[nfbmi-talk] Fw: Response to Request of 1-11-12 - Cash Matches Several Including Cody

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Wed Jan 25 16:12:11 UTC 2012

----- Original Message ----- 
From: joe harcz Comcast 
To: Haynes, Carla (LARA) 
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2012 11:11 AM
Subject: Re: Response to Request of 1-11-12 - Cash Matches Several Including Cody

This is an ADA request and not a FOIA request. MCB is required under the ADA to remit public documents in accessible format related to its affairs in accessible formats, based upon primary consideration and without a surcharge for same. Section 504 requires the same.


Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Haynes, Carla (LARA) 
  To: joe harcz Comcast (joeharcz at comcast.net) 
  Cc: Cannon, Patrick (LARA) ; Farmer, Mel (LARA) ; Turney, Susan (LARA) ; Luzenski, Sue (LARA) ; Jones, Leamon (LARA) ; McNeal, Gwen (LARA) ; White, Elizabeth ; Kisiel, Lisa (LARA) 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2012 10:25 AM
  Subject: Response to Request of 1-11-12 - Cash Matches Several Including Cody

  January 25, 2012


  Mr. Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.

  E-mail: joeharcz at comcast.net

  1365 E. Mt. Morris Rd.

  Mt. Morris, MI 48458


  Subject:  Cash Matches Several Including Cody


  Dear Mr. Harcz, Jr.:


  This letter is in response to your January 11, 2012, email request for copies of public records, received in this office on January 12, 2012.  Please be informed that the Department’s Michigan Commission for the Blind (MCB) is processing this request under the state’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), MCL 15.231 et seq.


  You requested information/records described as per your attached email.


  Pursuant to MCL 15.235, Section 5(2)(c) of the FOIA, your request is granted as to existing, nonexempt records possessed by the Michigan Commission for the Blind (MCB) falling within the scope of your request. 


  In the spirit of cooperation, a “cleaned up” copy of the cash match agreement of FY08 between MCB and Disability Network/Wayne County-Detroit of which you sent in your request is attached and below.  You also ask for subsequent years of cash match agreements.  We have approximately 50 agreements that contain anywhere from 5 to 10 pages each for the time period of October 1, 2007 (FY08) to the present (FY12).


  Pursuant to MCL 15.234, Section of the FOIA, the MCB has assessed estimated, allowable costs totaling $155.70 to process this request.  This amount waives the indigency fee of $20 under FOIA Act MCL 15.234 Section 4(1).


  Thusly, based on the amount of labor involved and the amount of material that must be produced, and reviewed regarding statutory privacy concerns, pursuant to MCL 15.234, Section 4(3) of the FOIA, MCB will assess costs to process this request because, in this particular instance, failure to charge for search, examination, review, and deletion and separation of exempt from nonexempt information would cause MCB to incur unreasonably high costs for these activities that are excessive and beyond the normal or usual amount for these services; and would result in an undue financial and administrative burden per ADA regulations (28 CFR 35.160.164) which states:


  “A public entity must ensure that its communications with individuals with disabilities are as effective as communications with others. This obligation does not require a public entity to take any action that it can demonstrate would result in a fundamental alteration in the nature of its services, programs, or activities, or in undue financial and administrative burdens.”


  The estimated cost of $155.70 to process this request is based on the labor time to search for, copy, and examine to redact exempt information.


  Please send payment of $77.85 as indicated on the attached invoice.

  Upon receipt of payment, MCB will continue processing this request.  Subsequently, MCB will notify you of any statutory disclosure exemptions or any applicable remedial rights, and request any balance due by you or owed to you.




  Carla Miller Haynes, FOIA Coordinator

  Michigan Commission for the Blind


  Attachments – 3: Email Request, Cash Match Agreement, Invoice


  Cc:    Patrick Cannon

            Mel Farmer

            Susan Turney

            Elsie Duell

            Leamon Jones

            Gwen McNeal

            Elizabeth White

            Lisa Kisiel


  From: joe harcz Comcast [mailto:joeharcz at comcast.net] 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012 9:08 PM
  To: Cannon, Patrick (LARA)
  Cc: John Scott MCB Comm.; Larry Posont MCB Comm.; lydia Schuck MCB Comm.; nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org; valarie Barnum Yarger MISILC; Elmer Cerano MPAS; Richard Clay Advocates f/t Blind; Richard Bernstein Esq
  Subject: ada request accessible cash match agreements wayne co more


  ADA Request Accessible Information Cash Matches Several Including Cody


  January 11, 2012


  Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.

