[nfbmi-talk] two access issues right in here

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Wed Jan 11 14:08:27 UTC 2012

Note the access to information/computer systems and issues like the lack of raised character and Braille signage were denoted in these old CIC minutes. Years later these issues still face blind employees and customers of MCB and indeed have gotten worse.

Access is a fundamental civil right that both NFB and ACB agree with as denoted herein:


    Minutes from March 31, 2003 

Geer Wilcox called the meeting to order.


I       Roll Call

Members Present:  Dick Grant, Joe Harcz, Georgia Kitchen, Mary Wurtzel, Geer Wilcox, Casey Dutmer, Larry Wanger, Brunhilde Merk-Adam 


Members Absent:  Jeff Steele, Jo Taliaferro, Dawn Thomas 


MCB Staff Present:  Michelle Visscher, Susan Anderson, Beth White, who will be taking over as MCB Liaison to the CIC, replacing Michelle Visscher 


Guests:  Linda Stacey, John Zub, J.J. Jackson, Commissioner 


II     Update of CIC Membership List

At this time new members were introduced.  The new members are Dick Grant and Casey Dutmer.  Beth White will be taking over Michelle’s place as MCB Liaison to the CIC.


III    Review of and Approval of Agenda

Sue Anderson read over the printed agenda, to which several additions were made and approved.


IV    Membership approved the August 2003 minutes with a correction regarding the statement, “a Committee formed (Geer, Brunhilde and Jeff Steele) to make a written proposal regarding lack of services for school age kids.”  This was not meant to be a written proposal, but was to prepare an agenda for this meeting, as expressed by Geer.


V.  Miscellaneous Discussions-Written agenda was not followed, there were various discussions/subjects brought up that minutes writer isn’t certain how categorize, so some statements may not fit the item number under which they are written.  

The meeting continued with Geer mentioning the Commission for the Blind has been moved to the Department of Labor and Economic Growth.  It was mentioned that MCB, with the move, may go to another e-mail system and there might be an issue with accessibility.  A motion was made by Casey Dutmer, that MCB be consulted before a final decision is made regarding what new technology is used.  That any changes in technology be accessible to the blind and visually impaired staff of MCB, in compliance with section 508 of the Federal Rehabilitation act.  Larry Wanger seconded the motion.  Discussion in these regards took place, the motion passed and will be presented to the Commission Board for consideration. 


Joe Harcz made the following motion; regarding MCB facilities, any changes or continued use of facilities due to this move, have Commission offices and buildings they are in have raised character and  Braille signage in compliance with ADA guidelines.  Casey Dutmer seconded motion.  Discussion took place in these regards and the motion passed.  


VI.  Presentation of Appreciation Plaque to Larry Best – Geer Wilcox

A plaque was presented to Larry for 14 years of service to MCB.  He will retire on February 28th, 2004.


VII.  CIC By-laws Process
The by-laws were passed in August but have yet to be submitted.  Geer made a motion; "There is a piece at the end of what I think we voted on that I think we can delete. Substitute the content of appendix h for the content of appendix e and delete appendices f, g and h.” The deleted appendices have titles but no content for future amendments. (Geer clarified this in an e-mail to Sue, it wasn’t stated exactly like this at the meeting.) Their titles are- “Conflict of Interest Policy”, “Confidentiality Policy” and “Representation of CIC Policy”.


VIII.  MCB Report Cards
Geer said he has more report cards to submit and asked that all other report cards be submitted by February 6, 2004.  Report cards will be tallied and sent to CIC members, then to Commissioners.  The purpose of the report cards was for CIC members to get input from their constituents and then complete them per gathered information.  


IX.           CIC Goals – Geer Wilcox
Last years goals were reviewed by Geer, they included the budget, technology, transition forum, training center issues, college assessment, report card.  Unfinished business included the packet of information for new clients and the by-laws. 

It was noted that some CIC recommended materials have been used in packets currently given out by MCB, but information has not been received from all suggested sources.  It was noted that the Services and Design team has not received all information for the packet.  Michelle requested Brunhilde to send all materials to her to forward to Pat for presentation to Commissioners.  


