[nfbmi-talk] oakland isd cooperative cash match
joe harcz Comcast
joeharcz at comcast.net
Fri Jan 6 22:15:47 UTC 2012
Department Licensing and Regulatory Affairs/Michigan Commission for the Blind
Cooperative Cash Match Agreement
Department Licensing and Regulatory Affairs/Michigan Commission for the Blind
(hereafter designated LARA/MCB)
Oakland Intermediate School District
(hereafter designated the cooperating agency)
The agreement shall take effect on 10-01-11 and continue until such time as it is terminated as stipulated below.
I. A formal cooperative relationship is created and agreed to by LARA/MCB and the local public entity designated above to develop and deliver vocational rehabilitation services to persons who meet the eligibility criteria of MRA/MCB.
II. Eligible populations are individuals with visual impairrnents which constitute a substantial impediment to employment and who require vocational rehabilitation services to prepare for, obtain or maintain employment, as defined by the Rehabilitation Act and its Amendments.
III. Services provided under this agreement are not the customary or typical services provided by the cooperating agency. Services described in Attachment A must represent new services that have a vocational rehabilitation focus or existing services that have been modified, adopted, expanded, or reconfigured to be a vocational rehabilitation focus. These services provided by the cooperating agency must be limited to applicants for, or recipients of, services from LARA/MCB as specified in Public Act 260. Administrative procedures are also outlined in Attachment A.
IV. Local funds will be receipted as described in Attachment B.
V. Expenditures for vocational rehabilitation services and administration of these services are under direct control, and complete discretion of, LAIWMCB, as specified in federal regulations Public Act 260.
VI. The parties further agree:
A. No individuals shall be denied service solely on the basis of age, disability, race, color, creed, sex, national origin, marital status, religion, ability or inability to pay therefore.
B. There will be no discrimination against any ernployee or applicant for employment with respect to tenure, terms, conditions, privileges of employ~nent on the basis of age, disability, race, color, creed, sex, national origin, marital status, partisan considerations, residence, height, weight, or arrest record.
C. There will be compliance with Federal Civil Rights Laws (Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964), the Americans with Disabilities Act of 199 1, and the Rehabilitation Act as amended, both in providing services and achieving employment of individuals with disabilities.
D. If any provision of this agreement is found to be in conflict with the federal or state Law, that provision will be subordinate to the law. The other provisions of this agreement shall remain valid and binding.
E. All aspects of this agreement covered by confidentiality provisions of laws and respective agency policy shall be observed by both parties to this agreement.
F. It is understood by both parties that this agreement remains in force until such time as it is amended or terminated by either party. Provisions of this agreement may be amended by revision to Attachment A or B. with the signature of both parties, and such an amendment and its specification shall become a binding part of the agreement. This document and Attachments A, B, C constitute the entirety of this agreement; no other attachments are permitted.
G. Request for termination of this agreement shall be sent to the other party by certified mail, return receipt requested. Termination of the agreement shall be at the discretion of LARAIMCB and become effective 30 days foIlowing receipt of the Notice of termination (sent via certified mail, return receipt requested).
H. This agreement may be renewed each year. Changes in program goals and budgeting will be designated in Attachments A and B.
I. The full local contribution will be obligated first during the fiscal year in which the agreement was originated. Any federal portion of agency finds remaining will be carried forward to the next year and redirected to other RS programs, at the discretion of LARAMCB.
J. In the event this agreement is terminated prior to the end of the fiscal year, the un-obligated local portion will be returned to the cooperating agency within 30 days of the effective termination date.
K. Case service funds generated as a result of this resource sharing agreement will be directed by LARA/MCB, cannot be restricted to any one vendor, and will be utilized to purchase goods and services in support of an individual's employment goal identified in the Individualized Education Plan.
L. At the completion of the state fiscal year (or upon termination of this agreement), the parties agree to meet and evaluate actual program activities against the program goals specified in Attachment A. Effective performance under this agreement will be evidenced by completion of Attachment C, Annual Review, which will be forwarded to the LARA/MCB Office of the State Director 45 davs following the end of the State fiscal year. This attachment will become a part of the original agreement and will be binding on both parties.
VII. Evidence of this agreement is reflected by the proper signatures on Attachment B.
Department Licensing and Regulatory Affairs /Michigan Commission for the Blind
Cooperative Cash Match Agreement
Administrative Procedures-Attachment A
Fiscal Year: 2012
Date of Agreement: 10-01-11
I. Narrative
Oakland Schools, local school district staff, parents, Department Licensing and
Regulatory Affairs/Michigan Commission for the Blind (LARA/MCB) and their vendors
will work in partnership to narrow the gap in transition services in career development to
support entrance into the workforce for secondary students who are legally blind.
LARA/MCB will accomplish this by obtaining (1) vocational preparation including
career assessment, career exploration, work experience, and soft skills training; (2) job
development, including identification of job specific accommodations; (3) job placement
including authentic work assessment, expanded orientation and mobility, job training and
worksite coaching for all legally blind students who are between the ages of 14 to 18
years or those continuing on to achieve a diploma or competitive/supported employment
(not to exceed 20 years of age). Transition services are to enhance opportunities for
legally blind students to experience positive employment options allowing them to
continue on to gainful employment or further education after high school.
This cash match is not intended to duplicate or replace any current services provided by
Oakland Schools Teacher Consultants for Ihe Visually Impaired (OSTC/VI) or
LARA/MCB. It is intended to enhance and expand services to address the current gap in
transition services for those students in the identified group and legally blind.
