[nfbmi-talk] 2012 draft action plan

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Fri Jan 20 17:07:07 UTC 2012

Speaks for itself and note that it appears at least in the BEP realm System Seven still can't generate reliable reports and yet operators languish...Also note the colloboaration with LIO in meeting long overdue requirements for Braille to the entire population that needs it in a timely manner...Yet some of us can't even get timely delivery of information through simple e-mail even after continued requests!

Again this goes to the top of this organization and particularly the Director. The buck indeed does stop at the top or is supposed to...









Objective 1


1.1    MCB has developed a survey instrument to determine client satisfaction. The survey was administered in FY 2010 to students who attended MCBTC in FY 2009. The results of that survey will be used as a baseline for subsequent yearly surveying. 


Status: MCBTC will again administer the survey to students who attended in FY 2010. The results will be compiled and presented to the Director by December, 2011. 


Responsibility: Christine Boone, Bruce Schultz, and Bob Robertson


Objective 2


1.2           Work collaboratively with a third party to measure client satisfaction with MCB services and determine the extent to which clients whose cases are closed successfully remain employed and independent at 18 months or 24 months following case closure. The survey will be conducted in the most feasible way which may be a telephone survey done by a third party as was done last time.  


Status: The survey in 2011 was completed and another one will be done by September 2012.  


Responsibility:  Leamon Jones, Elsie Duell, and Bob Robertson




Objective 3


1.3    BEP and the Consumer Services Division will work together to promote greater participation of MCB clients to gain work experience at BEP facilities. 


Status: This objective is being reviewed for expansion of participants in the program. The goal is to provide the opportunity year round and to include other individuals outside of transitioning youth. The status of this objective remains active. Discussion will be forthcoming to explore the expansion of this objective. 


Responsibility:   Leamon Jones and James Hull


Objective 4


1.4    Enhance the current BEP system to include the Operator Selection System report. The goal of this objective is to provide on demand Operator Selection System information for operators’ at their request. Also, the BEP manager would continue to provide the detailed information regarding all operator points at the annual BEP Workshop. Report progress to Director quarterly.


Status:  In the past, BEP has relied on a System 7 ad hoc Word document to routinely provide this quarterly and annual information to the licensees.  In FY 2011, at the Elected Committee’s recommendation, the Operator Selection System was dramatically revised.  Immediately, BEP began working with system developers to incorporate this revised report into the standard BEP System 7 report repertoire.  As of December 2011, system developers presented an initial version of the report which was incorrect. BEP staff returned the test version to system developers, identifying the requisite corrections.  As of January 2012, staff awaits the next test version of the report.   


Responsibility: Constance Zanger and James Hull




Objective 5


1.5           Complete four case reviews in 2012 and report progress to Director upon completion of each one. 


Status:  Reviews will be done in Gaylord, Escanaba, Lansing, and Flint.       


Responsibility:  Bob Robertson


Objective 6


1.6    Continue to work with the Futuristic Committee to develop short term and long range strategies on how to address the changing needs & demands for services as the number of blind persons increases. Report progress to agency director twice a year in  June and December.


Status:  The Futuristic Team meets quarterly and at each of the meetings a specific topic regarding future needs of consumers are being discussed in order to assist the agency in meeting future demands of services.  


Responsibility: Leamon Jones


Objective 7


1.7    Maintain an agency-wide safety program to minimize workplace risks so that all employees can be safer while doing their jobs.


Status: This is an on-going objective. The MCB Safety Team continues to meet monthly addressing issues on safety and makes recommendations for the agency. Recent activities have included a safe driving training session, identification and orientation of safety monitors in each MCB office, and a MIOSHA presentation on blood borne pathogens. A safety-related article appears in each issue of the MCB Insight, as well. Safety information will continue to be shared with all staff.


Responsibility:  Bob Robertson and Beth White


Objective 8


1.8    To make the pay scale of rehabilitation counselors at MCB more equitable with the rehabilitation teachers, other state employees and the private sector as well as other state employees with comparable education and skills.


Status: This issue remains “on hold” while the state deals with the current budget situation. Nothing new has happened since the meeting with OHR and Civil Service in early 2009. The recent RSA report makes mention of the pay disparity between counselors and teachers so that information will be used to support MCB’s position when the time is right to pursue this matter further. 


Responsibility: Lisa Kisiel, Beth White, Leamon Jones, Pat Cannon, and Bob Robertson 


Objective 9


1.9    Assess the effectiveness and satisfaction of MCB’s efforts to engage consumers and to promote consumer involvement in the Commission’s Vision 2020 initiative, the Planning and Quality (PAQ) Team, the Consumer Involvement Council (CIC), the Service Delivery Design Team, the Technology Team, and other opportunities.