Michelle mentioned information was requested from MCBVI and NFB.  Information from MCBVI has been provided to the Commission on different formats but no information was received from NFB yet.  It was also stated that consumer groups must supply materials as MCB does not replicate these materials.  Brunhilde indicated it has been discussed that those who do not have funding for printed materials to supply information that can be given out at request, by phone.  


Michelle indicated that MCBVI has their information available in Braille, disk and print format and there is also a video available.


A summary of the Services Design Team was e-mailed to everyone, print and Braille copies were passed out to those who wanted them.


Geer reviewed some information in the operating procedures that suggests the purpose and function of the CIC.  In section II of the operating procedures, Legislative Intent, both the Rehabilitation Act and current State plan which outlines the operation of the Michigan Commission for the Blind, requires significant and formal consumer input to inform, educate, support and provide assistance to the Michigan Commission for the Blind and its’ vision to provide quality programs and services to blind individuals in the State of Michigan and to seek the full implementation and enforcement of the laws, regulations and policies governing the delivery of supports and services to Blind persons in the State of Michigan.  There are also the rules of order; issues may be brought to the CIC for discussion, recommendations considering existing policy and/or development of new policy recommendation can then be made.   Geer asked that this outline be considered in determining goals for this upcoming year.


Casey indicated the CIC should discuss the issue of discrepancy in various MCB offices regarding policy.  He would like to see all MCB offices giving the same responses to policy questions.  He would also like to discuss conformity issues.  Group discussion in these regards did follow.  Members felt the CIC should look at policies and make recommendations.


Beth stated that the Services Design Team was formed to look at these issues.  It was indicated that policy is a statement of facts of how things are done.    Procedure is the way things are done, professional judgements are allowed in procedure.  CIC members felt that decisions should be consistent throughout the State.  Much discussion took place regarding these issues.


In regards to a specific consumer problem that was brought up, Michelle indicated there is a procedure for a consumer to follow if they feel they have an issue.  The procedure is to first go to the counselor with their concerns, if a resolution is not found, the next step would be for a supervisory review, if still no resolution, the issue would go to CAP (Client Assistance Program).  Discussion took place regarding this issue.


Joe indicated he felt the CIC should have input, knowing problems so they can be resolved.  It was felt that solving specific problems is not the CIC’s function.


Beth White indicated she is looking forward to being part of this group as a representative of Services Design team and the Supervisory group, to maybe look at some of these things in a different capacity.


Discussion again turned towards clarity of policy and consistency and to making clients aware of their rights and how to proceed if there is a problem.  It was indicated there might be fears of repercussion towards the client who may want to utilize the complaint process.


Joe felt the CIC had an advice and consent roll, but that it was up to MCB to look at the CIC that way.  It was indicated there are mechanisms in the by-laws to do this.


Lunch Break


Discussion of goals continues.  One goal was transition issues, another is technology (standards for purchasing technology, Braille).  A question raised was asking if the Commission purchased used equipment for client use.  Response was that this has been done in the past.  The lack of services for children in grades K-12 was also discussed.


Geer questioned if the CIC wanted to meet at a time and place that would be more accessible to consumers as a possible goal, thus making CIC meetings open to attendance and input by consumers.


Another goal was review of the CAP program, its’ effectiveness, and make recommendations.  Joe felt a CAP representative should attend CIC meetings, Beth and others agree.


Geer then states the goals for the CIC for the upcoming year as;  Transition (K-12 service delivery);  Technology;  Training Center;  CAP Progress;  Policies and Procedures.


Mary Wurtzel made a motion to make the goal regarding a consistency of policy and procedure a priority goal for the year.  Casey seconded this motion, motion passed.


Joe Harcz made a motion to make the transition issue (K-12) a priority goal also.  Brunhilde seconded this motion, motion passed.


Joe also made a motion for the CIC to accept 4 goals for the coming year, those being, Transition (K-12), Policies and Procedures of MCB (with emphasis on consistency of service deliver and purchased technology), Training Center and MPNA and CAP.  This motion was seconded by Brunhilde and passed by the CIC members present.


Casey suggested sub-committees be formed in order to handle all goals and many agreed.  The purpose of these sub-committees will be to each handle one specific goal, discuss it, and then give progress reports at the next meeting.  Mary questioned if we really need a sub-committee in regards to CAP.


