[nfbmi-talk] don't think he meets most of this

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Mon Nov 28 22:28:34 UTC 2011


      REV 8/2007
        1.    Position Code

     State of Michigan
      Civil Service Commission

      Capitol Commons Center, P.O. Box 30002

      Lansing, MI 48909
      Federal privacy laws and/or state confidentiality requirements protect a portion of this information.


      This form is to be completed by the person that occupies the position being described and reviewed by the supervisor and appointing authority to ensure its accuracy.  It is important that each of the parties sign and date the form.  If the position is vacant, the supervisor and appointing authority should complete the form.

      This form will serve as the official classification document of record for this position.  Please take the time to complete this form as accurately as you can since the information in this form is used to determine the proper classification of the position.  THE SUPERVISOR AND/OR APPOINTING AUTHORITY SHOULD COMPLETE THIS PAGE.
         2.    Employee’s Name (Last, First, M.I.)

      Cannon, Patrick D
        8.    Department/Agency

      Labor and Economic Growth
         3.    Employee Identification Number

        9.    Bureau (Institution, Board, or Commission)

      Michigan Commission for the Blind
         4.    Civil Service Classification of Position

      Senior Management Executive 19
     10.    Division

         5.    Working Title of Position (What the agency titles the position)

      State Director
     11.    Section

         6.    Name and Classification of Direct Supervisor

      Dennis Sykes, Unclassified, Deputy Director
     12.    Unit

         7.    Name and Classification of Next Higher Level Supervisor

      David Hollister, Director, Unclassified
     13.    Work Location (City and Address)/Hours of Work

      201 N. Washington, Lansing, MI  8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
      14.    General Summary of Function/Purpose of Position

      State Director is responsible for administering an extensive statewide rehabilitation program for the Commission for the Blind within the scope of an agency's comprehensive, formalized written mission:  "Provide opportunity to individuals who are blind or visually impaired to achieve employability and, or, function independently in society."  Primary duties involve organizing, planning, directing and controlling agency operations so that eligible blind and visually impaired persons of all ages throughout the state, have access to quality rehabilitation services.

      For Civil Service Use Only

      15.   Please describe your assigned duties, percent of time spent performing each duty, and explain what is done to complete each duty.

              List your duties in the order of importance, from most important to least important.  The total percentage of all duties performed must equal 100 percent.
      Duty 1
      General Summary of Duty 1                             % of Time                

      Agency administration:  Direct extensive statewide rehabilitation services for approximately 50,000 blind and visually impaired persons statewide through six separate divisions:  1) Vocational Rehabilitation Services - provides job evaluation, training and placement services to working-aged blind persons, 2) Business Enterprise Program - provides cafeteria and vending training, placement, evaluation and management services, 3) Michigan Commission for the Blind Training Center - provides residential rehabilitation training for blind persons, 4) Independent Living Rehabilitation - provides self-help training to assist elderly and multiply impaired blind persons in living independently and avoid institutionalization, 5) Youth Low Vision services - provides comprehensive low vision evaluations and sophisticated prescriptive devices to school aged blind and visually impaired persons, 6) Deaf-Blind services - provides individuals who are both deaf and visually impaired with assistance in vocational training and/or independent living services. 

      Individual tasks related to the duty.

      ·        Set staffing priorities for the agency.

      ·        Make staffing assignments and approve leave for division chiefs and administrative support staff.

      ·        Provide administration and supervision with a comprehensive information framework to facilitate decision making and problem solving i.e. agency mission, philosophy, regulations precedent, standards, and other factors expressed or implied.

      ·        Direct development of agency training grant to guarantee relevant training to administration, supervision, professional service staff, technical workers, clericals and laborers. 

      ·        Assist division heads in prioritizing work load, handling sensitive and complex issues and making decisions with long term impact.

      ·        Encourage division chiefs and supervisors to develop evaluation and performance criteria for themselves and their staff.

      ·        Provide work climate that encourages and motivates all employees to develop as decision makers, problem solvers and leaders.

      ·        Assure equal  employment and promotion practices in all job categories for all employees.

      ·        Assure that proper labor-management relationships are maintained.

      ·        Collect, evaluate and integrate relevant information to make critical decisions and solve complex problems.

      ·        Assemble management and staff teams to study and propose solutions on subjects of immediate and long range concern.

