[nfbmi-talk] National Federation of the Blind of Michigan Minutes, February 23, 2012 8:30 P.M.

trising trising at sbcglobal.net
Wed Apr 11 21:46:07 UTC 2012

National Federation of the Blind of Michigan Minutes, February 23, 2012 8:30 P.M.

Quorum Larry Posont, Nicholas Wilcox, Terri Wilcox, Melinda Latham, Dave  Robinson, Sarah Norwood, and  Mary Wurtzel. 

Secretary's Report, Terri Wilcox. Dave Robinson made a motion to adopt the Secretary's Report as emailed. Nick Wilcox seconded the motion. The Secretary's Report was approved.

The Treasurer's Report is the same as the Quarterly Board Meeting.

Introduction of participating Members

President's Report, Larry Posont. Larry Posont signed a contract for State Convention 2012 with the Doubletree Hotel this week. There will be free internet and a free room for every 25 rooms we purchase. Larry Posont attended a meeting on the phone today concerning the State Plan for 2013. The next meeting is March 8. Nothing is known concerning the transfer of the Agency or Commission appointments. Everything must go through the Rehabilitation Council concerning the State Plan. If the Agency disagrees they must document it in writing.

Commission for the Blind Board Meeting, March 22-23 at the Training Center. Larry Posont, John Scott and Lydia Schuck are working on the Agenda. The Meeting will be at the Training Center because they moved back this week. The March 22 Commission Board meeting will most likely be State Plan information and Business Enterprise Program information.

Consumer Organizations Report to the Commission Board, March or June? Larry Posont will ask Mike Powell if we will be ready with our forty-five minute presentation. Joe Harcz and Dave Robinson urge us to present our Resolutions. Questions and responses are vital. The Consumer Involvement Council wants a slot on the March meeting Agenda.  

2012 National Convention Registration. This year we are returning to Dallas and the 

beautiful Hilton Anatole Hotel for our annual convention. This year's gathering will be bigger 

and better than ever! Make reservations now by calling (214) 761-7500; you won't want to miss out on the excitement! For more information watch the Braille Monitor.

State Convention, October 19-21, Doubletree Hotel. Reservations are available starting next week, at a cost of $89,00 per night plus tax.

August Board Meeting, August 4 or 25? Terri Wilcox makes a motion to have the meeting on August 25 at the Doubletree Hotel. Sarah Norwood seconded the motion. The motion was approved. 

Tentative Plans and Direction for Summer Auto Show. Mike Ellis is working on finding a place in Lansing for the summer Auto Show.  

Web Page. Kevin Reeves and Fred Wurtzel met to discuss the web page. Every chapter will have their own independent website such as 

www.annarbor.nfb.org Everyone will be in control of their own content. Kevin Reeves is working on the events calendar and how news items will appear on the front page. It will be updated regularly and will be dynamic. Check out the website. The address is 

www.nfbmi.org The website is fully accessible with every screen reader.

At Large Chapter, Dave Robinson. The chapter is growing. A few more people called in to the February meeting. The bank account for the At Large Chapter was set up. 

Youth Outreach, Melinda Latham. Melinda Latham is starting to work on the Bridge Walk and National Convention. Melinda Latham wants others to take days of responsibility for youth at  convention. There may also be a trip to Chicago on May 12.

Chapter Reports/ Division Reports. The Merchant's Division needs to grow and they will have a meeting to refocus.

New Business: 1000 balloons with the logo can be purchased for less than $300 with the Whozit logo in two colors. There is a call to action on our Fair Wages for people with Disabilities Legislation, H.R. 3086. This legislation has 44 sponsors. We must call our Congressional offices to obtain more sponsors. Legislators are being lobbied by the sheltered workshops. We need stories about sheltered workshop workers. We are working on sponsors for the Home Appliance Accessibility Bill. Upton may have sponsored this. Rebpublican senators and Representatives are needed for the Small Business for people with disabilities bill. No highways should be commercialized because it will hurt blind vendors. Calls should be made to Ohio. The senate does not have commercialization in their version of the Highway Bill. It is desirable not to have commercialization in the Highway Bill. Mike Powell is working on the last Motion.     

Old Business: Send a letter through Mike Powell to support the Consumer Involvement Council concerning the Subminimum Wage to the Commission Board. Opportunities Unlimited for the Blind is not running Camp Tuhsmeheta.  

Larry Posont made a motion to adjourn at 9-48. Terri Wilcox seconded the motion. The motion was approved.


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