[nfbmi-talk] includes the blind too!

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Thu Dec 27 11:31:26 UTC 2012




As More Disabled Sue and Protest, Politicians Draw Line on Accessibility


Wednesday, 26 December 2012 00:00 By Toshio Meronek , Truthout |



Disabled are seen as a force to be reckoned with as more file lawsuits and

protest for enforcement of the Americans with Disabilities Act, which some

politicians seek to scrap.


Born and raised in New York City, Simi Linton knows that "There are times

when you just need a cab."  Like the time she learned her husband was in the

hospital having emergency surgery. As soon as she heard, Linton left her

Upper West Side apartment, headed for a hospital across town. "Cabs were

whizzing by me, but none were stopping."


The fair-skinned, glasses-wearing, 64-year-old author/filmmaker with curly,

brown hair and a penchant for scarves wasn't being skipped over for her

race, age or her fashion choices. Linton was being profiled for another

reason: her wheelchair.


In Linton's many decades as a wheelchair-using New Yorker, she has only

successfully hailed a cab twice, and not for a lack of trying. Today, fewer

than 2 percent of the city's taxis are wheelchair accessible. Since the

subway isn't accessible and owning a van outfitted for a wheelchair is

prohibitively expensive and inconvenient, that leaves the slowest,

least-dependable mode of transportation: the bus.


Linton is a plaintiff in a suit against the New York City Taxi and Limousine

Commission to make its taxi system fully accessible, like the system she'd

seen years before in London, which started converting its fleet to be

completely accessible in 1989. But she and her class action suit

co-plaintiffs (Christopher Noel and United Spinal Association) had

antagonists at City Hall. Linton is also one of a growing number of

outspoken disability rights activists who expect and demand Americans with

Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance rather than quietly hope that able-bodied

people will abide by the law. Across the country, they are pushing back

against threats from politicians toward its enforcement.


The Would-Be ADA Dismantlers


Using the humble taxi driver as his foil, New York City Mayor Michael

Bloomberg came out loudly in opposition to the lawsuit. He argued to the

press that accessible cabs are more expensive than your typical Crown

Victoria, and he also made the classic mistake of saying in public the type

of thing politicians usually keep to themselves - his unfiltered feelings on

the topic. Disability groups were understandably offended when he told

reporters that "it's too dangerous" for wheelchair users to hail cabs in the

city, and absurdly, that they "sit too far from the driver to establish a

dialogue" and therefore "wouldn't tip well." (This from a man who has a

personal driver and admits to never taking cabs.) Linton and her

co-plaintiffs' initial case was successful, but earlier this year, the Taxi

and Limo Commission appealed the decision and prevailed. Disability Rights

Advocates, the legal team representing Linton, is currently mulling its next

move. Linton says she's ready when they are.


Since the ADA was enacted in 1991, in some areas accessibility has improved,

but there are still obstacles almost anywhere you go. As Linton says, "Some

of the more visible accoutrements of access may seem, to the uninitiated, in

place - handicapped parking spaces, a wide stall in a few bathrooms, access

on buses and things like that." But "equity and integration have not been

achieved by any stretch of the imagination." Disabled people have a much

harder time getting jobs than non-disabled people (as of November, about 18

percent were employed, compared with 64 percent of non-disabled adults), and

affordable accessible housing is scarce.


Even so, the mayor of New York isn't the only one who wants to see the law

watered down - or gone completely. Additional shame should be reserved for

these notable examples:


Clint Eastwood, Hollywood gentry man (net worth: $375 million), former mayor

of Carmel, California, and one of the Republican National Convention's most

entertaining guests of all time, fought off an ADA suit against him and his

non-accessible resort in 2000, then ran a cynical campaign to wipe out the

section of the ADA that makes defendants who lose pay their opposition's

legal fees. ("It's just not fair, and I'm just a common person speaking for

fairness," he told CBS News at the time.)


Kentuckian Tea Partier Rand Paul ran for Senate in 2010 on a platform that

called for the complete repeal of the ADA - and he won the seat.


The same year, Congress failed to include in health care reform the

Community Choice Act, which would have allowed more disabled people to

receive Medicaid at home instead of segregating them in nursing homes.


Last October, California governor Jerry Brown signed into law a bill

sponsored by Senator Dianne Feinstein that makes it less attractive to sue

businesses that fail to comply with the ADA, by, among other things,

reducing the amount in damages that disabled plaintiffs can seek, in most

cases from $4,000 to $2,000.


