[nfbmi-talk] Fw: [acb-l] Youth Activity Center in Reno

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Wed Jun 29 17:43:17 UTC 2011

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "joe harcz Comcast" <joeharcz at comcast.net>
To: "Carla Ruschival" <adamcarla at bellsouth.net>
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2011 1:35 PM
Subject: Re: [acb-l] Youth Activity Center in Reno

> Again this goes to fiduciary and legal responsabilities of the ACB and its 
> organization. Have all parties related to the Youth Activity Center 
> included Carla Ruschaval herself been vetted for this?
> Oh in her own resume in her run for Treasurer she acknoledges her 
> association with Darrell Buford in her role as treasurer of the Kentucky 
> School for the Blind alumni Association during the time he was President 
> of it and after multiple convictions and other cases of association in 
> this arena and the public record on this very list.
> In short he had access to minors on that campus and through the very same 
> KSB alumni association she references.
> If ACB members vote this person into a fiduciary role including as 
> national Treasurer after the public record has been released on this 
> record and resume alone they have rocks in their heads.
> And I'm not even going into the Maxi-Aids scandel of her or other 
> fidicuaries, or the Dohmen case, or the countless other abuses she has 
> made upon and against not only ACB members, but also against the public at 
> large.
> If one kid was harmed at KSB,  which I think more than likely or KCB I 
> hope that all will sue this at very least known enabler back to the stone 
> age, along with assorted other fidicuaries of KCB, the KSB, the State of 
> Kentucky APH, et al.
> .
> And if ACB members elect her and other public enablers of mass abuse 
> documented against sighted individuals and others with other disabilities 
> and implicit against vulnerable blind kids given this and other public 
> documents they are culpable too.
> Oh yes and by the way why in the world isn't anyone standing against her 
> if ACB is such a Democracy?
> I'm sick to death of the public hypocrisy and all the NFB vs. ACB crap. A 
> pox on both houses organizationally. But, a commendation for members of 
> both or those whom are non-affiliated who fight for justice and who speak 
> truth to power.
> And ACB members and convention  and affiliates who vote can vote against 
> this individual even through an abstention which counts as a "no" vote 
> although ACB has always had a parliamentarian since the Gray regime that 
> violates the rights of members and manipulates Robert rules  of order to 
> deny the democratic process. Oh that too is documented.
> I don't make allegations. I document abuses of process and law.
> It is time for the membership of ACB to step up and to call serial rapist 
> facilitators and rapists to account. It is time for members of ACB not to 
> be so absorbed in "process" as to not know right from wrong.
> It is time for ACB to practice what it preaches.
> I for one am sick of all the self serving crap and the abuse of members 
> and indeed the hypocritical rock throwing at NFB. They have their own 
> "sins" and their own violations of various civil rights laws etc. to 
> account for on a national plain.
> I have been equal in my praise and alternate condemnation of both when 
> right or wrong in law, equity or morality.
> I'm sick of the willful blindness though of again fiduciaries of this 
> organization. And I openly call Carla to account for her actions or 
> inactions over decades.
> A public official, voluntary or not should be rightfully held to account 
> don't you all think?
> If Carla did not know of Bufords prior convictions and all which I find 
> incredible then why not while serving in a variety of public capacities? 
> and if she did know of his track record of abuse again years after 
> multiple convictions of serial rape of minors and his association with 
> Security Taxi which transported vulnerable youths to KSB, and KCB 
> functions for years and was sued in courts of law including the Sixth 
> Circuit Court of Appeals for enabling a known sex offender to rape two 
> other "vulnerable" and disabled people then what does this say about her 
> competence which I get through a few phone calls and simple google 
> searches?
> And please officials and others of ACB don't give me the pabulum of it is 
> against ACB Constitution to expel someone from ACB. I'm not talking about 
> expelling Carla or Buford even for that matter. Though those might be some 
