[nfbmi-talk] Fw: MCB Board Communication - BEP Training and Trainer Needs

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Sun Jan 8 04:30:29 UTC 2012

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Terry Eagle" <terrydeagle at yahoo.com>
To: "'joe harcz Comcast'" <joeharcz at comcast.net>
Sent: Saturday, January 07, 2012 11:23 PM
Subject: MCB Board Communication - BEP Training and Trainer Needs

> NOTE:  The following was proposed and emailed to MCB Commissioners
> approximately 75 days before the public announcement at the December 8, 
> 2011
> MCB Boardmeeting that BEP management had sought approval through the
> Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, to hire a fifth BEP
> Promotional Agent, rather than a BEP Trainer.  The Elected Operators'
> Committee were neither consulted nor informed by BEP management prior to
> seeking approval to hire a Promotion Agent instead of a BEP Trainer.
> Additionally, the Ad Hoc Committee on BEP Issues was not consulted or even
> informed by BEP management at either the October or November, 2011 
> meetings,
> of the decision to hire a Promotional Agent over a BEP Trainer. meetings
> Dear MCB Commissioners,
> Greetings.  I am writing with a serious concern that likely will have a
> variety of far-reaching ramifications for sometime to come if not dealt 
> with
> in a swift and affirmative manner by you the Board, and the MCB
> administration.  The concern of which I speak is the current state  of the
> BEP Training program, or it is more accurate to say the poor state and 
> lack
> of BEP Training of potential BEP licensees.  This condition demands your
> immediate attention to fend-off a variety of problems, the most likely 
> being
> the defending of legal actions.
> As you may be aware by now, last Saturday's Elected Operators' Committee
> (EOC) meeting ended abruptly in the afternoon because of a heated 
> discussion
> over the serious lack of training of the most recent two training class
> graduates, and the likely prospect of the same outcome of the next class
> scheduled to begin next Monday, September 26, 2011.
> Since the medical leabe and subsequent retirement of John McEntee as BEP
> Trainer, It is a profound understatement to say that the BEP Vending Stand
> Training Program has been in a total upheaval and failure in providing
> quality and adequate skills and knowledge critically essential to succeed 
> in
> the business environment, and abilities to meet the obligations mandated 
> by
> federal, state,  and municipal laws, regulations, and ordinances,  in
> addition to the acquisition and utilization of sound business practices.
> I know that Commissioner Larry Posant, as Board liaison to the EOC, and 
> his
> work on the EOC Ad Hoc Committee on BEP Issues, can speak about the many
> recent failures and shortcomings of the Bending Stand Training Program,
> based on his one-on-one interaction with some of the recent training class
> graduates. And that is likely the tip of the iceberg of serious issues 
> that
> require addressing.
> It is time to face the facts that the BEP Bending Stand Training Program 
> is
> being run on-the-fly and by the seat-of-the-pants by individuals who have
> little knowledge of, and absolutely no experience operating a food service
> business.  The students are not receiving the essential computers and
> software, training on the computer and software applications, and other
> essential training materials in a timely fashion prior to entering 
> training
> to become familiar with and proficient at their use, and in an alternative
> format to print, which is the most effective format for the user, as
> required by the federal ADA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. 
> And
> I repeat that absolutely essential knowledge and skills of sound business
> practice are not being taught in either in the classroom or during the
> on-the-job-experience portion of training, such as, but not limited to,
> inventory control, employer obligations, taxation obligations, training on
> equipment as basic as a cash register and its uses for financial controls,
> and many other essential information and skill sets.
> Obviously, the current state of BEP Vending Stand Training is so 
> compromised
> since the departure of John McEntee, the inability or unwillingness of the
> MCB administration to think outside the box to find a way to fill the BEP
> Trainer position, and it seriously lacks qualified leadership and trainers
> that immediate and decisive action I s required by the MCB Board, to 
> protect
> against litigation, preserve the integrity and future viability of the
> program and ensure to the greatest extent possible, the business success 
> and
> continued employment and financial independence of each and every blind
> licensee now and in the future. ,  It is also abundantly obvious, as
> demonstrated by the heated discussion about training at Saturday's EOC
> meeting, that the task  of addressing and bringing about quality and
> meaningful reform of the Vending Stand Training program  is simply to big
> and complex for the Elected Operators' Committee, the EOC Ad Hoc Committee
> on BEP Issues, the MCB administration, or the Board to undertake alone.
> Therefore, immediate and drastic action and commitment is required by the
> Board, to address and reform the BEP training program to eliminate the 
> vast
> and glowing deficiences, and ensure that essential knowledge and skills 
> are
> incorporate and taught each and every time a class is offered.
> I offer for your immediate consideration and action thefollowing five step
> action plan to reform the Vending Stand Training Program, so it can be the
> most effective and meaningful tool for success for all blind 
> entrepuernurs.
> 1. Hold an emergency special Board meeting to consider andtake action
> on the proposed plan.
> 2. Adopt an immediate moratorium on BEP Bending Standing
> Training classes, including the classscheduleds to begin on Monday,
> September 26, 2011, pending a comprehensive review and reforms to be
> implemented.
> 3. Establish an Ad Hoc committee on BEP Bending Stand Training,