      ·        Use and encourage the use of federal and state statutes and agency mission and philosophy as a basis for decision making.

      ·        Prioritize pressing agency issues to enhance the effect of the decision making process.

      ·        Systematically design, redesign and fine tune rehabilitation programs to assure quality, equity and responsiveness.

      ·        Assure extensive compliance with federal requirements through a formal state plan submitted for approval to the federal Rehabilitation Services Administration.

      ·        Coordinate extensive involvement of federal, state and local officials, agency staff, consumer organizations, private sector employers, colleges, universities and other, in the shaping and implementation of rehabilitation policy and programs.

      ·        Develop and communicate agency priorities in every aspect of service and administration.

      Duty 2
      General Summary of Duty 2                             % of Time                

      Financial Mangement:  Direct the development of complex budget proposals and internal operating budgets for agency, including budgets for the six divisions, administration and capital outlay projects.  
      Individual tasks related to the duty.

      ·        Plan, direct, organize and control the development of annual and long range budget plans and projections.

      ·        Review Executive Office and departmental budget proposals and advise commission board.

      ·        Develop comprehensive budget outlooks, contingency plans for alternative financing proposals for review by commission board, department and Executive Office.

      ·        Review and control agency expenditures to assure a balanced budget.

      ·        Direct the development of thorough and complete financial reports and summaries for federal and state authorities.  

      ·        Cooperate with federal and state audits and report audit findings and agency response to proper authorities.

      ·        Testify or direct the development of testimony for state and federal budget hearings.

      ·        Develop budget recommendations for the purchase of administrative and rehabilitation services, equipment and materials.

      ·         Direct the assignment of human and financial resources to meet priority needs.  


      Duty 3
      General Summary of Duty 3                             % of Time                

      Public relations: Seek opportunities for reporting and publicizing agency, staff and consumer accomplishments.  
      Individual tasks related to the duty.

      ·        Encourage, enable and assist staff in developing professional materials for employers, policy makers, consumers, general public.

      ·        Assist staff in understanding and communicating agency mission, philosophy and goals.

      ·        Respond appropriately to inquiries from members of congress and the state legislature.

      ·        Provide work and political climate that fosters cooperation between commissioners, staff and consumers.

      ·        Assist agency supervision and staff in building positive attitudes for the work they do and the people they serve.  

      ·        Capitalize on opportunities to influence service clubs, lobbying groups, private enterprise, legislative committees, the press and other groups and individuals on behalf of rehabilitation programming.  

      ·        Seek extensive input from individual clients, organized consumer groups, advisory boards and councils, and others to determine public opinion of state and federal rehabilitation programs.

      ·         Participate in the formulation of federal and state policy as a member of national organizations of rehabilitation administrators and agencies.
      Duty 4
      General Summary of Duty 4                             % of Time                

      Oral and written communications: Collect relevant information from a variety of sources and develop a formal and informal network of persons that can assist in resolving critical issues.
      Individual tasks related to the duty.

      ·        Support and maintain an extensive flow of information in Braille, tape and large print in order to keep the community of blind and visually impaired persons informed.  

      ·        Maintain communications between individual clients, commission board, consumer leaders, consumer committees and subcommittees, present and potential employers of blind persons, department and bureau staff, elected officials, federal and state government officials,  administrators of other public and private agencies, parents of blind and visually impaired children, medical and eye care professionals, college and university rehabilitation programs, and research and training centers.

      ·        Prepare and deliver an extensive director's report to commission board on a quarterly basis.

      ·        Provide oral presentations and keynote addresses regarding critical rehabilitation issues at conventions of rehabilitation professionals, organized consumer groups, service clubs, council of state administrators, etc.

      ·         Encourage and enable agency staff to use effective oral and written communications skills to improve relationships with clients and the general public.


      Duty 5
      General Summary of Duty 5                             % of Time                

      Information management:  Translate complex and extensive state and federal laws and regulations into practical and efficient service procedures.
      Individual tasks related to the duty.

      ·        Review, interpret and act on program performance reports and relay information to department and agency staff.

      ·        Direct and review thorough development of management systems, operational materials and program procedure manuals.

      ·        Assist staff and department in determining impact of complex state , federal, administrative  and judicial rulings. 