  Joeharcz at comcast.net




  Patrick D. Cannon


  Michigan Commission for the Blind

  Via E-mail


  Dear Mr. Cannon,


  I am writing today expressly to receive the document related to MCB activities after my signature line and all subsequent and similar agreements in fully accessible format pursuant to obligations under the ADA and Section 504. As you can see it is quite garbled like most of these documents are.


  Bottom line is it needs to be cleaned up and made readable. Thus this is quite a simple ADA/504 request.


  Please have it cleaned up and also send the similar subsequent year’s documents to me as either simple Word attachments and/or plain text enclosures to my e-mail address listed above.


  I fully expect to not pay any sort of surcharge for making this information fully accessible for that would indeed be another violation of the ADA and 504 as you know.




  Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.


  Cc: MCB Commissioners

  Cc: NFB MI

  Cc: Richard Bernstein, Esq.

  Cc: Elmer Cerano, NISH, MPASA

  Cc: Valery Barnum-Yarger, MI SILC

  Cc: Richard Clay Advocates for the Blind


  Attachment as I read it:



  Cash match 07 another hard to read one looks like blue water cil

  §;_W!, Mm 'Il1(.- Blue Water Lenter for Ilulepemlent Living

  This is the html version of the file



  Google automatically generates html versions of documents as we crawl the web.


  Page 1

  §;_W!, Mm 'Il1(.- Blue Water Lenter for Ilulepemlent Living

  mt-y\,};||_]'||[j§ Administrative Office - 310 Water Street ¢ Port Huron, Ml 48060

  phone: (810) 987-9337 I fax: (810) 987-9548 0 e-mail: bwcilph at yah0o.c0m

  3 10 Water Street

  Port Huron, M1 48060

  Phone: (310) 987-9337

  Fax: (810) 987-9548

  Lapeer K minty

  392 Nepcssing

  Lapeer, M1 48446

  Phone: (S10) 664-9098

  Fax: (810) 664-0937

  Saniiac ('ount_\

  103 EaslSani1ac, Suite 3

  Sandusky, M148471

  Phone: (810) 648-2555

  Fax: (810) 643-Z583

  Tuscola County

  I 184 Cleaver Road

  Caro, M1 48723

  Phone: (989) 673-3678

  Fax: (989) 673-3678

  H llron (louniy

  P.O. Box 29

  614 N4 Port Crescent Stree

  Bad Axe, M1 48413

  Phone: (989) 269-S421

  Fax: (989) 269-5422

  Wayne County

  Samaritan Center

  5555 Conner. Suite 2075

  Detroit. Ml 48213

  Phone: (313)923-1655

  Fax: (313)923-1404

  Detroit Veterans Center

  2770 Park Avenue

  Detroit, Ml 48201

  Phone: (313) 833-1866

  Fax: (313) 833-4926

  Gwen McNeal

  Michigan Commission for the Blind

  Cadillac Place

  3038 W. Grand Boulevard

  Suite 4-450

  Detroit, Michigan 48202-6038

  December 18, 2007

  Dear Gwen,

  Enclosed is MCB’s signed copy of the contract between MCB and Disability

  Network Wayne County-Detroit. I provided Val with the copy for SILC on

  Friday, December 14"‘ and have retained a copy for our records.

  If you have any questions or concerns about the contract please call me.


  Angel &

  .. nit ft 0 ‘Ml


  Page 2







  Disability Network/Wayne County-/Detroit and the Michigan Commission for the Blind,

  Department of Labor and Economic Growth enter into this agreement to carry out the describe

  activities in the Detroit Metropolitan Area in order to assist individuals with legal blindness to

  become better prepared to reach their vocational goals.