And on December 4, conservative pundit Rick Santorum tweeted to his 216,000

followers: "Thank you to all who stood with us in this fight against #CRPD,"

after Senate Republicans blocked ratification of the UN Convention on the

Rights of People with Disabilities (#CRPD), which would have affirmed many

of the ADA's provisions on an international scale. (Specifically, Santorum

gave virtual high-fives to Senator Mike Lee of Utah and Michael Farris,

founder of an ultra-rightwing libertarian organization, masquerading as a

nonprofit for home-schooling, called the Home School Legal Defense



Lawsuit Stalking?


When friendlier tactics (education or mediation) don't work, lawsuits are

the principal official mechanism for achieving enforcement where there is

resistance from businesses and local governments. In some places, ADA suits

have become their own cottage industry, with some claimants filing hundreds

of them per year via private attorneys who focus on ADA law. Not

surprisingly, this garners resentment from the business owners who are the

targets of these cases. However, the damages a disabled claimant receives in

a successful lawsuit, in many states, is nothing, and as a result, getting

representation from a lawyer isn't always easy, because the lawyer has less

to gain financially. Eve Hill, a senior legal counselor at the Department of

Justice's Civil Rights Division, says, "That's really why you get disability

rights lawyers who specialize in disability civil rights as opposed to

personal injury lawyers who dabble in it. You mostly do get people who, this

is what they want to do."


Hill notes that "some" local US Attorney's Offices are "very interested in

civil rights work . . . and do quite a bit of disability enforcement in

their own localities," but "there's simply not the resources in the federal

government to take care of all of the millions of business and thousands and

thousands of state and local government issues that are out there." The

Civil Rights Division at the DOJ has fewer than 100 disability-focused

lawyers, investigators and technical assistants for the entire country.

Enter people like Morse Mehrban.


Cast in media mentions as a predatory attorney out for a dollar (with only a

little irony, he once described himself as a "bounty hunter"), the Los

Angeles-based Mehrban has a lot of enemies and very little sympathy for

noncompliant business owners. Since 2005, Mehrban has represented dozens of

disabled clients in hundreds of ADA cases. California's Unruh Civil Rights

Act, which effectively enhances the ADA, allows disabled claimants in that

state up to $4,000 in damages. Partially because of this, California

accounts for 42 percent of ADA lawsuits in the US, according to "Targeting

ADA Violators," an article in the journal California Lawyer in January,

2012, by Tom McNichol.  Also partially because of this, California is one of

the more accessible of the 50 states.


>From a purely monetary standpoint, small business owners can access federal

tax credits and deductions for accessibility improvements (up to $15,000 per

year) and could gain from new customers who are part of the more than 50

million disabled people in the United States today. Still, many don't bother

changing their ways. Mehrban brushes off resentful business owners, who

typically claim ignorance of the law. "When I go driving on the freeway and

there's no posted speed limit, then I decide to go 85 and I get a ticket, I

can't say, 'Well there was no posted speed limit, and I didn't know,' " he

points out. "If somebody decides to do business, they have to comply with

the whole slew of regulations that go with that, whether they know about

them or not."


New construction is expected to meet ADA standards, but once they are open,

a restaurant or even a public library often doesn't receive follow-up

inspections. In Syracuse, New York, members of the group ARISE have spent

years trying to get access to their county courthouse. A lawsuit and public

pressure are helping to make Madison County's hall of justice the last in

the state where people with certain disabilities can't physically enter. As

a disabled person, that can mean months of waiting for alternative

arrangements for any services offered at the court, and no jury duty (which

while it might seem like a plus for some, shows that the justice system

doesn't care about disabled voices). Vince Rogowski, a plaintiff in the

case, says he and ARISE  chose the courthouse "because if you can't get

local government to comply with the ADA, how can you ask businesses to

comply with the ADA?"


After a six-year fight, Madison county administrators have finally

"submitted a schematic of the improvements on one courtroom, and only one

courtroom, to be accessible," says Rogowski. Unfortunately, there were

several mistakes that will delay the renovations even longer, including

incorrect measurements for a wheelchair ramp. "They really screwed it up,"

he adds.


In his opinion, there's a clear need for follow-up inspections when it comes

to buildings. "Every state has their code enforcers. The code enforcer, it

should be their job that new buildings not only meet the building codes and

electrical codes, but also the ADA codes." At the moment, in Madison County

and many others, "they flatly refuse." Calls to the Madison County code

enforcers' office were not returned.


Beyond Courtrooms


Since the resources and knowledge it takes to initiate an ADA lawsuit can be

restrictive (and it'd take a lot more attorneys to sue the country into

compliance), some disabled people are bypassing the legal system and

protesting in bigger numbers than ever before.


Back in the 1980s, David Wittie, a Texas staff member of ADAPT (the loudest

and arguably one of the most effective national disability  rights direct

action groups), worked at a bus company in Austin. "My job was to give

information on how to ride the bus from point A to point B," he says in a

buttery Southern accent.