      ·        Determine need for, assign, assist in developing, review and disseminate material relevant to rehabilitation service programming, e.g., research findings, position papers, task force findings, blue ribbon panels, resolutions, etc.

      ·        Direct and review the collection of client need assessments, client satisfaction surveys, and other relevant research for program evaluation, planning and improvement. 

      ·         Study and interpret impact of relevant trends on current and proposed rehabilitation programs, especially in the areas of employment, job development, human resource management, economics, public policy, etc.
      Duty 6
      General Summary of Duty 6                             % of Time                

      Individual tasks related to the duty.



      16.    Describe the types of decisions you make independently in your position and tell who and/or what is affected by those decisions.  Use additional sheets, if necessary.

      Applying for federal grants, assigning staff statewide, making adjustments in internal operating budgets, taking action to comply with federal operation budgets, taking action to comply with federal and mandates, determining the scope and nature of staff training.
      17.    Describe the types of decisions that require your supervisor’s review.

      Regarding supplemental appropriations request to meet state match requirements, construction and remodeling projects or pressing programmatic needs.  Issues regarding impact of new federal regulations on state rehabilitation funding levels, sensitive political issues involving high ranking public officials and state and federal court decisions that may have an impact on agency and department operations.
      18.    What kind of physical effort do you use in your position?  What environmental conditions are you physically exposed to in your position?  Indicate the amount of time and intensity of each activity and condition.  Refer to instructions on page 2.

      Some travel, office setting
      19.    List the names and classification titles of classified employees whom you immediately supervise or oversee on a full-time, on-going basis.  (If more than 10, list only classification titles and the number of employees in each classification.)
      Leamon Jones
     State Div. Admin 17
      Melody Lindsey
     Soc. Serv. Div Admin 17
     State Div. Admin 17
      Fred Wurtzel
     Dept. Admin X
      Tish Kingaby
     Executive Sec. 12
      20.    My responsibility for the above-listed employees includes the following (check as many as apply):

      X     Complete and sign service ratings.                                   X     Assign work.

      X     Provide formal written counseling.                                   X     Approve work.

      X     Approve leave requests.                                                        X     Review work.

      X     Approve time and attendance.                                              X     Provide guidance on work methods.

      X     Orally reprimand.                                                                 X     Train employees in the work.
      21.    I certify that the above answers are my own and are accurate and complete.


                                                           Signature                                                                                                       Date

NOTE:  Make a copy of this form for your records.

      22.    Do you agree with the responses from the employee for Items 1 through 20?  If not, which items do you disagree with and why?

      23.    What are the essential duties of this position?

      Essential duties are to administer an extensive statewide rehabilitation program for individuals with visual handicaps to achieve employability or function independently in society.
      24.    Indicate specifically how the position’s duties and responsibilities have changed since the position was last reviewed.

      Organizational changes from the move from FIA to DLEG.  Position is being repositioned into a SES.
      25.    What is the function of the work area and how does this position fit into that function?

      State director is responsible for administering an extensive statewide rehabilitation program for the Commission for the Blind within the broad scope of the Agency’s comprehensive, formalized written mission.  Primary duties involve organizing, planning, directing and controlling agency operations so that blind and visually impaired persons, throughout the state have access to rehabilitation programs which will provide them with opportunities for independence, employment and personal achievement.
      26.    In your opinion, what are the minimum education and experience qualifications needed to perform the essential functions of this position.

      Possession of a bachelor’s degree in any major.

      Two years of experience as a professional manager or program/staff specialist or equivalent experience.

      Extensive knowledge of federal, state rehabilitation programming; broad understanding of rehabilitation planning, funding and operations; extensive skill in developing policy with consumer involvement; extensive knowledge in directing the development of complex budget proposals and internal operation budgets; extensive skill in strategic planning.

      NOTE:  Civil Service approval of this position does not constitute agreement with or acceptance of the desirable qualifications for this position.
      27.    I certify that the information presented in this position description provides a complete and accurate depiction of the duties and responsibilities assigned to this position.

                                               Supervisor’s Signature                                                                                           Date
      28.    Indicate any exceptions or additions to the statements of the employee(s) or supervisor.

      29.   I certify that the entries on these pages are accurate and complete.


                                     Appointing Authority’s Signature                                                                                 Date

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