> charged with a comprehensive review and proporeforms to the classroom and
> on-the-job-experience components of the training program, with emphasis on
> incorporating essential business knowledge and skillsgoals and objectives,
> and meaningful measurements of achievement.  The Ad Hoc Committee should
> consist of representatives of all identifiable stakeholders related to the
> vocational rehabilitation system, consumer groups of the blind, MCB and 
> administration, the EOC, the MCB Board, BEP licenseetrainers, and recent 
> training class graduates.
> 4.  Formulate and present to the EOC and MCB Board, for consideration and
> adoption.
> the Ad Hoc Committee on BEP Training proposed reform.
> 4. The MCB Board shallmMonitor and ebaluate the implementation
> of adopted reforms, at pre-determined intervals.
> Terry Eagle
> The BEP Training Program has been in an upheaval since John McEntee went 
> on
> medical leave and subsequent retirement. At least the last two training
> classes and their graduates were riddled with problems that contributed to
> the graduates being frustrated and faced with overwhelming problems
> resulting from the lack of acquiring fundamental  skills and information
> essential to  begin and successfully operating a business. The frustration
> and problems exist because the training has and continues to be conducted
> without qualified trainers and clearly defined skill set and information
> goals, objectives, and measurements for assessing achievement of essential
> skills and information.
> Below is a plan outline to begin addressing the training program 
> shortfalls,
> with emphasis on quality skill building and information acquisition 
> vitally
> essential for successful operation of a BEP facility.
> 1. Need  a qualified BEP Trainer or training coordinator
> In order for the Business Enterprise Program to attract qualified
> individuals assessing the qualifications of potential program candidates, 
> ,
> keep pace with industry trends and ongoing training needs of program
> licensees, it is essential that program attract and employ either a
> qualified trainer, or a qualified  training coordinator
> Solution 1A. - Currently the MCB administration has reported
> publicly that the agency is unable to pursue the hiring of a trainer 
> because
> of a state employment hiring freeze, or it is being evaluated as to the 
> use
> of the vacant FTE (full-time employee) position formerly held by BEP 
> Trainer
> John McEntee being utilized for other BEP or MCB purposes.
> One solution is to commit to fill the vacant position to a trainer
> or training coordinator through the civil service system, seeking a waiver
> of the hiring freeze, and used  exclusively for the training needs of
> potential BEP licensees and current licensees.
>       Solution 1B. - Contract with a trainer or a training coordinator.
> This option would overcome the state hiring freeze, would provide
> the opportunity for qualified blind individual or blind-owned firm to
> compete for the contract, rather than having to employ from a lay-off 
> list,
> or other negative civil service requirements.  In addition, this option
> makes for greater accountability through evaluation of results and 
> contract
> renewal or termination.
> 2. Evaluation and reform of training structure and curriculum.
> Solution 2A.  It is highly recommended the MCB Board use their
> authority and clout in quality policy-making function by holding statewide
> regional oversight hearings to identify BEP training issues , deficiencies
> and strengths, and elicit feedback suggestions for quality training 
> reforms,
> and collateral BEP topics that positively or negatively impact initial as
> well as ongoing training within the program.
> Solution 2B. - Establish a BEP training reform AD HOC Committee.
> This ad hoc committee shall be charged with evaluating and
> recommending positive substantive changes to the assessment of potential 
> licensees, the classroom and on-the-job-experience structure and 
> curriculum.
> Solution 2C. - Contract for the evaluation and reform of the
> structure and curriculum of the BEP training program.
> This option is favorable because it can attract and ensure that the
> reform process is managed by a blind individual or blind-owned firm, 
> acutely
> familiar with the issues of blindness, unique challenges of training of
> blind persons, and special needs.  The time can be significantly reduced 
> for
> completion of the training program evaluation and reform process.
> 3. Effective training program structure reform
> Solution 3A - This component could be accomplished by either an ad
> hoc committee or by contract within the reform process.
> The goal is to establish the most effective structure of the
> initial BEP training, as well as ongoing licensee training.
> 4. Effective training program curriculum.
> Solution 4A - This component could be accomplished by either an ad
> hoc committee or by contract within the reform process.
> Solution 4B - The goal is to establish the most effective
> curriculum of the initial BEP training, as well as ongoing licensee
> training.
> 5. Evaluation and reform of the on-the-job training experience.
> Solution 5A - This component could be accomplished by either an ad
> hoc committee or by contract within the reform process.
> This goal is to identify and reform that OJE to be most effective
> for identifying and attracting the best qualified trainers, and 
> structuring
> the OJE to evaluate skill and information achievement, and identify
> deficiencies, and structure methods to address and eliminate deficiencies.
> 6. Post-training evaluation and remedial training.
> Solution 6A - This component could be accomplished by either an ad
> hoc committee or by contract within the reform process.
> This goal is to establish a post-licensure and placement follow-up
> and evaluation to identify and appropriately address identified 
> deficiencies
> prior to closure of the vocational case to employment.
> Terry Eagle
> Terry D. Eagle
> (517) 372-7552

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