[nfbmi-talk] death notices

Marcus Simmons MarcusSimmons at comcast.net
Sat Feb 4 14:58:33 UTC 2012

You have my sincere condolences.
Changing what it means to be blind,
Marcus Simmons, vice-president,
Western-Wayne chapter
28179 Brentwood
Southfield, MI 48076-3069
Marcus.Simmons at interbizusa.com
(248) 552-8928
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "joe harcz Comcast" <joeharcz at comcast.net>
To: "NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2012 10:37 PM
Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] death notices

> Thank you Terri...
> One who was lost was named Marshal. He was a valient black man and a 
> personal care attendent to another beloved who was a peace and civil 
> rights warrior named Buddy. Bare with me please. Buddy used a motorized 
> wheelchair and was hardly communicative to most of us, but led me through 
> one, if not my first, n of my first ADAPT actions with Marshall his PCA at 
> his side.
> I still feel the sprays of Marshall's water bottle spritzing me and Buddy 
> on a hot summer day fighting against the institutionalization of people 
> with disabilities on an action in the hot streets of our nation's capitol. 
> Did I mention that Buddy fought long and hard as a person with CP and 
> other disabilities to fight his way out of an enforced nursing home and 
> into a community and integrated environment with his wife at the time also 
> a refugee from a nursing home? Yup, he with all of his disabilities fought 
> for decades and I mean literally decades to be out of confinement not to 
> his body and not to his wheelchair but to the social order and the slavery 
> of his existence to lead as normal a life as possable to him through the 
> ages, which is to say he fought to be bethroathed, and to live with his 
> own woman of his own and religious vows and damned the dreaded nursing 
> home and its rules! And I was sholder to sholder with Buddy and his PCA 
> Marshal at the AARP when we barricaded that building in DC to make sure 
> they knew these were rights for all including him, me and us? And 
> Marshall, his PCA was again at his side back then and at that time 
> relatively fleet of foot...He sure could see a whole lot better than 
> either Buddy or I at the time...lol..
> Did I mention that Marshal who just past away went from being a personal 
> care attendant to an amputee to a wheelchair user and then died of renal 
> failure do to diabetes? And that Marshal was a lion a distinct lion for 
> all people with disabilities and a true loved one? Actually before Marshal 
> died he saw sadly the relative demise of Liberty Resorces the largest CIL 
> in Philly and was a board member as those funds are being now squanderrred 
> and divided and put out to pasture while Rome, the American Rome burns?
> I'm so sorry this all breaks my heart so much and I can't write through 
> the tears....
> These are only but a few of my personal losses over the past few months, 
> but they are losses to all of us too.
> Oh, and to learn that Laura Williams was lost to all of us being the fine 
> leader and dear friend with Californians for Disability Rights...
> Oh my Lord I just can't stand it...I'm sorry ... I'm sad... I'm frustrated 
> I'm grieving.
> This doesn't even count the losses of those aged and folks like my beloved 
> Diane who have passed in the last few months.
> I'm sorry I'm just in shock and utterly stunned at the fact that one after 
> another countless are dying before me and those across the nation that 
> touched me in so many ways, some most intimately and my grief is large and 
> it is immense and I bare it with all of my heart and soul....
> I'm aggrieved!
> And I see the beasts who don't give a rat's ass about our rights let alone 
> our likes and our right to live in this world as humans like say Cannon 
> and his masters suck at the trough while I cannot even appropriately reeve 
> and it makes me more than ticked off, in righteous rage at the injustice 
> of it all...
> I'm not particularly religious though I know you are and I appreciate and 
> respect those like you...
> But here is my crying tear of remembrance to the fallen loved ones with 
> disabilities who have passed in my life recently...
> I loved and love you Diane....
> I loved and loved you Buddy...
> I loved and love you Marshall...
> I loved and love you Laura...
> I hope in the next world you will find justice and peace.
> I'm sad that you did not in this world, but will fight for social justice 
> until my last dying breath on your behalf and with you and others in my 
> mind.
> Love to All,
> Peace with justice to one and all.
> Joe
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "trising" <trising at sbcglobal.net>
> To: "NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Friday, February 03, 2012 9:39 PM
> Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] death notices
>> Joe, I am sorry for your losses.
>> Terri Wilcox
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