At the time, Wittie couldn't ride those buses, because none of Austin's

public transit was wheelchair-access equipped. As a wheelchair user, he

"thought it would be a good idea to work at the transit company, because

that way I could influence them to make wheelchair access a reality." But it

didn't work out like that.


A few "radical, fringe people in wheelchairs" kept protesting, trying to get

access to public transportation. Their consistent noisemaking succeeded

where Wittie's attempts to work inside the system failed. "Austin, Texas,

has the third 100 percent wheelchair-equipped transit system in the country,

and the first in Texas, and I found out that demonstrations work. . . . I

was working inside the system, and I found out that didn't work to make

effective change that I wanted to see." As he began going to ADAPT meetings,

other members were wary at first, thinking that the bus company had sent in

a mole, but they eventually accepted him into the fold. "Lawsuits are one of

the methods for enforcement, but they're not the only effective method. We

as disability rights advocates use every means at our disposal. Sometimes it

requires lawsuits, sometimes it's an education campaign, sometimes it's

negotiations, sometimes we use the media, as well, to shame the ADA



Wittie's fellow ADAPT-er Jennifer McPhail participated in her first protest

in 1990. It's another case where a lawsuit wasn't the right tactic. "We had

taken over then-governor Ann Richards' reception room and spent the night,

and as a result, the next morning she met with someone from ADAPT, and that

was the beginning of the waiver that we have here that allows people to

transition into the community from nursing homes."


Disabled protesters are dealt with in unique ways by arbiters of a justice

system ingrained with ableism. In 1999, Wittie was one of the "Bush Nine" -

disabled activists arrested for handcuffing themselves to the fence outside

then-governor George W. Bush's mansion, protesting being coerced into

nursing homes because the state would not fund at-home care. But when

several of them showed up to serve their five-day jail sentence, they were

turned away and asked to return in two weeks, because at the time, the

Travis County jail was not accessible. In California, jails in Los Angeles

and the Bay Area are currently subjects of class action lawsuits; almost 15

years after Wittie's arrest, and in one of the more accessible states in the

United States, some disabled prisoners can't do things like use the showers,

participate in programs that might abate their sentences, or eat with fellow



At recent ADAPT protests, cops used suppression techniques such as fastening

plastic cable ties (PlastiCuffs) around the wheels of wheelchairs so their

users couldn't roll away. These protesters aren't going away anytime soon,

so expect police departments to come up with more codified ways of handling

them in the future to minimize public blowback. Images of disabled people

being harmed by cops during protests have quickly gone viral on the web,

showing clear examples of mistreatment and recklessness and drawing plenty

of criticism in the media.


Simi Linton remembers feeling optimistic when she heard the ADA had passed

back in 1990. Finally, disabled people were being recognized "as a force to

be reckoned with, and as a rights-based movement." Linton finds hope in the

fact that the disability rights movement has "definitely gotten bigger"

since then. Now, people with disabilities are "not defined by our individual

conditions, but defined by our membership in a marginalized group called

disabled people." She says that "some issues have been taken care of with

the passage of the ADA," but there's been a lot of backlash from Rand Paul

and company, and little to no enforcement in many areas. A couple of decades

after its passing, everyday obstacles persist, in movie theaters without

captioning, airplanes without accessible bathrooms and government buildings

most assume to be accessible. Forceful approaches like litigation and direct

action are only going to increase as politicians and businesses keep people

"in cycles of poverty and dependency," as the National Council on Disability

noted in its 2012 ADA Progress Report.


Jennifer McPhail and other ADAPT-ers from across the country recently

converged in Washington state to protest the government's bias toward the

nursing home industry. There, they succeeded in getting Washington's

governor Christine Gregoire to back down from challenging a lawsuit, M.R. v.

Dreyfus, which helps to keep some disabled people in their communities

rather than sending them to nursing facilities. According to McPhail, "The

biggest thing about the ADA and the advances that we've made is the

individual people changed. There's an expectation of equality now, whereas

when I was a little girl, just getting out the door was difficult. But now I

can expect to go the movies and not have to sit in the aisle." This "changes

who you are in the world, and eventually how you perceive yourself." The

greatest advancement of the past 23 years, she says, is this expectation of

equality in the disability community. The still separate, unequal access is

far from meeting these expectations. "And that's why more is being done,

more aggressively."


Copyright, Truthout. May not be reprinted without permission of the author.


Claude Everett

"First of all:  what is work?

Work is of two kinds:

  first, altering the position of matter at or near the earth's surface

relatively to other such matter;

 second, telling other people to do so.

  The first kind is unpleasant and ill paid; the second is pleasant and

highly paid."

>From The collection of essays "In Praise of Idleness" by Bertrand Russell



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