[nfbmi-talk] Fw: Amended FOIA Response to Request Dated 6-20-12 - BEP Equipment Inventory

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Wed Jul 18 13:23:31 UTC 2012

----- Original Message ----- 
From: joe harcz Comcast 
To: Farmer, Mel (LARA) 
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 9:22 AM
Subject: Re: Amended FOIA Response to Request Dated 6-20-12 - BEP Equipment Inventory

Again equipment are not personal or confidential information under the FOIA. This is ludicrous and clearly a smoke screen.

But I thank you for this and so will the AuditorGeneral's Office, as well as will the media, and I think the Office of Inspector General at the U.S. Department of Education will be real interested as well as they purchase the equipment at issue which this agency doesn't seem to know where it is.


Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.

cc: several

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Farmer, Mel (LARA) 
  To: 'joe harcz Comcast' ; Haynes, Carla (LARA) 
  Cc: Cannon, Patrick (LARA) ; Haynes, Carla (LARA) ; Turney, Susan (LARA) ; Zanger, Connie (LARA) ; Hull, James (LARA) ; Duell, Elsie (LARA) ; Luzenski, Sue (LARA) 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 8:26 AM
  Subject: RE: Amended FOIA Response to Request Dated 6-20-12 - BEP Equipment Inventory

  The records in question would first have to be examined to determine that there are no redactions.



  From: joe harcz Comcast [mailto:joeharcz at comcast.net] 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 6:49 AM
  To: Haynes, Carla (LARA)
  Subject: Re: Amended FOIA Response to Request Dated 6-20-12 - BEP Equipment Inventory


  By the way there is nothing in an equipment inventory to redact!




  Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.


  cc: several

    ----- Original Message ----- 

    From: Haynes, Carla (LARA) 

    To: joe harcz Comcast (joeharcz at comcast.net) 

    Cc: Cannon, Patrick (LARA) ; Luzenski, Sue (LARA) ; Farmer, Mel (LARA) ; Turney, Susan (LARA) ; Zanger, Connie (LARA) ; Hull, James (LARA) ; Duell, Elsie (LARA) 

    Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2012 4:45 PM

    Subject: Amended FOIA Response to Request Dated 6-20-12 - BEP Equipment Inventory


    July 12, 2012


    Mr. Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.

    E-mail: joeharcz at comcast.net

    1365 E. Mt. Morris Rd.

    Mt. Morris, MI 48458


    Re:  Amended FOIA Response on BEP Equipment Inventory


    Dear Mr. Harcz, Jr.:


    This letter is an amended response to your June 20, 2012, email request for copies of public records, received on June 21, 2012.  Please be informed that the Department's Michigan Commission for the Blind (MCB) is processing this request under the state's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), MCL 15.231 et seq.


    You have requested information as described in your email, a copy of which is below.


    Your request is granted as to existing, nonexempt records in the possession of this department responsive to your request.


    As to the denied portion of your request (email dated 7-10-11) even though under the state's FOIA, MCL 15.233, Section 3(4) & 3(5) we are not required to make a compilation, summary, or report of information, in the spirit of cooperation, if you wish, the MCB will compile an accessible spreadsheet report that is generated from the Business Enterprise System (System 7) data base.  Section 4(1) of the FOIA, MCL 15.234(1), provides that a public body may charge a fee for public record search, including the mailing, costs, the cost of duplication or publication including labor, the cost of search, examination, review, and the deletion and separation of exempt from nonexempt information. The Department 


    FOIA - P.J. Harcz, Jr.

    July 12, 2012

    Page 2 of 2





    estimates that a minimum of 20 hours of employee time must be drawn away from their respective duties and assignments to search, locate, and retrieve records to determine if they are responsive to your request, and to examine and review the responsive records for possible statutory exemptions from public disclosure. For the above reasons, the Department, pursuant to MCL15.234, Section 4(3) of the FOIA, has determined that failure to charge a fee in this particular instance will result in unreasonably high costs to the Department. The estimated costs to process this request, based on the hourly wages (including fringe benefits) of the lowest paid Department employee capable of performing the necessary tasks to comply with the request is $502.00.


    This estimate includes the labor time for creating the spreadsheet along with the research, retrieval and redaction time/costs for approximately 1500 documents relative to equipment transfers and disposals.


    Therefore, in order to complete the processing of your request, based on the hourly wages of the lowest paid Department employees capable of performing the necessary tasks to process the request, under MCL 15.234, Section 4(2) of the state's FOIA, the Department requires a good faith deposit of $251.00, which is one-half of the total estimated $502.00.   See the attached Invoice Calculations illustrating estimated costs and payment instructions.


    Under MCL 15.240 of the state's FOIA, you may, (1) submit a written appeal regarding the denial of any portion of your FOIA request to Mr. Steven H. Hilfinger, Director, Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, Attention: Mike Zimmer, Chief Deputy Director, Ottawa Building, 4th Floor, P.O. Box 30004, Lansing, MI 48909. Your appeal notice must include the word "appeal" and identify the reason(s) for reversal of the disclosure denial(s); or (2), you may seek judicial action in circuit court to compel disclosure within 180 days of the Department's final determination. If you prevail in court action, the court may award you reasonable attorney fees, costs, and disbursements. If the court finds the Department's actions to be arbitrary and capricious, the court shall award, in addition to any actual or compensatory damages, punitive damages in the amount of $500.00. 