  This agreement shall take effect November 01, 2007 and continue until such time as it is

  mutually canceled by the parties to this agreement.

  I. A formal cooperative partnership is created and agreed to by the above parties in order to

  develop and deliver vocational rehabilitation services to person who meet the eligibility

  criteria of MCB.

  ll. Eligible population are those persons who have legal blindness as de?ned by Michigan

  Commission for the Blind, which constitute a substantial vocational handicap for the

  individual and who are potentially employable.

  Ill. Local fund will be receipted as describe in Attachment B.

  IV. Expenditures for vocational rehabilitation services are under the direct control and at the

  discretion oFMCB.

  V. The Parties further agree:

  A. No persons shall he denied service solely on the basis of age, disability, race,

  color, creed, sex, national origin, marital status, religion, ability or inability to pay


  B. There will be no discrimination against any employee or applicant for

  employment with respect to tenure, terms, conditions or privileges or employment

  solely on the basis of age, race, disability, color, creed, sex, national origin,

  marital status, partisan considerations, residence, height, and weight or arrest



  Page 3

  There will be compliance with Federal Civil Rights Law (Section 504 of the

  Rehabilitation Act of I973, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964) and the

  American with Disabilities Act of 1990, both in providing service to clients and in

  employment of individuals. Individuals with AIDS, AIDS-related conditions or

  those who may be perceived as having AIDS or AIDS-related conditions cannot

  be subject to unlaw?rl discrimination.

  Provisions of this agreement may be amended by revision to Attachment B, with

  the approval of both parties and such as amendment and its speci?cation shall

  become a binding pan of the original agreement.

  Request for termination of the agreement shall be sent to the other party by

  certi?ed mail, return receipt requested. Termination of the agreement shall be

  effective 30 days following the requcster’s receipt of approval by the other party

  (Which approval shall also be sent via certi?ed mail, return receipt requested).

  All aspects ofthis agreement covered by con?dentiality provisions of the law and

  respective agency policy shall also be observed by both parties to this agreement.

  If any provision of this agreement is fund to be in con?ict with Federal or State

  law, that provision will be subordinate to the law. The other provisions of this

  agreement shall remain valid and binding until such con?icts are resolved the by

  the parties of this agreement.

  Attachment to this agreement will be updated yearly to re?ect changes in program

  goals and budgeting.

  It is understood by both parties that this agreement remains in Force until such

  time it is either amended or terminated by either party. The full local contribution

  will be obligated during the ?scal year in which the agreement was originated; the

  MCB portion will continue to be obligated until completion of the agreement

  irrespective of the ?scal year.

  In the event this agreement is terminated prior to completion, the obligated funds

  designated for MCB will be billed to Disability Network/Wayne County Detroit

  for the local match portion within 30 days of the effective termination date.

  Case service funds generated as a result of this resource sharing agreement will be

  directed by MCB, cannot be restricted to any one vendor and will be utilized to

  purchase goods and services in support of a client’s vocational objective

  identi?ed in the Individualized Plan of Employment.

  At the completion of the state ?scal year (or upon termination of this agreement),

  the parties agree to meet and evaluate actual program activities against the

  program goals speci?ed in Attachment B. Effective performance under this

  agreement will be evidenced by completion of Attachment C, Annual Review,


  Page 4

  which will be forwarded to the MCB Vocational Rehabilitation Manager within

  45 days following the end of the State ?scal year. This attachment will become a

  part ofthe original agreement and will be binding on both parties.

