[nfbmi-talk] Fw: Response to FOIA Request - "Cash Match Agreement"

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Fri Jan 6 21:51:37 UTC 2012

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Haynes, Carla (LARA) 
To: joe harcz Comcast (joeharcz at comcast.net) 
Cc: Cannon, Patrick (LARA) ; Farmer, Mel (LARA) ; Jones, Leamon (LARA) ; McNeal, Gwen (LARA) ; Turney, Susan (LARA) ; Duell, Elsie (LARA) ; Luzenski, Sue (LARA) ; Gaston, Diamalyn (LARA) 
Sent: Friday, January 06, 2012 4:41 PM
Subject: Response to FOIA Request - "Cash Match Agreement"

January 6, 2012 (Print copy placed, prepaid in the US Mail on this date)


Mr. Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.

E-mail: joeharcz at comcast.net

1365 E. Mt. Morris Rd.

Mt. Morris, MI 48458


Dear Mr. Harcz, Jr.:


This letter is in response to your December 28, 2011, email request for copies of public records, received December 29, 2011, under the state's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), MCL 15.231 et seq.


You have requested information as described in your email, a copy of which is attached.


Your request is granted as to specific, non-exempt information under the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs/Michigan Commission for the Blind (LARA/MCB).  Please find attached the October 1, 2011 to September 30, 2012 cash match agreement between LARA/MCB and Oakland Intermediate School District either as a copy with the letter sent via US Mail or as a separate attached file in the email response.


The cost of this FOIA is under $25.00 and the fee will be waived for this request and does not prohibit us for charging for requests in the future from you or any other requestor.







Carla Miller Haynes, FOIA Coordinator

Michigan Commission for the Blind


FOIA Response - P.J. Harcz

January 6, 2012

Page 2 of 2






Attachments - 2 - Email Request of 12-28-11 & Cooperative Cash Match Agreement between LARA/MCB and Oakland Intermediate School District


Cc:      Patrick Cannon

            Mel Farmer

            Susan Turney

            Elsie Duell

            Leamon Jones

            Gwen McNeal
























From:  joe harcz Comcast <joeharcz at comcast.net>

Sent:   Wednesday, December 28, 2011 3:04 PM

To:       Cannon, Patrick (LARA)

Cc:      Arwood, Steve  (LARA); Larry Posont MCB Comm.; lydia Schuck MCB 

Comm.; John Scott MCB Comm.; nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org; Haynes, Carla 

(LARA); Farmer, Mel (LARA); Elmer Cerano MPAS

Subject:         ada 504 foia cash match agreement request



ADA 504 FOIA Request Cash Match Oakland/LARA/MCB


December 28, 2011


Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.

1365 E. Mt. Morris, MI 48458

E-mail: joeharcz at comcast.net


Re: MCB Oakland ISD "cash match agreement"


Patrick D. Cannon

Director, Michigan Commission for the Blind

Melvin Farmer, LARA


Carla Haynes, MCB FOIA


(Via e-mail)




I'm writing today to request the "cash match agreement" between the Oakland ISD and LARA/MCB referenced in the Oakland ISD minutes after my signature line in accessible format and a timely manner as I'm blind and invoking the ADA and Section 504 in these regards.


I wish to have this clearly denoted "cash match" agreement including the MCB personnel who signed  it sent as either a plain text enclosure to my e-mail address listed above and/or as a Word attachment.


Moreover, again I request that this agreement and others are posted to the MCB web site in the interest of transparency and open government.


I thank you for your prompt and accessible response to this inquiry.




Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.


Cc: MCB Commissioners

Cc: S. Arwood, LARA


Cc: Craig McManus, RSA

Cc: Elmer Cerano, Michigan Protection and Advocacy Services, Inc.


(Attachment copied and pasted in pertinent part as is from Oakland Schools referenced 






July 11, 2011

7:00 PM

Conference Room A

Regular Meeting Called to Order - President Ehlert called the regular meeting of the

Board to order at 7:10 PM. Vice President Williams. Treasurer DeMarco and Trustee Storing were in attendance. Secretary Rich was absent."




"Department Licensing and Regulatory Affairs/Michigan Commission for

the Blind (LARA/MCB) - Cash Match Agreement - President Ehlert

addressed the age range in the materials provided regarding restriction

of services to 14 through 20 year olds. Trustee Storing offered that the

majority of students are likety graduated by the age of 20 but this age

limitation may exclude older students. Trustee Storing recommended

that the District keep the door open to ages 21 through 26 as this

population has fewer options to obtain these services. President Ehlert

requested additional information regarding identification of those

students who are legally blind in the categories of private schools and

homeschooled students in order to achieve our program goals and

outcomes. The Administration will follow-up and provide answers to the

board. lt was moved by Vice President Williams, supported by Treasurer

DeMarco to authorize the Administration to execute a Cash Match

Agreement in the amount of $45,000.00 to Department Licensing and

Regulatory Affairs/Michigan Commission for the Blind [LARA/MCB) for

the period October 1,2011 to September 30, 2012, as presented.

Ehlert - yes Williams - yes DeMarco - yes Storing - yes

Motion Carried 4/0

Intergovernmental Agreement: Braille Educational Materials ~ lt was

moved by Treasurer DeMarco, supported by Vice President Williams to

authorize the Administration to execute an Intergovernmental Agreement

for Braille Educational Material in the amount of $60,000.00 to the Michigan

Department of Education, Low incidence Outreach for the period July 1,

2011 to June 30, 2012, as presented.

Ehlert -- yes Williams - yes DeMarco - yes Storing - yes"





Carla Miller Haynes

DLARA Michigan Commission for the Blind

201 N. Washington Sq., 2nd Floor

P.O. Box 30652

Lansing, MI  48909

Phone:  517/373-2063

FAX: 517/335-5140


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