Status: MCB continues to audiostream the Commission Board meetings and has expanded its outreach efforts to include the availability to listen to Commission meetings over the telephone and will again offer the opportunity for phone listeners to participate in public comment. Consumer organization reports are to be one of the agenda items at the March 17-18, 2011 Commission meeting. 


Responsibility: Pat Cannon, Leamon Jones, Casey Dutmer, Geer Wilcox





Objective 10 


1.10     In order to meet the unique reading needs of BTBL patrons in the digital age, the Library of Michigan Foundation purchased the equipment, software, and services related to converting the BTBL recording studio from analog to digital. Processes for current narrators who record from home will be established and recruitment of volunteer narrators and monitors for the in-studio program will follow. 


Status:  The first draft of the procedure manual is under review. Two books and three issues of Michigan History magazine have been produced. Currently discussing MSU/WKAR internships for editing and mark up.  Target for recruiting and training new narrators is September 2012.  


Responsibility:  Sue Chinault, Terence Rose, Jessica Goodrich


Objective 11


1.11     MCB will update the current Client Tracking System to include a tracking mechanism which will identify, track, and measure the progress and outcomes for Transition students.


Status:  MCB is working with MT-21 to provide an assessment of MCB’s services for transition youth. This is a collaborative effort with MSU’s Project Excellence.


Responsibility:  Leamon Jones


Objective 12 


1.12     In 2010, a program was created that placed MCB clients into paid “internship” positions within state government. Their wages were paid for with ARRA funds until the point those funds were no longer available. Many of the persons placed found regular employment after the internship ended. 


The objective now is to distribute a survey to all participants in the program to see if they are working and to assess the effectiveness of the internship program. The survey will be sent in March and again in September of 2012.  


Status:  The first survey will be sent in March.


Responsibility:  Leamon Jones, Pat Cannon, and Bob Robertson


Objective 13


1.13     It has been 10 years since MCB began its Vision 2020 journey. Since then a number of new employees, commissioners, and community partners have joined in who were not part of the initial 2020 process. The objective is to re-introduce the Vision 2020 principles to everyone with special emphasis on those persons not around when the agency’s Vision 2020 venture began.


Work with DELEG to secure a facilitator to continue the work of the BEP/EOC Ad HOC Committee and facilitate the MCB Planning and Quality (PAQ) Team through September, 2011.  The facilitator will help plan and conduct six meetings of the Ad Hoc Committee and four PAQ Team Meetings, beginning in January, 2011.  Progress reports on the efforts of these two committees will be provided to commissioners quarterly.



Status: A facilitator, Holly Grandy-Miller, was secured for the EOC meetings and worked with them through the summer of 2011. Since that time, the EOC has continued to meet and is now using Rob Essenberg as the facilitator. 


Responsibility:  Pat Cannon, Bob Robertson, and others



Objective 14


1.14     Conduct study on MCB college services to consumers, gathering statistics which could be helpful to improving overall post-secondary services and improving student outcomes. Information to be obtained may include such things as how many students are supported each year and how many graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree or graduate degree each year.


Status: The current data system is being upgraded to provide information regarding the number of students attending college as well as those who graduate successfully with advance degrees.  


Responsibility:  Leamon Jones, Bob Robertson, Elsie Duell



Objective 15


1.15     The Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) conducted its monitoring review of the Commission in 2009 and submitted its final report to MCB November 5, 2010.  The final RSA report included eight findings which require corrective actions by the agency and MCB staff will be working with RSA’s designated liaison on a regular basis to provide technical assistance in the development of these actions and monitor progress.  The agency director will provide monthly updates to commissioners on interactions with RSA and resulting compliance, beginning January 29, 2011 and post final corrective action plans on the website.  


Status:  We received RSA approval of the corrective action plan in December 2011. Staff will provide progress reports to RSA and Commissioners in April, July, and October. This information will also be posted on the MCB website.  


Responsibility:  Pat Cannon, Leamon Jones, Susan Turney


Objective 16


1.16  Continue the work of the agency’s committee to review and improve staff training, particularly training of new agency staff.  The committee, led by the agency’s training coordinator, is balanced with a mix of relatively new staff, longer-serving staff, both sighted and blind, managers, as well as representation from the MCB Consumer Involvement Council (CIC), the Michigan Council of the Blind and Visually Impaired (MCBVI) and the National Federation of the Blind (NFB) of Michigan.  The committee’s work includes a focus on enhancing the understanding of blindness and issues facing blind persons, which is intended to assist staff in serving clients most effectively.  

a.    Compile and analyze the results of the December, 2011 survey of new staff members since April, 2010, to identify unmet needs for training and orientation of new staff and draw upon these suggestions to improve the procedures.

b.    Review and analyze recommendations from Commissioners ad hoc committee on training and draw upon these suggestions to improve the procedures.

c.     Distribute new survey to new staff hired in 2012 at the beginning of employment, then again in three or four months, to help ascertain improvement achieved and apply PDSA principles to continuously improve the training and orientation process.

d.    The Director will develop an enhanced expanded training protocol.

e.    The progress on this initiative will be reported to Commissioners quarterly. 