  VI. Evidence ofthis agreement is re?ected by the proper signatures on Attachment B.


  Page 5



  FISCAL YEAR 2007-2008

  Disability Network/Wayne County Detroit and the Michigan Commission for the Blind (MCB)

  enter into this agreement to carry our the described activities by staff of Disability

  Network/Wayne County/Detroit in order to facilitate the successful training of blind students

  from Detroit Cody High School in disability awareness, and attitudes, communication skills, goal

  setting, assertiveness skills, the transition process and employment readiness activities

  l. Responsibilities (referral process)

  Disability Network/Wayne County agrees:

  A. To provide local funds to the Michigan Commission for the Blind in accordance

  with the program description

  B. To assign a staff person through whom the MCB counselors work in the liaison

  capacity as described in the administrative procedure (Attachment A)

  C. To provide the aforementioned services to MCB/Detroit Cody High School

  students in a timely manner; reports are provided at predetermined intervals

  D. To participate with MCB and Detroit Public Schools staffnecessary to carry out

  this agreement

  MCB agrees:

  A. To work with Disability Network/Wayne County-Detroit and the Detroit Public

  Schools in order to make every effort to reach the activity goals stated in the

  program description

  B. To fund services as identi?ed in the Individualized Plan for Employment for the

  MCB students services as a result of this agreement

  C. To provide an annual billing to SILC/Disability Network/Wayne County-Detroit

  ll. Joint Planning & Documentation of Cooperative Efforts

  A. Joint Planning

  This agreement has been developed through a collaboration of efforts between

  Disability Network/Wayne County Detroit management and MCB/DLEG. The

  ?nal agreement was made between the East Region manager of MCB and the

  Manager of the Disability Network/Wayne County Detroit.


  Page 6

  B. Team

  A team will consist of a representative of MCB, a representative of Disability

  Network/Wayne County Detroit and the Detroit Public Schools.

  C. Monitoring

  At the end of each module, the team will review the students’ progress and make

  written reports and recommendations to both the MCB counselor and the Detroit

  Public Schools VI supervisor.

  III. Statement of Need

  The population targeted by this grant is transition aged legally blind special educations

  enrolled at Detroit Cody High School. This is to include students ages 14 to 26.

  Students need to be able to take an active role in their own transition process and planning

  for life after high school as well as the world ofwork. Many special education students do

  not participate in the Individualized Education Program (IEP) process because the find the

  meetings intimidating or do not understand the purpose of the meetings. Thye also do not

  fully understand what skills are needed in order to be successful in a job search and to

  retain employment after being hired. It is important to empower these students to

  appropriately communicate their needs, Wants, strengths and abilities as they are planning

  for a successful transition to work, life and community. Transition activities are just

  starting to occur within the currieulums of some schools but the Disability Network/Wayne

  County Detroit workshops can support their efforts, ?ll the gaps where they exist and

  support the efforts of the MCB counselor in working with their student in these areas. The

  Disability Network/Wayne County Detroit Transition Program will augment the

  employment related effort of the MDLEG, MCB vocational rehabilitation counselors and

  will help the student to be more marketable.

  IV. Evaluation of Program Outcomes

  The MCB East Region manager , the Manager ofDisability Network/Wayne County

  Detroit and the Supervisor of the Visually Impaired Program for Detroit Public Schools

  will meet minimally, semi-annually to review program performance against goals.

  The ?nal session will be for the purpose ofestablishing goals and budget for the forth

  coming ?scal year.

  V. Process for Conflict Resolution

  If con?ict arises ?om the activities of this program, the patties involved will attempt to

  resolve the situation among them or with third party mediation of warranted.


  Page 7





  Fiscal year 2007-2008

  Date ofAgreemcnt: November 01, 2007' — September 30, 2008

  I. Program Narrative

  This program will be delivered in a workshop format that would consist ofone (I) ?fty-

  ?vc minute interaction per week for each ofthe two (2) visually impaired classes at Detroit

  Cody High. This would be a toll school year project from November through June.

  The workshop would assist the students in:

  . Understanding themselves

  . Disability awareness and attitudes toward disability

  . Communication and relationships

  Establishing goals

  . Assertiveness

  The transition process

  Employment exploration and related activities

  The bene?t for MCB students attending these workshops is to enhance their employability

  by improving their soft skills and advocacy skills and knowledge and what is needed to

  become successfully employed.


  Page 8






  MCB East Region


  Dates of Service

  Detroit, Lansing, Flint, Saginaw

  Disability Network/Wayne County

  Detroit Public Schools

  November 01, 2007 i September 3


  All billable hours must be attributed to an approved consumer:

  The cost of the total cash match will be $8,000.00 to the Disability Network/Wayne County

  Center for the Independent Living and would include: class time and prep time. Participation in

  I.E.P.C. meetings as requested as well as generating progress reports.


