[nfbmi-talk] October 13, 2011 Minutes,
trising at sbcglobal.net
trising at sbcglobal.net
Thu Oct 27 00:42:56 UTC 2011
National Federation of the Blind of Michigan Board Meeting
October 13, 2011 Minutes,
Quorum Marcus Simmons, Larry Posont, Terri Wilcox, Dave Robinson, Mike Powell, Donna Posont, and Mary Wurtzel.
Secretary's Report, Terri Wilcox. Donna Posont moved to adopt the Secretary's Report. Marcus Simmons seconded the motion. The Secretary's Report was approved.
Treasurer's Report, Mary Wurtzel. There is a new youth account that facilitates the keeping of separate books for both the Youth and Affiliate accounts. The affiliate has around $1,500 minus a receipt for printing and mailing the flyer for State Convention plus the two phone bills.
Introduction of participating Members.
President's Report, Larry Posont. Larry Posont, and possibly others are meeting with a veteran who is blind who is coming to
Convention. He has very young children. He has a custody battle because of his blindness.
State Convention, Update. Mary Wurtzel is going to Kalamazoo next week to finalize rooms for Convention meetings. J.J. Meddaugh and Mike Powell are investigating incomplete registrations. Larry Posont and Brunhilde Merck-Adam have discussed the Parents Seminar. A rough draft of the final Agenda should be completed by the end of next week.
Larry Posont represented the Commission Board at the American Council of the Blind Convention. Operators
Meeting on Friday from 9:30 to 3:00 P.M. Lunch will be served on Friday for $12.00 Lunch tickets must be sold at Registration for
around $12.00 or $14.00 for Saturday's lunch at the hotel. The Merchants Division has volunteered to operate the hospitality room. There may be a shuttle to another restaurant. The hotel is being difficult. There will be some fun Friday night from approximately 9:00 to 11:00. Chapters can sell fund raisers. The Ann Arbor Chapter will sell tickets for the gift card Raffle at 1 ticket for $3.00 and 2 tickets for $5.00. Kalamazoo may host Family Feud. Cider and doughnuts may be offered. Larry Posont will finalize youth activities with Melinda Latham on the Agenda. Leader Dog is attending the convention and speaking on the cane travel
program, summer camps for kids, and the Global Positioning System Program. A National Student Representative will be at
State Convention. Elizabeth Mohnke recommends that we have her speak on the Saturday Agenda.
Send Out Flyers Update. 1,000 Flyers went out thanks to Fred and Mary Wurtzel plus Sheila Latham.
Newsline Update. Larry Posont had a discussion with Pat Cannon and the National Office concerning Newsline. The department of Licensing
Has the Commission Board Minutes. Larry Posont will meet with Steve Arwood if he does not hear by next week. Pat Cannon said that payments will come year by year rather than in a five year lump sum.
Monitoring Report. The Commission says that corrections were sent to Rsa but they have not heard if the corrections were acceptable.
New Business: Dave Robinson is looking at prices and possibilities about fund raising at National Convention. Smart is cutting twenty two percent of their routes. Smart is South Eastern Michigan Rapid Transit.
There have been complaints concerning posts on the list serve. There is concern that these posts give our list a bad name and a bad reputation.
A call was issued for volunteer moderators. No one who raised complaints was willing to moderate the list. Mike Powell and Marcus Simmons are on the list serve committee. Mary Wurtzel makes a motion to block Joe Harcz from the email list serve. Donna Posont seconded the motion. Several weighed in on this discussion. Thoughts spoken included, we should not block people because we do not like what they are saying. Both sides have freedom of speech. Marcus Simmons says good research is presented by Mr. Harcz and that we should take the bitter with the sweet. Elizabeth Mohnke says personal attacks should stop. The motion does not pass.
Members at Large Chapter Luncheon at State Convention. The Members at Large Chapter will meet over lunch to hold elections and go over bylaws.
Old Business: The Training Center may not be available for moving back in until the end of January.
Adjourn at 9:49.
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