[nfbmi-talk] National Federation of the Blind of Michigan Board Meeting March 10, 2011 Minutes

trising trising at sbcglobal.net
Thu Mar 24 03:25:30 UTC 2011

National Federation of the Blind of Michigan Board Meeting
March 10, 2011 Minutes 8:30 P.M.
Quorum yes Larry Posont, Marcus Simmons, Terri Wilcox, Michael Powell, Dave Robinson, Mary Wurtzel, Donna Posont and Melinda Latham.
Secretary's Report, Terri Wilcox. Dave Robinson moved that the Secretary's Report be adopted. The Report was seconded by Mike 
Powell. The Secretary's Report was approved.
Treasurer's Report, Mary Wurtzel. There are no changes in the Treasurer's Report. Mike Powell moved that the Treasurer's Report be 
adopted. Terri Wilcox seconded the motion. The Treasurer's Report was approved.
Introduction of participating Members
President's Report, Larry Posont. The Commission Board meeting on March 18 starts at 8:30 instead of 9:00. Normal Commission 
business should be on Friday. Thursday should involve Business Enterprise Program concerns. As part of the process of becoming a 
commissioner, Larry Posont has to fill out a form by March 18. The building is  inaccessible for blind people or those in 
Newsline. Marcus Simmons is creating a template to send out for donations for Newsline.
Summer Transportation to National Convention 2011. Mike Powell has not heard from Detroit.
Legislative Committee, Mary Wurtzel. Camp Tuhsmeheta is holding up our process of speaking with the Legislature.
Ann Arbor Chapter Job Seminar, Terri Wilcox. The Ann Arbor Chapter Job Seminar is Saturday from 10:00 to 3:00 P.M. Braille 
announcements were not sent out from the library.
State Fund Raising. We need someone to put pictures on our Natures Finest Bounty site.
Camp Tuhsmeheta Open Meeting and Discussion Update. We are funding three sessions of Camp. These are: Braille, culinary, and 
science. We need to finalize the meeting concerning Camp Tuhsmeheta. Plans for Camp Tuhsmeheta are similar to last year.
Potential New Board Members for OUB from NFB. We need two people from the National Federation of the Blind to sit on the 
Opportunities Unlimited for the Blind Board. Larry Posont cannot sit on both the Commission for the Blind Board and the 
Opportunities Unlimited for the Blind Board. We need a point person to represent our interests on the Opportunities Unlimited for 
the Blind Board. Mary Wurtzel expresses interest in the Opportunities Unlimited for the Blind Board. Joe Harcz is also interested. 
Christine Boone is also interested. Opportunities Unlimited for the Blind did not get the Request for Proposal, but we can sign up 
for specific weeks of the summer in order to run specific programs at camp. We will use Opportunities Unlimited for the Blind staff 
plus staff we bring. Opportunities Unlimited for the Blind does not have any start up money. It is necessary for them to apply for 
grants from organizations such as Low Incidence Outreach and Lions Clubs.
 We would like longer rather than shorter camps. Both National Federation of the Blind and Opportunities Unlimited for the Blind can 
recruit campers. There will be a cut off date for determining whether we will work with Opportunities Unlimited for the Blind. There 
is concern about where the money for Camp Tuhsmeheta is located. There has been a little exploration in case there is no progress 
concerning an alternate location for camp. We will do better follow up with campers next summer. The state board of education 
manages the trust fund. Opportunities Unlimited for the Blind is not our only choice of a partner for our summer camps.
Commission for the Blind Update. Commission Board Meeting March 17-18.
1:00 P.M. to 4:)00 P.M. on March 17, and 8:30 A.M. to 3:00
P.M. on March 18.
 Thursday's discussion needs to be changed. We need people to attend. The affiliate will pay some for transportation. Jo Ann 
Pilarski is the Chair of the Commission Board. Incomplete BEP case transcripts mean no decisions can be made. We are going to have 
Consumer Organization presentations on the June meeting. Public comment needs to go into the public record. We must go in at 
Security at the corner of Pine and Ottawa at the mall entrance. Get off at the upper level and pass the cafeteria to the conference 
rooms. Instructions from Dave Robinson need to be on the list serve for drivers. Donna Posont proposed a motion that the board go on 
record to show support for Larry Posont as a Commissioner. Mike Powell seconded the motion. The motion was adopted.  Marcus Simmons 
states that the Department of Licensing is managed by Steve Arwood.
MCB Temporary Training Center. The training center should open in early November. Technology will be Apple based. The training 
center renovation is on Schedule. There  are many problems with System Seven. There is a lack of communication regarding System 7. 
The whole system should be accessible.
Monitoring Report. Nothing has been done by the Commission concerning the Monitoring Report.
New Business: Kim Mohnke needs help writing a grievance process against Lansing Community College. Where and when is the next 
Quarterly Board meeting.
Old Business: The Youth Outreach sent flowers to Britney Lake who lost her mom.
Adjourn at 10-20.

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