  A. CIL (27%) $2,160.00

  B. Michigan Commission for Blind (73%) $5,840.00

  C. Total $3,000.00


  Michigan SILC (MISILC) will hill Disability Network/Wayne County Center for Independent

  Living on behalf of MCB in the amount not to exceed $2,160.00. 1

  This local contribution shall be sent to:

  Michigan SILC

  Attn: Karen Stevens

  417 Seymour Street, Suite 10

  Lansing, MI 48933

  MISILC will forward cash match funding to MCB within ?ve (5) business days after the funds

  have cleared the bank.

  0, 2008


  Page 9



  _‘><’_,/. @'\€/Mi _' _ - _


  Gwendolyn McN-sal, Vocational Rehabilitation Manager 15

  F 7 1

  BW L Rcpresc tive

  Ang a off, Executive Director


  Valarie Barnum-Yarger, Execuére ircctor



  [51 —I “I407


  Cash Match Agreement – “Cleaned up” Version

  Attachment as I read it


  This is the html version of the file



  Google automatically generates html versions of documents as we crawl the web.


  Page 1


  On the Letterhead:  The Blue Water Center for Independent Living

  Administrative Office:  310 Water Street, Port Huron, MI  48060

  Phone: (810) 987-9337 – fax (810) 987-9548 – email: bwcilph at yahoo.com


  Empowering People with DisABILITIES ™

  Then addresses down the left side are:

  St. Clair County

  310 Water Street

  Port Huron, MI  48060

  Phone: (810) 987-9337

  Fax: (810) 987-9548


  Lapeer County

  392 Nepessing

  Lapeer, M1 48446

  Phone: (810) 664-9098

  Fax: (810) 664-0937


  Sanilac County

  103 East Saniac, Suite 3

  Sandusky, M148471

  Phone: (810) 648-2555

  Fax: (810) 643-2583


  Tuscola County

  1184 Cleaver Road

  Caro, M1 48723

  Phone: (989) 673-3678

  Fax: (989) 673-3678


  Huron County

  P.O. Box 29

  614 N. Port Crescent Street

  Bad Axe, M1 48413

  Phone: (989) 269-5421

  Fax: (989) 269-5422

  Wayne County

  Samaritan Center

  5555 Conner, Suite 2075

  Detroit. Ml 48213

  Phone: (313) 923-1655

  Fax: (313) 923-1404


  Wayne County

  Detroit Veterans Center

  2770 Park Avenue

  Detroit, Ml 48201

  Phone: (313) 833-1866

  Fax: (313) 833-4926


  Body of Letter starts here:


  Gwen McNeal

  Michigan Commission for the Blind

  Cadillac Place

  3038 W. Grand Boulevard

  Suite 4-450

  Detroit, Michigan 48202-6038


  December 18, 2007


  Dear Gwen,


  Enclosed is MCB’s signed copy of the contract between MCB and Disability

  Network/Wayne County-Detroit. I provided Val with the copy for SILC on

  Friday, December 14th and have retained a copy for our records.

  If you have any questions or concerns about the contract please call me.




  Signed by

  Angela Hoff


  Date stamp of “Received Dec 26 2007”









  Page 2













  Disability Network/Wayne County-/Detroit and the Michigan Commission for the Blind,

  Department of Labor and Economic Growth enter into this agreement to carry out the describe activities in the Detroit Metropolitan Area in order to assist individuals with legal blindness to become better prepared to reach their vocational goals.


  This agreement shall take effect November 01, 2007 and continue until such time as it is mutually canceled by the parties to this agreement.


  I.       A formal cooperative partnership is created and agreed to by the above parties in order to develop and deliver vocational rehabilitation services to person who meet the eligibility criteria of MCB.


  II.    Eligible population are those persons who have legal blindness as defined by Michigan Commission for the Blind, which constitute a substantial vocational handicap for the individual and who are potentially employable.


