[nfbmi-talk] dear colleagues!
Marcus Simmons
MarcusSimmons at comcast.net
Tue Jan 24 14:55:30 UTC 2012
Good article, Joe.
Changing what it means to be blind,
Marcus Simmons, vice-president,
Western-Wayne chapter
28179 Brentwood
Southfield, MI 48076-3069
Marcus.Simmons at interbizusa.com
(248) 552-8928
----- Original Message -----
From: "joe harcz Comcast" <joeharcz at comcast.net>
To: <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 10:12 PM
Subject: [nfbmi-talk] dear colleagues!
> Dear Colleagues,
> Over the years I've promoted open government and advocated for many an NFB
> member who was wrongly discharged or otherwise abused. In fact, I've
> fought in selfless manner for those wrongly discharged and otherwise
> abused who were members of the ACB, or non-affiliates and my record and
> conscience is pure and steadfast in these accounts as all public records
> do thus account. In fact I've always fought for the countless under dogs
> abused by dogs of war and perfidy and ignominy including first and
> foremost those who were and are blind. Moreover, I've advocated for our
> full inclusion and for our full access the system of government, including
> of course the educational system and the rehabilitation system for first
> things start at first instance and if the system isn't fully
> accessible...Well it goes without saying then we are denied equal
> opportunity and equal protection under the laws of this land to the very
> system of inclusion itself isn't it?
> Now, I'll also say this: "There are a few and albeit very few traitors
> within our midst. This isn't the rambling of a disgruntled person who has
> been denied access like so many from the system of rehab, or of a
> disgruntled employee who was blued, screwed and tattooed so to speak like
> so many.
> But this is from one who has fought for basic access and equity asking for
> nothing from the system but access, equality and justice. Period.
> Explanation point!
> Now, colleagues where is our collective civil rights supposedly guaranteed
> under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act or of, the ADA for that matter
> and all endowed purportedly equally under the 14th Amendment, Article V of
> the United States Constitution in this State of Michigan let alone others
> today decades after the promise in law and equity of these self same
> constitutional, human, and civil rights? In other words colleagues are we
> not equal to all other citizens and aren't these equalities endowed upon
> us, we the blind equally, as citizens of this self-same Republic?
> Are we children, so-to-speak of a lesser God? Are we not equal to all task
> if given equal opportunities and equal accommodations and equal tools of
> trades, etc. adaptive to our unique circumstances? Or are we just fodder,
> pitiable figures without merit or worth...to be beggars of circumstances
> and the charitable follies of self indulgent masters?
> I say, "If people wish for freedom then grasp it! I say, if people wish
> for equality then demand it! I say, if people claim the brave and noble
> equality of blind folks amongst the human heart and the hard scrabble
> existence offered to others, then be so and ask for nothing less!"
> It is far from the time that we as individuals accept any kow towing to
> corporate or institutional masters of our fait and that we demand from
> them accountability and not the other way around. These federally
> subsidized masters of the trade like New Horizons, Peckham, and others of
> the ilk suck at the bones of a system that exploits not only the blind,
> the organized blind but also all other people with other disabilities our
> kindred brothers and sisters and our progeny, our spirits and our mothers,
> fathers, and our human brethren. Yet, we in the NFB stand along with
> others as leaders like thus in ADAPT fighting this venal exploitation and
> yet the beat goes on whilst our drum grows dull as we sit divided amongst
> our basic purposes to begin with.
> It sure in heck is long since time that funds expended for our purposes
> are expended at very least for just that and not for the aggrandizement of
> an anointed few sell outs or "company men" and not of course after all for
> the purposes of the exploiters of us all.
> We can start by denying the true beggars working against our collective
> and personal interests federal funding. Yup, I'm going to say the
> unmentionable . I'm going to say we must commit the so-called "nuclear
> option" against all the blind and the otherwise severely disabled as
> defined into law in Michigan. I say, "cut out every thin dime of federal
> funding from MRS, SILC, and MCB." And that is just the beginning here.
> Choke off the rat that sucks these fefederal funds in the first place with
> this system so corrupt and the rest of the United States will get its
> collective act together for sure in first order.
> Will there be pain here? Yes! But who will suffer the pain first? Is it we
> who are deprived for the most part to begin with? No, that's a done deal.