    Carla Miller Haynes, FOIA Coordinator

    Michigan Commission for the Blind



    1.      Email of 6-20-12

    2.      Invoice (2 pages)


    cc:     Patrick Cannon

              Mel Farmer

              Susan Turney

              Elsie Duell

              Constance Zanger

              James Hull



    From: joe harcz Comcast [mailto:joeharcz at comcast.net]  

    Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 1:28 PM 

    To: Cannon, Patrick (LARA) 

    Cc: Luzenski, Sue (LARA); MARK CODY; Elmer Cerano MPAS; Zimmer, Mike (LARA); Craig McManus RSA; 

    Larry Posont MCB Comm.; Joe Sibley MCBVI Pres.; lydia Schuck MCB Comm.; John Scott MCB Comm.; 

    Vendorsmi at nfbnet.org; nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org; James Chaney EOC; Hazell Brooks 

    Subject: send me the inventory now!


    Request Cannon June 20, 2012 Accountability


    Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.

    1365 E. Mt. Morris Rd.

    Mt. Morris, MI 48458

    E-mail: joeharcz at comcast.net


    Re: Equipment inventory


    Patrick D. Cannon

    Director, Michigan commission for the Blind 

    (Via e-mail)


    Dear Mr. Cannon


    I'm writing to you as the Director of the Michigan commission for the Blind to remit all spreadsheets, and other data related to the MCB's Equipment Inventory that is a required and ongoing obligation of your and the BEP staff. Certainly it is your and others obligations to account to for who, what, when where and why and how or federally taxpayer funded stuff is!


    This isn't rocket sconce sir. It is a matter of accounting and accountability for where and how our taxpayer's monies are accounted for. You are paid in excess of $125,000 per year to in part know just where this stuff is.


    Your job description also requires that you ensure subordinates like Zanger and Hull and Promotional Agents know where our stuff is. Yet, no one knows where anything is apparently. 


    Also this goes to the ggross dereliction of ongoing duties by PA, Josh Hoskins and his superiors including yourself in the loss of a $7,000 snack machine at he "Holt Rest Area" demolished or otherwise lost do to dereliction of known duties and that has not been responded to and there is no accountability for this or other actions/inactions by you, the boss.


    What gives here?


    Send me this inventory stuff in accessable format which is to send it to me as Word 

    attachments/and/or plain text enclosures to my e-mail adress listed above pursuent to obligations under the Rehabilitation Act of which you are well aware and title II of the ADA.


    Do it now.




    Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.


    Cc: MCB Commissioners

    Cc: EOC

    Cc: RSA

    Cc: Mike Zimmer, LARA

    Cc: MCBVI

    Cc: NFB MI


    CC: several








    Mr. Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.

    E-mail: joeharcz at comcast.net

    1365 E. Mt. Morris Rd.

    Mt. Morris, MI 48458


    REQUEST RECEIVED:  June 20, 2012





    REQUESTED INFORMATION WILL BE:  Emailed/Invoiced For Partial Payment

    ACCOUNT CODE:  Index:   36200        PCA: 11343


    DLARA CONTACT:  Melvin Farmer, Central FOIA Coordinator (517) 373-0194, Ottawa Building, 4th Floor, 611 W. Ottawa, Lansing, MI  48909


    The FOIA provides that the department may charge a fee to comply with requests for public records.  The processing fee is composed of hourly wages and benefit costs of the lowest paid employee(s) capable of processing the request; the duplication of records at assessed costs per page; mailing costs; and other related special costs.  Prior to searching and copying requested records, the department may request full payment or 50% of the estimated costs exceeding $50.00 with the balance required before mailing the records.  Assessed costs are related to your request for:


    "to remit all spreadsheets, and other data related to the MCB's Equipment Inventory that is a required and ongoing obligation of your and the BEP staff."










              Locating and Duplicating Cost:  

                       Number of Hours: 17 times Hourly Rate: $25.10 = Amount: $426.70

              Examining and Extracting Cost:  

                       Number of Hours: 3 times Hourly Rate: $25.10 = Amount:  $75.30

    TOTAL LABOR:           $502.00

    POSTAGE (estimate):          $0

    DUPLICATING:  Number of Pages times Copying Rate of $.25        $0

    OTHER (overtime, audio tapes, discs, photos, security, etc.):  $0

    SUBTOTAL:       $502.00

    Less waived indigency fee under FOIA Act MCL 15.234 Section 4(1)       $0 (not requested)


    INVOICE TOTAL:        $502.00


    DEPOSIT* $251.00


    BALANCE TO BE PAID:      $251.00


    Make check or money order payable to:         STATE OF MICHIGAN

    Remit to:              Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs

    Office Services Mailroom

    7150 Harris Drive, PO Box 30015

    Lansing, MI  48909




    *Please note that if a deposit is requested, the indicated amount is an estimate of the cost of complying with your request.  The actual cost may vary somewhat from this amount.



    Carla Miller Haynes

    DLARA Michigan Commission for the Blind

    201 N. Washington Sq., 2nd Floor

    P.O. Box 30652

    Lansing, MI  48909

    Phone:  517/373-2063

    FAX: 517/335-5140



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