[nfbmi-talk] whatstandards do we set for ourselves?

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Mon Sep 26 19:21:28 UTC 2011

Dear colleagues,

I wish to discuss today standards of basic democracy. Do we as citizens expect certain things from our government whether we are so-called right or left of center? You bet we do. I contend the basics are at a minimum: openess, transparency, accessibility and accountability.

Now many don't think that should be the model for MCB. I strongly disagree. MCB is a federally funded state organization and as such is no different than a local schhool board or other public institution.

Here is a philosopical question: "If blind folks think themselves equal to other citizens as I do then why do some have a lesserstandard for scrutiny if the agency is of or especially for the blind?

If we have laws and they bind such organizations then why in the world do we allow lawlessness in these programs especially when it deals with what I'll call "higher order" laws and those laws being the ones which deal with civil, human, and constitutional rights?

Now, again I might be perceived as a stickler here, but I do expect at a minimum that those dealing with the public trust do do their jobs.

that in my mind is not too much to ask for.

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