II. Referral Process
Students referred for LARA/MCB services supported by this cash match agreement, must attend school in one of the public school districts, school academies or registered non-public/homeschool entity in Oakland County.
OSTC/VI will refer eligible students to the LARA/MCB counselors, who will then open a case and establish inclusion into the program. After securing the release of information, the OSTC/VI will initiate the LARA/MCB referral process and provide LARA/MCB with a copy of the student's current Individual Educational Plan (IEP) including transition plan, eye report and medical report if available. The documentation will provide information for the LARA/MCB counselor to assist in the Individual Plan for Employment (IPE), to obtain needed prevocational/vocational training, community based assessments and job experience, or placement. Each of the transitioning students must have an IPE developed in order to participate in the program.
Legally blind students may be eligible for referral for these transition services any time after the age of 14 and when transition services are designated to begin per the IEP. By mutual agreement, a student's participation in these specific transition services may be delayed until it is determined the student will gain benefit from participation.
III. Joint Planning & Documentation of Cooperative Efforts
1. LARA/MCB will inform students of services that can be provided, such as college and vocational school assistance.
2. LARA/MCB will assist and provide job development, supported employment and placement assistance.
3. LARA/MCB will inform the student about the Business Enterprise Program, facilitate referral and assist as needed during the training and placement process. Additional entrepreneurial opportunities with be explored.
4. LARA/MCB will coordinate a comprehensive summer program experience which may include soft skills, pre-employment, job shadowing, community based assessments, career exploration exercises, employment, and extended orientation and mobility opportunities.
5. LARA/MCB will host forums when needed to enhance communication between parents, Oakland Schools, MCB and any other community partners that can assist in the comprehensive individualized provision of services to legally blind students such as Community Mental Health, and assist in appropriate referrals.
6. LARA/MCB will be actively involved in partnering with Transition Coordinators and OSTC/VI to encourage sharing of information about Transition activities and programs throughout the ISD and the Districts to ensure inclusion of legally-blind students when appropriate.
7. LARA/MCB will refer students and parents for appointments to Social Security work enhancement programs such as Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA) so that they will know the impact of work on existing and future income.
1. OSTC/VI will work collaboratively with the LARA/MCB counselor to identify and place students with the services specified in the IPE.
2. OSTC/VI will assist in alignment between transition IEP and the IPE through collaboration with LARA/MCB and the local district caseload teacher.
Feedback and Reporting;
Reports will be presented to Oakland Schools by January and Year-end identifying service profiles, expenditure reports pertaining to this agreement, and outcome data. The Year-end report will serve as the End of the Year School Report.
A transition skills portfolio (written, audio, visual, or a combination) will be developed annually for each student by LARA/MCB designee to document skill acquisition. This portfolio will be shared with and housed in the local school district to be part of the student's school record.
Parents/guardians will receive bi-annual updates regarding progress within the transition program (including employment roadblocks that are disability related).
Evaluation of Program Goals and Outcome
Goal: To address the current gap in the transition service model, specific to employment, for high school age students who are legally blind.
Outcome for students in the identified group and legally blind:
100% will be referred.
80% will have an Individual Plan for Employment (IPE).
50% will receive vocational preparation, work experience and/or job placement.
Process For Resolution of Conflicts
Conflict resolution will be addressed through a level system as described below: Level 1: Oakland Schools TC/VI and LARA/MCB counselor will attempt to resolve any differences of opinion that might arise.
Level 2: Any issue that cannot be resolved at level 1 will be taken to the LARA/MCB Regional Manager and the Oakland Schools Supervisor of vision services.
Level 3: Conflicts that persist beyond level 2 will be taken to the Director of Consumer Services (MCB) and Oakland Schools Director of Special Education.
Department Licensing and Regulatory Affairs/Michigan Commission for the Blind
Cooperative Cash Match Agreement
Program & Budget-Attachment B
Agreement originated on 10-01-11
LARA/MCB Regional Office: Detroit Regional Office
Cooperating Agency: Oakland Schools Intermediate School District
Dates of Service: 10-01-11 through 09-30-12
Outcome for students in the identified group and legally blind:
100% will be referred.
80% will have an Individual Plan for Employment (IPE).
50% will receive vocational preparation, work experience and/or job placement.
A. Local $ 45,000.00
B. LARA/MCB $180,000.00
C. Total $225,000.00
100% by December 28, 2012
Name: Oakland Schools ISD
Address: 2111 Pontiac Lake Rd., Waterford, MI 48328
Telephone: 248.209.2533
Federal ID#: 38-1713563
Attention: Kathleen Barker
Signed - _Signature of Gwendolyn McNeal _______________ 9-21-2011
Gwendolyn McNeal, East Region Manager LARA/MCB Date
Signed – Signature of Kathleen Barker ______________________ 8/29/11
Kathleen Barker, Director, Special Education Oakland Schools Date
Department Licensing and Regulatory Affairs/Michigan Commission for the Blind
Cooperative Cash Match Agreement
Annual Review-Attachment C
Agreement originated on 10-01-11
Cooperative agreement between Oakland ISD and Department Licensing & Regulatory Affairs/Michigan Commission for the Blind
Per the cooperative agreement for fiscal year 2012 the undersigned have jointly reviewed the program objectives outlined in Attachment A, agree that the program has been operated in compliance with the requirements of the written agreement. It is further agreed that the program goals have effectively been met to the satisfaction of all parties.
Reviewed and Approved by
Date of Review:
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