[nfbmi-talk] Some Disappointing News About Our ScholarshipProgram

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Tue Sep 20 15:38:16 UTC 2011

Another note here Joe...

You were brilliant in your pithy analysis of the BEP issues at the MCB 
meeting in that the issue is: "the uneven application of the rules."

Larry was dead on correct too when he said, "We must be a government of law 
and not man."

Beyond blindness and our unique circumstances and so on and so forth we must 
demand, in my opinion at a minimum the rule of law over the caprices of man.

Simply, these are fundamentals of any notion of a democratic-republic. These 
are notions that are not in conflict with the unique rights of the blind. In 
fact these laws including those in the Rehab Act and the ADA and so on and 
so forth are intended to give the same rights to the blind and others with 
other disabilities that are afforded to those without disabilities. this is 
precisely why these laws are premised upon Article V (due process and equal 
protection clause of the 14th amendment o the U.S. constitution itself). No 
colleagues we ccertainly are not children of a lessor god and we who happen 
to be blind or otherwise disabled are not children of lessor laws.

We, who are blind in breif are supposedly guranteed at a minimum the right 
to access to information and due processs as anyone else.

Yet, in again, demonstrable fashion Cannon, et al have violated this over 
and over again. And if I'm incorrect or defamatory in these regards then I 
openly ask Cannon and or his minions to sue me in federal court for 
defamation. The ultimate defense against such claims by the way is after all 
the truth of the matter.

But, what we have with MCB and MRS for that matter are the direct opposite 
of these fundamental principles.

Let me state this straight: We have a system riddled with caprice, and with 
lawlessness, and with patronage by gross and documented incompetents.

We are supposed to have a system that levels the playing field and that has 
"safe gards" against waste, fraud and abuse.

Instead we have a system in which rewards (including jobs) are doled out 
based upon allegiance to a perfidious power and a sell out at that to all of 
our interests.

Now we've had a whole lot of lap dogs in this system which isn't worth going 
into but is documented in the public domain.

We've had a whole lot of spin over performance over decades.

Follow the public record. Follow the money. Follow the documented tract 
record of inequities and violations of civil rights and other federal laws.

Follow where actual and real "theft" of public resources goes on.

I hope that the ugly truth comes out eventually in that some "Uncle Toms" 
who have actually stolen resources from we the blind and others with 
disabilities go to prison.

I hope to God that the likes of Pat Cannon has the temerity of suing me for 
defamation for these comments.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joe Sontag" <suncat0 at gmail.com>
To: "NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2011 10:20 AM
Subject: Re: [infamy-talk] Some Disappointing News About Our Scholarship

> I'd think MCB was a primary source of referrals.  Shame shame if MCB staff 
> were ordered to or chose as a block to snub our program.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Elizabeth" <lizmohnke at hotmail.com>
> To: "NFB Michigan" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Monday, September 19, 2011 23:37
> Subject: [nfbmi-talk] Some Disappointing News About Our Scholarship 
> Program
>> Hello All,
>> As the chairperson of our scholarship committee, I have some 
>> disappointing news to share with you. Unfortunately, we did not receive 
>> any applications for our scholarship program this year. I do not know why 
>> any college student would pass up $500, but apparently this turned out to 
>> be the case. Perhaps we can try again next year.
>> Elizabeth
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