Casey volunteered to chair the Policy and Procedure Sub-committee, other members include Joe, Geer, Beth and possibly Jeff, (Brunhilde will talk to him in these regards).


The K-12 sub-committee will consist of Brunhilde as the Chairperson, Georgia, Joe and Mary.  Beth offered to answer questions they may have.


The Training Center goal sub-committee will consist of Mary as the Chairperson, Dick, Casey, Georgia, Joe, Jeff and/or Brunhilde.


It was agreed CAP was to be discussed at future meetings and to table the sub-committee for this goal at this time.


Beth made the observation that the CIC is a partnership effort, when coming to the table with problems, also have solutions to offer.


In reference to subject previously brought up, it was stated there are 2 sides to every story and due to confidentiality, the other side can’t always be mentioned.  We (CIC) can ask for input but cannot solve specific problems.  It is not the roll of the CIC to solve individual problems at our meetings.  


Brunhilde suggested these points for the sub-committee; identify issues, provide data regarding those issues, develop strategies for resolutions and specify resources. 


X.                Omvig Report – Geer Wilcox

Geer stated the CIC would review each recommendation made in the Omvig Report at the next meeting in May and discuss actions on recommendations.


Mary suggested each member read “Freedom for the Blind” by Mr. Omvig, as preparation for discussion at the meeting.


XI.           PAQ Update
Casey suggested the group divide into 6 groups to represent 6 points of the strategic plan.  Ongoing discussion of the process took place, however, 6 groups were not established.


Beth agreed PAQ acknowledged there were some issues that needed to be resolved.  The discussion is good and she has seen some wonderful things happen, some positive things come out of it.  PAQ consists of 50 percent staff and 50 percent consumer representatives.  Beth indicated that some of the 6 design teams are now defunct, including the Partnership and Collaboration team.


There was a consensus that Casey will give a short synopsis of the PAQ meeting to the CIC.


XII.       New Business
Joe made a motion to send a formal invitation to CAP to get them to participate in future CIC meetings.  Casey seconded this motion, motion passed.


Joe also made a motion that, in order to promote more consumer involvement, have the May meeting on a Saturday.   Casey seconded the motion, after which some discussion took place, indicating Saturday may not be a good day, it would be difficult to find a place to hold the meeting and many would not want to spend their Saturday at such a meeting.  Geer suggested we explore the possibility of having meetings at a more convenient time for consumers at the next CIC meeting, then possibly have the September meeting on a Saturday.  Joe amended the motion to schedule the September meeting on a Saturday to facilitate more consumer involvement.  Casey seconded the amended motion.  The motion passed.  A suggestion was made that this meeting be held at the Oakland Library for the Blind in Pontiac, but the location was left open at this time.


J.J. Jackson questioned how consumers would know about the CIC meeting on a Saturday.  Casey suggested each consumer group get information to their constituents, put it on the MCB activity list and have MCB counselors get the information out to their clients.


Geer then asked Joe to coordinate an effort in regards to a location and ways to get information about the meeting out to consumers.


Discussion took place regarding an agenda for such a meeting and at what time during the meeting the consumers would have input.  It was suggested public comment occur first with the regular CIC meeting occurring later.


J.J. raised for consideration the fact that the CIC has limited time to make the 4 established goals.  Casey then suggested guidelines for consumer comment, so individual complaints are not expected to be resolved at such meetings.


Geer suggested a sub-committee be formed to consider some of the proposals for a Saturday meeting.  The sub-committee would then report at the May meeting.  Joe Harcz will chair this sub-committee.  


At this time, Beth suggested that future CIC meetings follow the “Roberts Rules of Order”, which most groups use to run their meetings.  This would avoid the discussion jumping from one subject to another and then back again, which can be very confusing to follow.  


J.J. suggested having Mike Ellis on the agenda to do a presentation on technology for the next meeting.  Geer said this would be taken under consideration.


The next CIC meeting will take place at the Michigan Commission for the Blind Training Center in Kalamazoo on May 17th, 2004.


Meeting Adjourned


Respectfully submitted,

Susan Anderson

MCB Secretary





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