[nfbmi-talk] something worth \consideration

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Sat Jun 25 04:46:59 UTC 2011

Basics of Activism and Civil Rights:


Oh, my many in the blindness and disability movement have recently been defaming me and the likes of me for asking for simple information, like that might be some sort of act of revolution or arrogance. Oh, man we must be supplicants with hat in hand, the truly handicapped begging for scraps of what is routinely offered the non-blind or the non-disabled. And we must bend in genuflection to the non-disabled or even the disabled sell-outs and “Tiny tims” of our movement for basic rights and that includes rights of access too!


Then we have some in our community who side with these sell outs, or “tiny tims”, or “uncle toms”  or whatever term defines, or divines the moment with the full position and support of the basic taxpayer to deny the rights, privileges and fundamental Constitutional rights ascribed to all including us under the 14th Amendment among other laws.  Do people not understand that Article V of the 14th Amendment requires “equal protection and due process” for all citizens of this nation? They also apply to us who are blind or otherwise disabled ergo the ADA and laws like Section504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended.


I find the whole arguments against the rights of all incredible and preposterous I really do.


Let us look at Michigan. Boy oh boy we the blind have the right to receive all information in accessible format and in a timely manner which all agree and the law prescribes. Oops it rarely happens affirmatively even within the Michigan commission for the blind let alone other agencies. Of State government in spite of years of litigation and case law like say Tyler v. Manhattan. Oops we have the right to have fully compliant raised character and Braille signs too and yet it ain’t a happening either even in our state buildings where MCB activities take place. In spite of statute and regulation and years of a scofflaw, former chair of the united States Access Board, Patrick Cannon, who not only knew of violations but designed the scoping and other provisions he violates to this very day, thus making these violations not only deliberate indifference to a class of individuals; and not only disparate  treatment to a class of individuals; but also after being advised over and over again by yours truly, he has acted with malice of forethought and with malicious intent against not only myself but against the entire class of individuals who happen to be blind, let alone those with other disabilities in this state and thus should not only not be protected by the State of Michigan for his known perfidy and gross violations of these laws, but rather, should be prosecuted, in my mind,  for associated violations such as his constant assertions  of required assurances to the federal government that he and this agency is in compliance. Which in demonstrable and factual matters it is clearly NOT in compliance to this very day. In other words the assurances that MCB or other State of Michigan facilities are in compliance with the ADA, 504, and other federal laws aand obligations are simply a lie, a falsehood, or whatever lawyers wish to call it. But I’ll call them a demonstrable lie in black and white and again, most demonstrable for the facts are what the facts are.



But, no this fool and scofflaw is protected somehow because this clown is a “token”? I don’t get it.



Yet, when activists like myself suggest that even customers, or employees or others uniformly get what has already established by law for decades I’m some sort of dangerous radical. Off or consistently pointing an obvious fact out and documenting the civil rights abuse


What in the heck is wrong with this picture as this right to accessible information is a Constitutional Right in the first place and this is one of which liberates the mind of men and women in the first place: and which after all is a fundamental safeguard against governmental waste, fraud and abuse which goes to right to know laws like the FOI/A and others in the first instance. Including associated rights under the federal civil rights laws like the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504? Oh might I take a moment to address our state of Michigan web sites and documents therein and how utterly documented and how woefully inn assessable they are by numerous federal and other surveys here?


My Lord, we talk about Braille and the very MCB, and other state entities and all sort of other entities in receipt of federal funds cannot even communicate by simple e-mail? What in the world?


Snyder, Grandholm, Obama, and Bush W all alike talked about transparency of government. I want it to be sure from all sides and I sure in the heck want it for people with disabilities being equal in this government being what it is at the moment for all people including those like me who are blind.


Look at the scofflaws in these regards in MRC with that evil scofflaw Malloy who isn’t much different sadly with the scofflaw Cannon and others under his wing.


Why are blind folks somehow by arbitrary fiat seen as somehow exempt as to the happenings of our government?


We have the right to know just like everyone else the affairs of state. We have the absolute right to act and to complain about our violations of this fundamental right and not to be condemned for the asking whether it be from NFB or ACB or the Democrats or the Republicans or the CIA or the FBI or whomever. We are Americans and as such we are endowed with the right to know the happenings regardless as to race, color, creed, gender, national origin, religion (or lack thereof), disability, etc. about the doings of our government.