Status: The survey has been sent to staff hired since April 2010 and results will be compiled by Feb 2012. New staff hired so far in 2012 have also been given the survey. After this information is gathered, steps will be taken to identify areas needing improvement and possible ways to address those needs. 


Responsibility: Bob Robertson, Pat Cannon, and other members of the MCB Training Committee



Objective 17


1.17  Develop a comprehensive board orientation packet and program that insures that a new board member understands their role clearly.

§        Solicit information from the board, staff, and administrators as to what elements should be included in a comprehensive board orientation packet-program by April 2012. 

§        Propose a comprehensive board orientation packet-program to the board for their review by the June 2012 meeting. 

§        Implement the board orientation packet-program when ever a new board member is appointed to the board prior to their first board meeting.


Status:  Initial steps have been taken. We will continue to take action on this objective throughout the year. 


Responsibility:  Pat Cannon, Susan Turney, Sue Luzenski



Objective 18


1.18     Collaborate with Dept of Education Low Incidence Outreach (LIO) to expand LIO’s current Braille transcription service to include government and non-government agencies and organizations that need to meet ADA requirement for providing information in accessible formats.

§        Conduct a needs assessment with agencies such as DHS, CIL, and MARO to determine interest level for a Braille transcription service by April 2012

§        Identify specific hardware and software needs for expanded transcription services from the LIO offices in the MI Library and Historical Center in Lansing

§        Continue conversation between MCB and LIO to determine supervisory oversight of Braille transcribers and the operation and promotion of service

§        Create a consumer internship program with MCB to place Braille transcribers in temporary, paid positions


Status: Representatives from MCB and LIO met in August 2011 to discuss the feasibility of collaboration on a Braille transcription service. Collette Bauman of LIO suggested an expansion of the textbook transcription service already provided for the Dept of Education.


Responsibility: Sue Chinault, Leamon Jones, Beth White, Collette Bauman







Objective 1


2.1    In December 2010 extensive renovations of the Training Center began. The renovations include a new geo-thermal HVAC system, energy efficient replacement of all light fixtures, installation of an emergency generator, revamping of training and office space, and a state-of-the-art Technology Center. While the renovations are being completed, MCBTC operations have been moved to a working motel. Renovations should be completed by December 2011. 


Status: Abatement of all asbestos was completed as of December 31, 2010. All demolition work needed for the renovations will be completed by January 2011. The renovation is currently on target with project deadlines. 


Responsibility:  Elsie Duell and Christine Boone 


Objective 2


2.2    Partner with other agencies or groups to do technology training and encourage the community partners to do grant writing and help financially with training. Update Director by June, 2011. 


Status: This is an ongoing objective and continues to grow. 


Responsibility:  Leamon Jones and Elsie Duell


Objective 3


2.3           Move the SBPH library circulation and catalog software from a DIT hosted server to a server that will be hosted and managed by ASRD, the company that created the CUL software. This objective will allow ASRD the access needed to effectively maintain, troubleshoot, and upgrade the software. It will also make future collaboration with other CUL members possible. 


Status:  An RFP for this project had no bidders. A follow-up RFI was posted. The results have not yet been discussed with the buyer, Reid Sisson and DIT contact, Pam Johnson. Further investigation into this proposal will be made by February 2012.  


Responsibility:  Sue Chinault and Elsie Duell


Objective 4


2.4           The FCC has established a National DeafBlind Equipment Distribution Program (NDBEDP) to provide funding to entities in each state so specialized telecommunication devices can be distributed to low income persons who are DeafBlind. The MCB DeafBlind unit will prepare and submit an application for this funding which is being proposed as a two-year grant with a possible third year extension.


Status: The DeafBlind unit is taking the first steps towards making application for this program.


Responsibility: Cindy Caldwell, Elise Duell







Objective 1


3.1           Complete the following publications during 2011 with these deadlines and report progress to the Director quarterly:


a.    DeafBlind brochure – completed 

b.    Library Mailing Cards – print as needed to meet BTBL’s need for 260,000-300,000 address cards annually for mailing Braille and audio books to library patrons – completed through 2011

c.     BEP Highway Vending brochure – post online and distribute by November, 2011

d.    Create a new Braille and Talking Book Library brochure to be distributed by September, 2011 – on schedule

e.    In Focus BTBL newsletter for library patrons (3 editions) – for each edition, post online and distribute within 30 days after final text is received from BTBL – on schedule

f.       Vocational Rehabilitation brochure – post online and distribute by October, 2011 – on schedule

g.    MCB Training Center brochure – post online and distribute by December, 2011 


Status: The DeafBlind brochure is in final layout to be printed in March (on hold awaiting possible reorganization of department). The Winter edition of In Focus is ready to be printed. The VR brochure is in final draft, ready for photo selection and layout. The initial draft of the Training Center brochure has been completed.   