> Will it be the hacks, and quacks and other malefactors who think they are
> above the law and whom are funded by the lawful order and the federal
> taxpayer to begin with? Yup! You betcha! Those are the very folks who
> won't have a job! The very agents of deceit and destruction that both the
> right and the left equally deplore. I say, "Nuke 'em figuratively
> speaking"
> I say I couldn't find a thing wrong with seeing the likes of Jaye Porter,
> Pat Cannon, Leemon Jones, Beth White etc,. and etc. in the unemployment
> line as something to give my almost nothing of fading eyes to behold. Of
> course I'd like to see them at a docket akin to that of Nurenberg for
> their and others true acts of depravity for self-interests against the
> collective humanity of us all and all the robbed lives and all the robbed
> livelihoods and all the perfidy and all the scandal for what? For again
> their personal sense of entitlement and that of their corporate masters
> for forgive these SOBS as you must their puppet masters who go unnamed are
> even worse. The likes of the pathetic Cannon after all and in spite of his
> own narcissistic notions of grandiosity are but sands in the wind and but
> tokens of his own fealty to his puppeteers who manipulate him just like
> the Pinocchio he is.
> Watch out for that growing nose!
> These are not the times for the timid here in Michigan or elsewhere. These
> are the times for the brave and for warriors.
> These are not the times for those whom might feel comforted in that they
> have some sort of seat at the Temple of the Beast of Babylon whilst the
> modest amongst us feast upon the bones of carrion.
> Sitting at the throne of tyrants isn't anything but that.
> We are 21st Century men and women and not the victims of yesterday or are
> we?
> We, the organized blind demand what is rightfully ours and not the crumbs
> from the king's table or those spread amongst our collective midst don't
> we?
> Isn't the birthright and the promise of the organized blind to garner a
> piece of the so-called American Pie?
> Yet, we act in so many instances as like beggars asking for this or that
> scrap of a job or a scrap of information and oh...so sorry after all these
> years sir, can I have another cup of porridge?
> What are we, " A collective of Oliver Twists?"
> How in the living world will we ever have our true and equal destiny if we
> don't have our basic information?
> Jeez Louise we can't even get timely delivery of draft minutes to official
> public meetings of MCB and then some amongst us think we must go to the
> same Attorney General's who violate us to begin with for an other goodly
> offices for the an opinion about such pure bovine scatology by the very
> violators of our civil rights in the first place; and for matters that
> were supposed to be our birthright as citizens to begin with once again?
> Wonder what African-Americans of that schema thought about these things in
> the era of Plessy V. Ferguson and other "Jim Crow" Laws? Of course, they
> rightfully thought the angle of repose as an absurd declination of
> Caeser's arbitrary rule over them and thus we should consider the
> absurdity of civil rights violations against us, those who are blind
> organized or not!
> Isn't this again like a thief in the night putting a gun to our collective
> throat and then asking the assaulted to go to his brother thief for an
> opinion about the same assault? What is more absurd is some amonst us ask
> for yet another opinion overand over again from the same people who have
> pulled the trigger against our throats over and over again. How often can
> we have our necks bled and our heads blown to bits before we say enough is
> enough?
> Oh and that gets me to Pat Cannon's evaluation. First he defines his
> "report card" by rook and crook. Then after a decade he can't stack that
> deck but wishes to do it nonetheless.
> And he rights his report card once again and spends endless time and
> countless dollars in putting it forward and when his report card isn't
> what he wants it to be he gets his corporate masters to ignore it
> regardless. Why?
> The stupid and fat sellout to all of us is just a shill to steal millions
> annually from all of us whilst we scrabble amongst ourselves for the crums
> from the King's table...No not even the King's table...For we, the blind
> don't even deserve that...No we get the crumbs from the "Beggar's Banquet"
> and from the "Court Jesters floor"...Yup we like lap dogs suck at the
> crumbs not even from the King's table but from the very floor.
> How is this for our dignity to lick from the heel of the bloody boot that
> kicked us in the collective teeth to begin with in the first place?
> How is this for the mighty and proud NFB to take such indignities laying
> down after being kicked over and over again?
> So that some of us are highly placed?
> That was not our mission to garner a few, but rather it was our mission to
> garner freedom, equality and for one and all and to equalize the dream,
> the American Dream of freedom for all who are blind.
> To quote Martin Luther King, Jr. "An injustice to one is an injustice to
> everyone.
> If anyone in Michigan let alone anyone who is blind on this planet thinks
> that our struggle for civil rights is over then he or she is so self
> deluded as to be in a word "nuts".
> It is time for us and for every individual of conscience who is blind, and
> most especially here in the most corrupted state of Michigan to demand
> full inclusion, full civil rights protections", and the basics of human
> dignity that are afforded to one and all. And we should not be ashamed for
> the demand of these things being our birthrights as humans. We should not
> go as beggars demanding or begging for same, but we, should be militant
> and like lions and warriors as we were of old back in the days when being
> members and activists and militants of the National Federation of the
> Blind meant just that!
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