and email address.

Step 2: Getting Support

1.       General Discussion and Support. For questions regarding the
process of getting started with accessible selling on eBay, and to
connect with the existing network of sellers from the blind community,
please join the 'Ebay-talk' mailing list on the NFB Mailing List page.
This channel is open for everyone interested in selling/buying on
eBay, and we encourage any aspiring Seller to join this discussion
right away!

2.       Targeted Support through OnRamp. Once you have started
selling on eBay, and are looking to take your business to the next
level, you may be eligible to receive personalized phone support
through the OnRamp program. In order to qualify for the OnRamp
program, you must meet all of the following criteria:

a)       eBay feedback score of at least 10 (from items bought or sold)

b)       As an eBay Seller, having listed at least 25 items (or more)
within the previous 60 days

c)       Commit to meet or exceed eBay Top Rated Seller quality
standards (these requirements focus on providing top-notch customer

d)       Have access to a steady supply of products (150+ items and
$5,000 total value)

Once you meet the criteria a-d above, please contact Jonas Klink
(jklink at ebay.com) with your eBay username and email to be considered
for OnRamp.

Step 3: Becoming an Education Specialist Trained by eBay (optional)

If your main goal is to train others on accessible ways of buying and
selling on eBay, you must be an eBay Member in good standing, have
good knowledge of how to sell on eBay and, ideally, have taught others
to use the eBay site successfully. Your account must reflect 5 or more
positive feedbacks for items sold within the past 60 days and a
Positive Feedback rating of 98% or higher prior to registration for
the Education Specialist Program.

Please be advised that even if your goal is primarily to teach, in
order to qualify for OnRamp, you must still meet the requirements
outlined in Step 2 above. To learn more about the path to becoming an
Education Specialist trained by eBay, please contact Jonas Klink
(jklink at ebay.com) with your eBay username and email.

Join the growing network of accessible Sellers on eBay today!


Jonas Klink

eBay Inc. - Accessibility

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