Responsibility:  Susan Turney


Objective 2


3.2    Produce a 2011 MCB Annual Report, including information on how the agency plans to address the changing needs of blind consumers in Michigan. Provide the report in printed and online format. Timeline: receive all text and statistics for preliminary draft by November 2011, review draft during December 2011 EMT meeting, and post completed publication online and distribute by January 2012. Report progress to Director. 


Status: Currently in process of selecting a new format for the 2011 Report. 


Responsibility: Susan Turney


Objective 3


3.3    Continue to collaborate with professional organizations of eye doctors through special events and distribution of MCB materials, articles in professional organizations’ member publications, and information on the MCB website. Report progress to Director quarterly. 


Status: MCB continues to distribute materials to eye care professionals upon request at least once a week. All Michigan licensed optometrists and all members of the Michigan Society of Eye Physicians and Surgeons (ophthalmologists) will receive a copy of the MCB 2010 Annual Report in February 2011. Pat Cannon’s “We Restore Hope” is in the MOA and MiSEPS 2010-2011 winter edition magazines. Pat Cannon will make his annual presentation at the Michigan College of Optometry to senior optometry students on March 4, 2011. Plans are under way for a possible proclamation in collaboration with MiSEPS in April. 


Responsibility: Susan Turney




Objective 4


3.4    MCB will continue efforts to train current staff to become leaders within the agency by identifying and planning related in-service training programs and advising staff of outside training that is available. The agency will also continue to take steps to increase recruitment efforts when necessary. 


Status:  Staff are regularly notified of training opportunities to encourage their professional development and leadership skills. When training is identified by staff, they are encouraged to participate if appropriate to their needs and the needs of the agency. In addition to being posted on the Civil Service website, all job vacancy notices continue to be shared with a variety of outside organizations and with all MCB staff in an effort to increase the scope of our recruitment.  


Responsibility:    Bob Robertson and all managers



Objective 5


3.5           Explore new and effective ways to utilize social media to promote activities and information related to MCB.


Status:  Christine Movalson is attending regular meetings of the DELEG social media group to learn more about the options available to MCB.


Responsibility:  Susan Turney and Christine Movalson









Objective 1


4.1    Explore further collaboration with the Office of Aging and area agencies on aging to help leverage human and fiscal resources to more effectively serve older individuals with sight loss. Progress on this long range initiative will continue to be reported on quarterly to the Director. 


Status: MCB is making progress with this objective. Initiatives are being developed in southeast Michigan. 


Responsibility: Leamon Jones and Gwen McNeal


Objective 2


4.2    The team will create a system to streamline the purchasing process and to define, develop, and implement financial responsibility procedures and to explore ideas to determine efficiencies in client service procurement. 


Status: This objective is still in progress. 


Responsibility: Elsie Duell and other members of the FROG


Objective 3


4.3    MCB has initially implemented “batch processing” of all client service payments within the current client tracking system. This process is designed to eliminate duplication of effort by support staff and expedite payments to clients and vendors.


Status: The pilot project was completed and the system is now being implemented in Lansing and Flint. However, upon implementing the batch process, vendors who had previously received payments via the EFT were now receiving warrants in the mail. Changes have been made to the process in System 7 to recognize the EFT mail code and it is currently being piloted. The plan is to roll it out to the remaining offices during 2012.   


Responsibility: Elsie Duell 



Objective 4


4.4           Study potential changes in the Michigan sub-regional model for improvements in service and efficiency. Report quarterly with target date of September 2012.


Status:  Discussions among sub-regional and regional library staff are on-going. 


Responsibility:  Sue Chinault, sub-regional librarians, and directors of sponsoring organizations



Objective 5


4.5           The Business Enterprise Program (BEP) will work to establish ten additional vending sites outside of those already assigned to vendors in an effort to increase unassigned vending income.


Status:  As of this writing, BEP is in the process of permitting 8 new post office sites and is evaluating the viability of 9 additional post office sites. Additionally, the program has added to Dept of Human Services sites and will continue to seek more vending sites in an effort to increase earnings. BEP is awaiting a determination from LARA administration regarding the continuation of providing vending services in non-mandated sites. 


Responsibility:  James Hull



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