  III. Local fund will be receipted as describe in Attachment B.


  IV.             Expenditures for vocational rehabilitation services are under the direct control and at the discretion of MCB.


  V.                The Parties further agree:


  A.    No persons shall he denied service solely on the basis of age, disability, race, color, creed, sex, national origin, marital status, religion, ability or inability to pay therefore.


  B. There will be no discrimination against any employee or applicant for employment with respect to tenure, terms, conditions or privileges or employment solely on the basis of age, race, disability, color, creed, sex, national origin, marital status, partisan considerations, residence, height, and weight or arrest record.

  Page 3

  C.     There will be compliance with Federal Civil Rights Law (Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of I973, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964) and the American with Disabilities Act of 1990, both in providing service to clients and in employment of individuals. Individuals with AIDS, AIDS-related conditions or those who may be perceived as having AIDS or AIDS-related conditions cannot be subject to unlawful discrimination.


  D.    Provisions of this agreement may be amended by revision to Attachment B, with the approval of both parties and such as amendment and its specification shall become a binding pan of the original agreement.


  E.     Request for termination of the agreement shall be sent to the other party by certified mail, return receipt requested. Termination of the agreement shall be effective 30 days following the requester’s receipt of approval by the other party (which approval shall also be sent via certified mail, return receipt requested).


  F.      All aspects of this agreement covered by confidentiality provisions of the law and respective agency policy shall also be observed by both parties to this agreement.


  G.    If any provision of this agreement is fund to be in conflict with Federal or State law, that provision will be subordinate to the law. The other provisions of this agreement shall remain valid and binding until such conflicts are resolved the by the parties of this agreement.


  H.    Attachment to this agreement will be updated yearly to reflect changes in program goals and budgeting.


  I.       It is understood by both parties that this agreement remains in Force until such time it is either amended or terminated by either party. The full local contribution will be obligated during the fiscal year in which the agreement was originated; the MCB portion will continue to be obligated until completion of the agreement irrespective of the fiscal year.


  J.       In the event this agreement is terminated prior to completion, the obligated  funds designated for MCB will be billed to Disability Network/Wayne County Detroit for the local match portion within 30 days of the effective termination date.


  K.    Case service funds generated as a result of this resource sharing agreement will be directed by MCB, cannot be restricted to any one vendor and will be utilized to purchase goods and services in support of a client’s vocational objective identified in the Individualized Plan of Employment.


  L.     At the completion of the state fiscal year (or upon termination of this agreement), the parties agree to meet and evaluate actual program activities against the program goals specified in Attachment B. Effective performance under this agreement will be evidenced by completion of Attachment C, Annual Review, 


  Page 4

  which will be forwarded to the MCB Vocational Rehabilitation Manager within 45 days following the end of the State fiscal year. This attachment will become a part of the original agreement and will be binding on both parties.

  VI. Evidence of this agreement is reflected by the proper signatures on Attachment B.

































  Page 5



  FISCAL YEAR 2007-2008


  Disability Network/Wayne County Detroit and the Michigan Commission for the Blind (MCB) enter into this agreement to carry out the described activities by staff of Disability Network/Wayne County/Detroit in order to facilitate the successful training of blind students from Detroit Cody High School in disability awareness, and attitudes, communication skills, goal setting, assertiveness skills, the transition process and employment readiness activities


  I.                   Responsibilities (referral process)


  Disability Network/Wayne County agrees:


  A. To provide local funds to the Michigan Commission for the Blind in accordance with the program description


  B. To assign a staff person through whom the MCB counselors work in the liaison capacity as described in the administrative procedure (Attachment A)


  C. To provide the aforementioned services to MCB/Detroit Cody High School

  students in a timely manner; reports are provided at predetermined intervals


  D. To participate with MCB and Detroit Public Schools staff necessary to carry out this agreement

  MCB agrees:


  A. To work with Disability Network/Wayne County-Detroit and the Detroit Public Schools in order to make every effort to reach the activity goals stated in the program description


  B. To fund services as identified in the Individualized Plan for Employment for the MCB students services as a result of this agreement


  B.     To provide an annual billing to SILC/Disability Network/Wayne County-Detroit


  II.        Joint Planning & Documentation of Cooperative Efforts


  A. Joint Planning

  This agreement has been developed through a collaboration of efforts between

  Disability Network/Wayne County Detroit management and MCB/DLEG. The final agreement was made between the East Region manager of MCB and the Manager of the Disability Network/Wayne County Detroit.


