[nfbmi-talk] National Federation of the Blind of Michigan Board Meeting February 24, 2011

trising trising at sbcglobal.net
Tue Mar 8 02:49:56 UTC 2011

National Federation of the Blind of Michigan Board


February 24, 2011

Minutes, 8:30 P.M.


Larry Posont, Mike Powell, Dave Robinson, Terri Wilcox, Marcus Simmons, Melinda Latham, and Matt McCubbin.

Secretary's Report, Terri Wilcox.

The Secretary's Report was moved for adoption by Mike Powell and seconded by Dave Robinson. The Secretary's Report was approved.

Treasurer's Report, Mary Wurtzel.

We received a bequest for $552.62.

Introduction of participating Members

President's Report, Larry Posont.

Appointments for the Commission Board should be named soon. Larry Posont will be at the Business Enterprise Program meeting on 
February 25. Larry is meeting with Leader Dog. They mentioned having a poor relationship with the Commission for the Blind. 
Transportation is difficult in the Rochester area. There is only one blind staff person working out at Leader Dog.

Newsline. Letters for fund raising are needed.

Summer Transportation to National Convention 2011.

No one is interested in the bus except for Detroit Chapter members.

Legislative Committee, Mary Wurtzel.

A legislative day at the Capitol is a possibility. Legislative packets are being created that express our philosophy and introduce 
our most urgent concerns.

Ann Arbor Chapter Job Seminar, Terri Wilcox. The Job Seminar is Saturday, March 12 from 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Confident 
Federationists will speak on employment concerns in the morning. Lunch will be followed by a question and answer period where job 
seekers can ask panelists about employment concerns.

State Fund Raising. Ann Arbor Art Fair seems to have a lot of rules that are required for participation. This needs further 
exploration. It was suggested that we explore the possibility of a Walk-A-Thon.

Camp Tuhsmeheta

There will be an open meeting and Discussion on March 10

from 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. in Lansing.

In the morning, participants will discuss the direction that should be taken for Camp Tuhsmeheta. It will involve National 
Federation of the Blind, Opportunities Unlimited for the Blind, and Michigan Parents of the Blind and Visually Impaired. In the 
afternoon, participants will try to turn our direction into concrete plans of action.

the NATIONAL FEDERATION OF THE BLIND of Michigan obtained a grant for Programming.

Commission for the Blind Update.

Larry Posont is working with two clients, one wants to go to Minneapolis and one to Louisiana.

Commission Board Meeting March 17-18.

The afternoon of the seventeenth will involve Business Enterprise matters from 1:00 to 4:00 P.M. Training for Roberts Rules of Order 
will be conducted in the morning. Operators are signing grievances against the agency. The eighteenth is very important. We need 
people to attend. The state affiliate might help pay for transportation. It is at the Ottawa building which has security. The 
conference rooms are large. The Board will talk again about transportation arrangements next week. Commission for the Blind Consumer 
Day will be in June.

MCB Temporary Training Center.

Students cannot go to the restaurant or bar after hours. The staff is not even allowed to go back to the restaurant to eat.

Monitoring Report. Nothing is up on the website concerning the Monitoring Report.

Web Page. The web page is being worked on. There is a sample page available for perusal.

New Business: We need to Fill out a form to get a table in the exhibit room at convention

The next Board meeting is Thursday March 10 to discuss transportation to the Commission Board meeting.

Terri Wilcox moved that we Adjourn at 9:15. Dave Robinson seconded the Motion.

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