> fine ideas.
> I'm talking about fiduciary responsibilities of a 501 (c) (3). I'm talking 
> about transparency of governance of this once fine organization. I'm 
> talking about this organization and others that at a minimum facilitated 
> by putting literal blinders on to a serial rapist of non-disabled minors 
> let alone facilitating him in other crimes against more vulnerable minors 
> in the Kentucky School for the Blind, in the Alumni Association of the 
> same. In the Kentucky Council for the Blind which met always on that very 
> campus where Buford had a master Key. I'm not only ticked at ACB here in 
> its ostrichism, but also the State of Kentucky, the Kentucky Statewide 
> Rehabilitation Council,, the American Printing House for the Blind and all 
> other associated organizations. But who did associate with all of the 
> above and at very least in the public record was central with all of these 
> things in her own resume and in the public record? Well it was Carla 
> Ruschaval.
> Oh, ladies and gentlemen this was even after his most recent indictment 
> and everyone knows it and again it is a part of the public record.
> So, ladies and gentlemen I urge you to at very least to vote "no" against 
> Carla Ruschaval for Treasurer of ACB.
> This ain't no clown show, and this ain't no circus. ACB is supposed to be 
> about serious business and should take the public trust of its officers to 
> heart.
> Oh, by  the way Ruschaval's role with Chris Gray and the rummied internet 
> access committee and all the violations of fundamental and factual 
> limitations of the "First Amendment" on this very list and my suspension 
> until the regime of Pomerantz are well documented too.
> I save my e-mails and I document my complaints.
> Again what the heck  are people thinking if they let this facilitator take 
> any ACB office?
> And don't blame the messenger for the message anymore than some blame the 
> victims of the Catholic Church's abuses for coming forward, or anymore 
> than the victims of the recent tragedy of the rail accident in L.A. blame 
> the victim.
> If people are in so called charge of a situation including being an ACB 
> board member or running for Treasurer they act in a public trust and must 
> be held accountable.
> If they wish to whimper and wail at being only unsung "volunteer
> rs" then I say, "Don't run for the office and don't let the door hit you 
> in the ass on your way out."
> This ain't about tokenism or feel good crap folks ... this is about 
> accountability.
> Hereare just some facts to consider once again when voting if indeed you 
> do have a vote:
> -Carla Ruschaval did right a resolution with no action clause exusing the 
> poor behavior of most of the Board relative to the Dohmen affair, and the 
> purging of Charley Crawford, and later Penny Reeeder relative to those 
> events...
> )She did more than play games in denying by fiat my rights and the rights 
> of others to post to this very list by fiat and by ex post facto bull 
> hockey and manipulations
> -She colluded with Michael Godinow and others relative to abuses over the 
> "Maxi-Aids" affair...
> -She by the public record once again at very leastassociated and thus 
> facilitated with a multiple offendor of rapes of minors in multiple 
> capacities over decades...And if she didn't know she should have known...
> Thus, simply vote against this person for Treasury of ACB. Vote for Donald 
> Duck if you have to but vote against this person in this post if you give 
> at least a rat's posterior for the viability of ACB at all.
> sincerely
> Joe Harcz who is tired, but who is still a tribune
> Sincerely,
> Joe Harcz
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Carla Ruschival" <adamcarla at bellsouth.net>
> To: <acbconvention at acb.org>; <leadership at acb.org>; <acb-l at acb.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 7:09 AM
> Subject: [acb-l] Youth Activity Center in Reno
>> We are trying to get an accurate count on the number of children who will 
>> be participating in the Youth Activity Center at the Reno convention.  We 
>> also need to collect some information about each child so that we can 
>> tailor the program to each child's needs.
>> If you are planning to bring a child between the ages of 6 and 15 to 
>> Reno, and you plan for that child to participate in the YAC, please 
>> contact me immediately by telephone at 502-897-1472.
>> Please help circulate this message to others.
>> Thanks very much.
>> Carla Ruschival
>> 502-897-1472
>> adamcarla at bellsouth.net
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