  Page 6


  B. Team

  A team will consist of a representative of MCB, a representative of Disability Network/Wayne County Detroit and the Detroit Public Schools.


  C. Monitoring

  At the end of each module, the team will review the students’ progress and make written reports and recommendations to both the MCB counselor and the DetroitPublic Schools VI supervisor.


  III. Statement of Need

  The population targeted by this grant is transition aged legally blind special educations enrolled at Detroit Cody High School. This is to include students ages 14 to 26.


  Students need to be able to take an active role in their own transition process and planning for life after high school as well as the world of work. Many special education students do not participate in the Individualized Education Program (IEP) process because the find the meetings intimidating or do not understand the purpose of the meetings. They also do not fully understand what skills are needed in order to be successful in a job search and to retain employment after being hired. It is important to empower these students to appropriately communicate their needs, Wants, strengths and abilities as they are planning for a successful transition to work, life and community. Transition activities are just starting to occur within the curriculums of some schools but the Disability Network/Wayne County Detroit workshops can support their efforts, fill the gaps where they exist and support the efforts of the MCB counselor in working with their student in these areas. The Disability Network/Wayne County Detroit Transition Program will augment the employment related effort of the MDLEG, MCB vocational rehabilitation counselors and will help the student to be more marketable.


  IV. Evaluation of Program Outcomes


  The MCB East Region manager , the Manager of Disability Network/Wayne County Detroit and the Supervisor of the Visually Impaired Program for Detroit Public Schools will meet minimally, semi-annually to review program performance against goals.


  The final session will be for the purpose of establishing goals and budget for the forth coming fiscal year.


  V. Process for Conflict Resolution

  If conflict arises from the activities of this program, the parties involved will attempt to resolve the situation among them or with third party mediation of warranted.




  Page 7





  Fiscal year 2007-2008


  Date of Agreement: November 01, 2007 - September 30, 2008


  I. Program Narrative

  This program will be delivered in a workshop format that would consist of one (1) fifty-minute interaction per week for each of the two (2) visually impaired classes at Detroit

  Cody High. This would be a full school year project from November through June.


  The workshop would assist the students in:

  A. Understanding themselves

  B. Disability awareness and attitudes toward disability

  C. Communication and relationships

  D. Establishing goals

  E. Assertiveness

  F. The transition process

  G. Employment exploration and related activities


  The benefit for MCB students attending these workshops is to enhance their employability by improving their soft skills and advocacy skills and knowledge and what is needed to become successfully employed.















  Page 8








  MCB East Region                                           Detroit, Lansing, Flint, Saginaw


  Partners                                                           Disability Network/Wayne County

  Detroit Public Schools


  Dates of Service                                              November 01, 2007 - September 30, 2008



  All billable hours must be attributed to an approved consumer:


  The cost of the total cash match will be $8,000.00 to the Disability Network/Wayne County Center for the Independent Living and would include: class time and prep time. Participation in I.E.P.C. meetings as requested as well as generating progress reports.


  3.      RESOURCES


  A. CIL (27%)              $2,160.00

  B. Michigan Commission for Blind (73%)                 $5,840.00

  C. Total           $8,000.00



  Michigan SILC (MISILC) will bill Disability Network/Wayne County Center for Independent Living on behalf of MCB in the amount not to exceed $2,160.00.


  This local contribution shall be sent to:


  Michigan SILC

  Attn: Karen Stevens

  417 Seymour Street, Suite 10

  Lansing, MI 48933


  MISILC will forward cash match funding to MCB within five (5) business days after the funds have cleared the bank.



