[nfbmi-talk] Fw: open letter regarding cannon mcb
joe harcz Comcast
joeharcz at comcast.net
Mon Jan 9 22:10:38 UTC 2012
----- Original Message -----
From: Valarie
To: joe harcz Comcast
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2012 4:46 PM
Subject: Re: open letter regarding cannon mcb
Thank you for sharing
Sent from my iPhone
On Jan 9, 2012, at 2:04 PM, "joe harcz Comcast" <joeharcz at comcast.net> wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: joe harcz Comcast
To: blind democracy List
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2012 2:50 PM
Subject: open letter regarding cannon mcb
Open Letter Regarding Progressive Pro Labor Intents of Michigan Commission for the Blind
January 9 2012 Related to Bodman PLC Cannon
Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.
1365 E. Mt. Morris Rd.
Mt. Morris, MI 48458
joeharcz at comcast.net
To: Patrick D. Cannon
Director, Michigan Commission for the Blind
(Via E-mail)
Dear Mr. Cannon,
It appears from the strange and interchangeable references to Bodman PLC related to intimidation of the NFB of Michigan’s resolution related to conflicts of interests related to not New Horizons, but rather paid Supervisory staff (Gwen McNeal) serving on the Board of Trustees you, Mr. Cannon rely on counsel, in the public record of Bodman, PLC and not the attorney general, our State Ethics Board or anyone in a public capacity on the issue.
Now, I wonder if your union employees know about this arrangement or interconnection?
You have publicly claimed to be the hero of your staff and that includes your unionized staff, but now you seem to appeal to an employer based, private law firm through your myriad of interconnections and slights of hand.
This firm cut its teeth as an employer based firm and I wonder what the UAW members of MCB think about its pedigree?
Oh, my I forgot you represent management and not your employees. And you represent nothing but your own interests above all else.
I wonder what the UAW would think about all of this?
As an aside a good pro-labor guy like yourself might wish to assist me in unionizing oh say New Horizons Rehabilitation Services Inc. (all employees including those with disabilities) and the likes of Peckham for that matter right?
You know Mr. Cannon back in the day I created and became the first Chapter President of an AFSCME local in my only employment stint in the public sector. I organized the para-professional “aides” working at the Genesee Intermediate School District’s “Training Center”.
It is kind of remarkable to me that decades later a so-called progressive like yourself aligns himself with CRPs who still dole out sub-minimum wages to people with disabilities and with private law firms that represent “union busting” and even de facto right to work applications.
I wonder if your non-management employees know about this?
I wonder if your pro-labor pals in the legislature know about these strange interconnections and strained alliances which again are more than conflicts of interests?
Oh we’ve seen the intimidation and the retaliation in the public record sir.
We’ve all seen how you would throw anyone under the bus and how you and your kindred hacks would violate all that you have stated as your progressive spirit over decades and as a nominal Democratic Party activist in a variety of capacities for years.
It is all about your personal entitlement sir!
You, a totally inept and otherwise unqualified GS-19, making in excess of $125,000 per year will stop at nothing to protect your own personal interests and spin and cajole and manipulate the process with one goal and one goal only. That is not to serve in capacities of any demonstrable measure of competence people who are blind; or even the non-blind employees under your charge, but, rather you serve only yourself and your corporate masters.
Tomorrow your competencies will be examined. Well you’ve demonstrated in the public record during your tenure no competencies whatsoever.
Man, I wouldn’t give you a job as a dog catcher sir, for to paraphrase the solon, “You couldn’t pour urine from a boot even if the directions were written on the heel (in Braille at that)!”
I would suggest that the MCB Commissioners ad two new categories to your core competencies tomorrow. They are:
-‘grossly incompetent
-criminally incompetent
I’m certain you’d score highly in those regards.
Now, if you don’t like this sort of talk then why don’t you get your pals at Bodman PLC to sue me, just a citizen who is blind for defamation if indeed these comments aren’t protected speech and expression vis a vis a public official eh?
Come on show your true colors Cannon, or as Clint Eastwood said in on of his “Dirty Harry films, “Go ahead punk make my day.”
Joe Harcz (a true pro-labor and true people with disabilities progressive and not a corporate shill)
Cc: MCB Commissioners
Cc: Employees of MCB including those in the UAW
Cc: Elmer Cerano, NIS, Michigan Protection and Advocacy Services, Inc.
Cc: Several UAW reps
Cc: Several Pro-union Representatives
Cc: Michigan ADAPT
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