We have an unwavering right to know our bills, our IEPCs, our menus, our ballots, our IPEs, our newspapers, and everything else produced by our government or places of public accommodation alongside our sighted peers. This isn’t even debatable and is encoded in laws and yet, the very instruments, the first places for accommodation in this state; the state of Michigan itself and the State VR agencies including MCB and MRS are the worst scofflaws. What in the world is wrong with this picture and what in the world cannot some understand about the fundamentals of both civil rights and public accountability>? Then we have those who talk about form over substance like Pilarski who, by the way has over stayed her welcome being a already termed limited by the Rehabilitation Act out of office, an act she avoids and ignores in gross violation of law and hasn’t even read by the way, and then differs incessantly to “by laws”, and ignorance notions of policy and practice over and over again to serve her masters while over more than a decade abetting pernicious civil rights violations. And do we not understand by now the gross violations of law and documented over and over again in the public record of Patrick D. Cannon from the gross and perpetual violations of the rehabilitation Act to the violations in fact and deed of the ADA and   the violations of FOIA, OMA, and even the “false statements act”? Sue me you sob if you think this is defamation. I dare you Cannon! I double dare you for these breaches of law and equity are already documented in the public record!! And the blind and others with other disabilities are already paying for your years of perfidy and pernicious and malicious and most self-serving   lawbreaking. I double and triple dare you you sob to sue me for defamation and then to rely on your inside attorney general back ups to defend you.  I think the Michigan taxpayer let alone those who are blind already know about what you’ve personally cost both by your gross malfeasance, non-feaseance in the Christine boone and Dave Robinson cases alone in these regards let alone others.

What a squander ring of state resources that will be and I’d love the media side show. Maybe we’d come to a Kwame Fitzpatrick moment eh? Oh yes and then there are your true conflicts oof interests which are in the public record, and your violations offer, again the multiple violations of the Rehab Act and so on and so forth. My suggestion to Governor snyder and Mr. Hilfinger and Mr. Arwood is to dispatch your sorry behind as soon as possible and not to blame the people who are blind of either consumer organizations for pointing out facts. And I have plenty of them and will get more too. But, Cannon make my day, go for it show your true colors…Oh yes, and maybe the new A.G. should investigate you and others for corrupt practices eh? How fast can you cook the books?


I’m done with the spin. I’m done with the crap. I’m done with letting the obvious abuses of power go to the wayside to save sinking ships of abuse. I’m done with taking abuses from the Democrats or from the Republicans. I wish for no money from this agency and I only wish for it to do what it is supposed to do. And that is not to have you or other sorry assed leeches live high on the hog while you suck the blood from the sy=stem and screw the average person who is blind or otherwise disabled to live high on the hog without even a college degree mind you!



In the old civil rights days of color the weapon of segregation was enforced by arms and similar actions. In this arena the weapons are those of exclusion from the printed and orally delivered word, and by the lack of physical access. This is simple and not so hard to understand unless one is a lap dog for a paid bigot and sell out like say Jo Anne Pilarski and Patrick d. Cannon. And don’t get all rattled about this comment for the ultimate defense against slander (the spon=ken word” and liable “the written word” is the truth. I write the documented truth here but I’d love Ms. Pilarski or Mr. Cannon, one being a long time public official with a public record; teethe other being a most highly paid sell out and public “servant” to sue me. Go ahead make my day you sell outs!

We are not or we are not supposed to be a totalitarian form of government which censors information, but our rehab agencies do so including MCB on its own list serve and in violation of the First Amendment of the United States of America.


We are not as the movie about the deaf denotes “Children of a Lesser God”.


I and others in this movement should not be vilified or intimidated for asking for equitable rights, at least the fundamentals afforded to other citizens of this Democratic-Republic as corrupted, in my mind as it has become than that of others.


Fundamentally, all else aside there is only one redemption for America and for that of the organized and disorganized, for that mater, blind and otherwise disabled. That is we must at a minimum adhere to the rule of law over the rule of man. And, frankly that isn’t occurring.


I openly ask Mr.’s. Opilarski and others if they have learned a little bit of civics or taught it?


I’ve often wondered in her actions as to which part of the “First Amendment” she and others didn’t understand.


Oh yes and it doesn’t just, as some think defend political “opinion”, but most importantly it defends against the excesses of the state the absolute right to truth and actions that defend the truth in fact and deed.


MCB has become so much spin control and Jo Anne Pulaski defends the spin.


We wish for facts, real data and not spin or press release “journalism”.


As a former reporter I had a term for the PR industry by the way and it is apt. I called them, “paid liars.”


It didn’t matter if they came from the right or left they were paid liars. And I want the truth.


Joe Harcz Whoe is a Truth Seeker




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