  Page 9



  Name:  Bluewater Center for Independent Living

  310 Water Street

  Port Huron, Ml 48080


  Telephone: (810) 987-9337

  Facsimile: (810) 987-9548

  Federal ID: 38-2765837

  Attention:  Richard Hartwick


  Name:  Statewide Independent Living Council

  Address:  417 Seymour St., Suite 10, Lansing, MI  48933

  Telephone:  517-371-4872

  Facsimile:  517-371-4875

  Federal ID: 38-357297

  Attention:  Valerie Barnum-Yarger


  Name:  Disability Network/Wayne County/Detroit

  Address:  5555 Conner, Suite 2075, Detroit, MI  48213

  Telephone:  313-923-1655

  Facsimile:  313-923-1404

  Attention:  Richard Sides





  Signed by Gwen McNeal                               Date 11-01-07


  Gwendolyn McNeal, Vocational Rehabilitation Manager 15


  Signed by Angela Hoff                                  Date 12-14-07

  BWCIL Representative

  Angela Hoff, Executive Director


  Signed by Valarie Barnum-Yarger                 Date 12/14/07


  Valarie Barnum-Yarger, Executive Director













  Mr. Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.

  E-mail: joeharcz at comcast.net

  1365 E. Mt. Morris Rd.

  Mt. Morris, MI 48458


  REQUEST RECEIVED:  January 12, 2012





  REQUESTED INFORMATION WILL BE:  Emailed/Invoiced For Partial Payment

  ACCOUNT CODE:  Index:   36200        PCA: 11343


  DLARA CONTACT:  Melvin Farmer, Central FOIA Coordinator

  (517) 373-0194

  Ottawa Building, 4th Floor, 611 W. Ottawa, Lansing, MI  48909

  The FOIA provides that the department may charge a fee to comply with requests for public records.  The processing fee is composed of hourly wages and benefit costs of the lowest paid employee(s) capable of processing the request; the duplication of records at assessed costs per page; mailing costs; and other related special costs.  Prior to searching and copying requested records, the department may request full payment or 50% of the estimated costs exceeding $50.00 with the balance required before mailing the records.  Assessed costs are related to your request for:


  “I am writing today expressly to receive the document related to MCB activities after my signature line and all subsequent and similar agreements in fully accessible format pursuant to obligations under the ADA and Section 504. As you can see it is quite garbled like most of these documents are.


  Bottom line is it needs to be cleaned up and made readable. Thus this is quite a simple ADA/504 request.


  Please have it cleaned up and also send the similar subsequent year’s documents to me as either simple Word attachments and/or plain text enclosures to my e-mail address listed above.”





       Locating and Duplicating Cost:  

            Number of Hours: 6 hrs. x Hourly Rate: $25.10 = Amount:           $150.60

       Examining and Extracting Cost:  

            Number of Hours: 1 hrs. x Hourly Rate: $25.10 = Amount:              $25.10\

       Formatting for Document Accessibility Cost:

            Number of Hours: 1 hr. x Hourly Rate: $0                                                  $0

  TOTAL LABOR:                                                                                           $175.70

  POSTAGE (estimate):                                                                                            $0

  DUPLICATING:  Number of Pages times Copying Rate of $.25                      $0

  OTHER (overtime, audio tapes, discs, photos, security, etc.):                           $0

  SUBTOTAL:                                                                                                  $175.70

  Less waived indigency fee under FOIA Act MCL 15.234 Section 4(1)   ($20.00)

  INVOICE TOTAL:                                                                                         $155.70


  DEPOSIT*                                                                                                        $77.85


  BALANCE TO BE PAID:                                                                               $77.85



  Make check or money order payable to:     STATE OF MICHIGAN

  Remit to:            Department of Licensing And Regulatory Affairs

  Office Services Mailroom

  7150 Harris Drive, PO Box 30015

  Lansing, MI  48909




  *Please note that if a deposit is requested, the indicated amount is an estimate of the cost of complying with your request.  The actual cost may vary somewhat from this amount.








  Carla Miller Haynes

  DLARA Michigan Commission for the Blind

  201 N. Washington Sq., 2nd Floor

  P.O. Box 30652

  Lansing, MI  48909

  Phone:  517/373-2063

  FAX: 517/335-5140



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